30 Day Shred... enough for losing pounds?

...Has anyone on here done or is doing the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels? I'm wondering if it's enough to get to my goal weight- it is only 25 mins long, but it's intense cardio/abs/strength training combined into one workout.

***I do watch my calories and can only eat 1200cal a day

height =5'8"
cw= 158.5


  • bruintamer
    bruintamer Posts: 183 Member
    I think most people that have completed 30DS will tell you that they didn't lose too many lbs but lost a lot of inches. That was also the case for me. I dropped maybe 3 lbs but lost a lot of back fat and inches all around...very noticeable difference in my endurance and appearance but not so much on the scale...
  • jburls23
    jburls23 Posts: 22
    I've been wondering the same thing!! I feel like I've worked hard after the 25 min but when it's over I feel like its too good to be true... thinking of adding in a 30 min run or another cardio dvd
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I lost 1.5 lbs... I was pissed at first but realized i lost 10.5 inches ... I'm okay with that... but I wish I did more supplemental cardio in order to lose a bit more weight.
    Now I'm doing insanity.. 10 days in... no LB loss, but I was following their food guide and am now going back to just doing mfp calorie goals (I am tired of doing all this work and not seeing the scale move)
  • Zkinkel
    Zkinkel Posts: 13
    I think it is a great workout however if you don't limit calories you will never get rid of final pounds.... I wish it wasn't so though....
  • blacksagephoenix
    blacksagephoenix Posts: 22 Member
    Maybe if you do both the 30 Day Shred WITH the Ripped in 30 meal plan... That is what I plan on doing when I hit a plateu.
