Making it through Calgary Stampede week?

The Calgary Stampede is coming up (it lasts about a week), it's normally insane but this year is the 100th anniversary. I'm expecting a lot more Stampede parties (with alcohol and lots of food) and food trucks with all their deep fried goodies taking over the city, not to mention the free pancake breakfasts every day. Due to work obligations I am required to be at some of these parties and don't want to stand in the corner glaring at the poor chef serving pulled pork while a puddle of drool forms around my feet.
Short of becoming a temporary hermit, are there any suggestions of how to get over the cravings or how to politely decline the seasonal deliciousness without saying "no thanks, I had to lay down to do up my pants this morning and can't afford another pound"?


  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I've been to the Stampede once, and it was the time of my life - I'd love to be there for the 100th. My only suggestion, would be to aim for smaller portions and not overdoing it. Other than that, do a lot of walking, and have fun!!
  • Stephie_lee
    Stephie_lee Posts: 22
    it's definitely easy to get lots of walking in, cabs are next to impossible to come by this time of year. I suppose I could have one bite of a deep fried twinkie and then give the rest of it to my BF :)
    ....and there's a grilled cheese sandwich truck parked outside of my office building right now.
  • sjmeadsander
    Hey! My hubbs and I will be going to the grandstand show (first time for both, even though we're both born and raised) and i'm NOT looking forward to all the goodies he wants to eat while we're there...(well...i am not looking forward to that puddle of so what i'm going to do is have a good healthy meal before we go, so i'm not that hungry. Make sure i bring some apples or something in my bad so i can snack on those, and be happy with just a bite here and there from my husband's treats. There's SO much new stuff (red velvet funnel cake...jack daniels fudge...) that i am thinking this will be the best way for me to not over indulge.
    PLEASE let me know if you get any other tips on this!