Acai Berry and Colon Cleansing

Hi MFP members,
I came across many ads on Acai Berry and Colon Cleansing, and those free trials being offered, success stories, etc.

Anyone here actually used these products before? Does it really help in weight loss?


  • ccmurra
    bevery careful if you order this...i looked up complaints on acai berry and there were many complaints of companies charging the accounts even when people tried to stop the orders from coming. There were many people saying that they were scammed. I would do much investigating before ordering any supplies from anyone.

    Hope this helps.
  • trshumway
    trshumway Posts: 7 Member
    I posted a message under the heading "Fast Weight Loss Vs. Health Issues" about my detox experience in June. Acai Berry was one of the staple of the details, as well as regaular colonics (not the actual colon cleanse pills or drinks - those can be very harsh on your system.) I had an amzing experience, but also understand that it's not for everyone. It gives your weight loss a huge boost, but mots importantly a detox can really change your realtionship with food, so the long-term effects are what really count. I hope this helps.

    If you ever do decide to order any supplies, a great website, that I have personally used, is It is a legitimate website that sells health and wellnes products at affordable prices - they will not scam you.

    Good luck!
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    I've heard eating a lot of prunes will 'cleanse your colon'...

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hmm be careful on those "free trials" don't give out ur CC # or anything like that cuz they will charge u in the long run. and also they usually just flush out water not actual fat. in my opinion anyway
  • MsMiller
    I take acai on a regular basis it is jst a very good berry to have in ur system.. but dont depend on those fad diets because you will lose the weight, but u will gain it all back and maybe more very rapidly... acai will curb your appetite and help give u that full filling .... i always take a shot of acai in the morning... the colon cleansing thats for u t o decide. some people love it... however, a lot of doctors wont recommend it unless it is completely necessary...
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    I haven't used either, but I work in a surgery center and have seen more than one patient come in who uses colon cleanse products that have melanosis coli - a darkening of the colon... overuse of any laxative (and that is really all colon cleansig products are) can cause it. It makes it much more difficult to screen your colon for colon cancer and other problems.
  • Lisar97
    Lisar97 Posts: 8 Member
    I tried this for almost a month and while I am not sure it did anything, it did apparently give me a rash. I probably had signs of it coming on before but didn't realize it until the upper half of me was covered and very itchy. This was the only fairly new thing I had tried so I stopped it yesterday and the rash is starting to go away. So, while not everyone will have this reaction fortunately, it is certainly possible. So, i just wanted to throw that out there in case it happens to anyone else. Hope it doesn't though!