Diet Soda (for those who gave it up)



  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I just don't drink soda anymore. I drink coffee, tea (iced of hot) and lots of water. Love sparkling San Pelegino with lime!
  • Gergal73
    Gergal73 Posts: 36 Member
    I had absolutely no intention of giving up diet soda when my journey began, but over the course of about 18 months, it has happened. I started drinking water and now my body simply wants plain water. I used to drink 5 or 6 cans of diet soda daily and now I have maybe one or two cans per week. I feel much better, am able to exercise longer, I sleep better, and it is saving me a lot of money. I've also noticed that my blood sugars have become much more stable without the soda (I'm a type 1 diabetic).

    I don't think there is anything wrong with diet soda and I will have one if I want., but for the most part, my body now prefers H2O.

  • abbybean11
    abbybean11 Posts: 122 Member
    it's worth giving up just for the way that it affects your teeth! why would you drink diet soda when it has no positives effects on your health (and according to some people has negative effects)? just drink water :)
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    I didn't drink diet soda but I did use a lot of sugar free drink packets after I stopped drinking regular soda and juice. I never had any issues with the artificial sweetners like headaches, but I did notice after I gave up drinking sweetened drinks on a regular basis that I stopped having insatiable cravings for sweets or snacking. It is like the sweetness of the drink was some sort of trigger.
  • harleygaljojo
    harleygaljojo Posts: 111 Member
    I have never had any problems with diet drinks. I used to drink atleast 5 a day. Now I only drink maybe 2 a day
    and I drink carbinated flavored water with zero calories the rest of the time. I have a real problem with drinking
    plain water.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I've always had migraines. I never thought it was from diet soda but now that I gave up diet soda almost completely (I have maybe one every month or so), I am having them less so maybe that was one of my many triggers.
  • SusieLamon
    SusieLamon Posts: 29 Member
    Well, I was an addict. Diet Sunkist or Diet Dr. Pepper. LOVED THEM BOTH and I still do. I cut way back in April. Then I ran out one day and couldn't get to the store. I realized I started losing better, I think because of water retention. The diet sodas bloat me a little and make my body hold on to water. When I first cut back to one 12 oz a day, I noticed an increase in my energy level. When I cut them out altogether, another increase in energy. I'm not sure if that is due to the diet sodas, or an increase in exercise, or both. But I do know I feel better when I don't drink them. Interestingly enough, I did have a Diet Sunkist this morning! First one in a while, but no problems with it! I think cutting them out except for an occasional one does help. But, we are all different!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I always craved sweet snacks when I drank Diet Pepsi. I consumed at least 2 - 3 a day for over 25 years. I know there are a lot of posters that say it does not cause these cravings, but since I have quit drinking them, I no longer crave sugar. I am a life long chocoholic. Little Debbie could have been a family member! I just don't want the sweets anymore. I have also been able to drop 33 pounds since the first of March. Don't know how scientific this is - but in my book I'm cured of my ever wanting a diet drink again.
  • mkrainville7409
    mkrainville7409 Posts: 40 Member
    I used to drink Diet Soda with lunch ... and any time that we went out to eat. I loved it. However - I have noticed some differences now that I havent drank it. When I first stopped drinking it - I had headaches a few days after I stopped. That went away. Ive noticed that gastrointestinally things are better too.... i used to experiance "gas" bubbles from soda.. where now I have NONE :) it was almost like gas pains rather than actual flatulance/burps. I am adictd to caffine so I drink unsweet tea now. I also drink black coffee in the mornings ... every now and then I add milk. But mostly black coffee.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I'm actually still drinking diet wild cherry pepsi.

    But I'm on a low carb diet right now, and its supposed to help curb cravings. I definitely notice since I started drinking diet that it makes me want other sweet things. It like drinking that I can tell myself it won't hurt my diet, but the sweets it makes me crave will.

    Once the 12 pack is gone, I don't think I will buy anymore. No need to drink it. I have coffee which is good for many people. Going back to water.

    In fact, I just ate 4 rectangles of a hershey's bar and I think it was partly attributable to the diet soda wooing me back to sweets. ;)
  • newfette81
    newfette81 Posts: 185
    I was a hard core Sweets craver, cheesecake, nanimo bars, cookies... anything i could get my hands on. but when i stopped drinking soda all those cravings stop and in turn I feel a lot better because I'm not eatting so much sugar
  • DaniAhrens
    DaniAhrens Posts: 1 Member
    Within a week of stopping diet soda and artificially sweetened drinks, I lost an inch on my belly! I hadn't changed anything else!!
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I gave up diet soda about a year ago. I actually did have low-grade headaches for about a week and that was it. I replaced it with iced tea for a while instead of water, and now just go water 98% of the time. Or beer.
  • jlblair3
    jlblair3 Posts: 1 Member
    I gave up diet soda at the beginning of the year when someone told me about reports that it caused individuals to crave more sweets. Just a little history about me...I was a HUGE diet soda-a-holic. It was nothing to drink nearly 6 cans a day and I did not think twice. I weened myself off slowly...only a few a day and started drinking other flavored beverages like Crystal Light. I did not suffer like I expected I would. I did feel better...more hydrated. When I became comfortable with that, I quit all diet sodas and only drank Crystal Light. Well...that still had additives and my goal was to not drink anything with sugar substitue so I finally did it...I now only drink water, unsweetened iced tea and black coffee. As I mentioned...I am more hydrated and my skin is looking better and brighter than before. It's now been about 5 months without diet soda or anything with artificial additives and I feel good. More than anything...I have the knowledge now that I had the strength to give up something I was once so attached to. It's helped open other doors to me for things I never thought I could do. This may be more than you were wanting...but the short answer...I feel great!!!
  • utherb42
    utherb42 Posts: 3 Member
    I drank 2-4 cans of Diet Coke/Diet Dr Pepper every day for about 20 years.

    I had thought about getting off diet soda, and all artificial sweeteners for years. Then my doc told me aspartame was an appetite stimulant and that was the last straw. I went back and forth for a few weeks and the Diet Coke really did seem to increase my appetite.

    It took me about 3 months to completely wean myself off the Diet Coke. I have noticed the I have less upset stomach and less intense cravings/hunger.
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    I gave it up about 7 years ago for Lent. I was drinking way too much soda. I switched to water only and hae continued that with the occasional caffeine free soda or tea. Now, if I drink anything caffeinated sometimes it makes my heart rate speed up. I find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. I feel more rested most of the time. And it definitely has lowered my cravings for sweets.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member

    I'm not saying that I never drink soda any more, but I try not to, and I would definitely say that diet soda is NOT a good alternative to water.

    so much stuff in this world is awful for you
    I feel like I have a healthy diet to where I can fit in some diet chemical goodness into my life.

    When I said a good alternative...I meant its a good change of pace for me.
  • jayjrf
    jayjrf Posts: 25
    I grew up drinking diets. Family thought they were better for you. I got off diets when my car wouldn't start and I had to use diet Coke to clean the terminals. Worked. If soda can eat corrosion, I didn't want to drink it.

    Fiance got into car trouble one day on a family vacation. Same deal, corroded terminals. Her brother had a Sprite. Worked. Clean terminals.

    I can honestly say that my thinking and overall way I felt was much better when I started drinking water. Was hard at first, but I just kept on it till I got used to it.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    looks like I have clean pipes then :)
  • CristaA42962
    CristaA42962 Posts: 45 Member
    I feel less bloated not drinking diet soda, or any soda for that matter. It never caused me any problems one way or another but the minute I gave it up, I dropped like 2 lbs pretty quickly and my clothes started feeling better. It's so hard for me to give up that kinda stuff but I honestly feel it was more benificaial in the long run. I will still treat myself though. Or else I would go crazy!! Lol. To each their own and whatever works!!