In your twenties and social? So hard to count calories!


I am looking for girlfriends on here who are, like me, in their twenties and very social. I am finding it so hard to count calories and balance my social life -- being on a diet involves planning, and I've lately been turning down last-minute or even last-hour invitations to go places because I know it'll ruin my calorie-count for the day if I do.

Alcohol is a big concern, but food is too -- I can go to the bar and nurse one slow drink even if it's not as much fun, but it feels like a bummer to go to someone's house for a spontaneous meal and have to eat like a freaking bird because they cooked macaroni and cheese for me and more than 1/2 a cup will tip me over for the day.

I don't want to tell my friends I'm on a diet, because I just don't want to have to talk about it -- I'm private in that regard. And even if I was open about it, it doesn't help the fact that I'm having less fun because I'm trying to watch what I eat.

Furthermore, I'm single -- and ostensibly meeting men is one of the reasons I want to lose weight, but without going to bars and parties I won't meet ANYONE! So I just sit at home alone, looking thin, eating carrots :( I wonder what the point is sometimes.

Any ladies in this boat? Friend me so we can support each other!


  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    i'm not 20 but I still have the same issues. But i'm wondering what you're going to do once you lose your weight and you're faced with the same issues. I know I definately don't wanna stop going out just because I can't eat everything that's going around. I've found what sometimes helps for me, is not focusing on the food so much as the socializing. I went to a baby shower. There was tons of food....of course. I made a point of focusing on socializing and helping out, not the eating part. Of course I ate, but I ate very little because I was too busy socializing. If you're going to a barbecue or dinner...same thing applies, just try to focus on the socializing part and helping out or whatever, just not the food. I dunno, I found this helped for me. Good luck and just don't give up!!!
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    Also not 20's but when a friend calls to invite you to dinner say, "great, I'll bring a salad!" or some other items you know you can have a larger portion of. Even if that means you bring a premade salad from a salad bar or deli. Grab a bottle of dressing or make some in a mason jar to bring along. your friends will appreciate the extra effort and you get food you can EAT!

    Bar? Stay away from the alcohol and have sparkling water and lime? Iced tea? Whatever. Save yourself a DUI ;) or have your one drink and then switch to iced tea. Bring Stevia to sweeten it yourself. I doubt anyone will care what you are drinking.
  • harleigh67
    harleigh67 Posts: 131
    love your answer about bringing something!!!!!
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Carrots? Exercise and earn something yummy to snack on but don't go overboard. Nurse it.

    And drink water instead of booze like other suggested. That's what I do. No one cares.
  • Jessaustx
    Jessaustx Posts: 130
    Sister, these are my exact issues! Shoot me a FR, we'll get along great!
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    Try to plan your days around. If you know you're going on a date for dinner, eat lighter for lunch. Same for drinks. Or going to a friends house. When my best friend is in town, I always keep 200 calories left in my day for wine and/or chocolate, in case she calls me late in the evening for some steamy gossip.
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    Exactly me. Just FR you and sent you a message :)
  • HealthyNFit4Life
    HealthyNFit4Life Posts: 185 Member
    I can definitely relate. Remember, this is a LIFESTYLE, not a diet. Do you ever have "cheat" days?? It's okay to have something you enjoy once in a while. Go out and have fun and don't let your diet control your social life!!
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    Protion control and get healthy friends. You can't stop living your life because you are trying to lose weight. What about suggesting healthy options or a get together at the gym. Order one drink and work on it all night then hit the dance floor and burn some calories.
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    Literally just in from a night out, managed to behave myself mostly. I had saved up calories today for going out. I suppose with last minute things you could go enjoy yourself and have a great day foodwise the following day plus extra exercise.
  • morgiedoll333
    morgiedoll333 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in the same boat for sure! I guess I just try to be extra careful and exercise more on days following the nights i go out. Friend request me! :)
  • amberiam
    amberiam Posts: 55 Member
    Remember, this is a LIFESTYLE, not a diet.

    I think she hit the nail on the head here! You have to balance it. Like someone else said, if you know you're going out, try to eat healthier that day and exercise a little more. You have to live your life, and there are going to be temptations and difficult food situations for the rest of your life. If you're making smart choices 85% of the time, then going out or to a friend's house won't set you back. You can do this! =)
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Could you work out more so you can eat more? That's how I roll.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    as i started training my group of friends kind of changed to more with common intrests like mine so makes it a bit easier but even so once in a while i go out ppl try to peer pressure and some have even ignored me saying no and went bought me a drink of food anyways tryign to tell me they payed for it so i ahve to eat it.. n i would just tell them thnx... but stfu ur an idiot cuz i told u i cant... n now they have learnt their lessons to just leave me alone and respect what im doing... n now they are all asking me to help them achive same/similar results to mine...
  • jmoney34
    jmoney34 Posts: 61 Member
    I feel your pain, you have no idea! I'm from Wisconsin so drinking beer is as common as drinking 8 glasses of water a day. There's also nothing to do here but drink and eat! And deep fried cheese is one of our specialties! :) I'll tell you what I do. Not saying it's right, but it's what I do!

    1. I drink vodka waters with a lime. Squeeze the lime into the drink. Don't knock it 'til you try it! The first time I was introduced to them I wasn't even going to try it. I ended up trying it and it HONESTLY tastes like water. Some of my friends use lemon instead.

    2. Drink MGD 64 or Bud Select 55.

    3. Fill up on healthy foods BEFORE you go out, that way you might be less tempted to eat bad foods. I also keep healthy junk food at my house if I'm drunk and want to snack when I get home. My go-to-drunk-snack is usuall a pizza lean pocket!

    4. Stand, walk, and dance as much as possilbe while out to burn calories.

    5. If I know I'm going out I'll try to eat EXTRA healthy all day to save up calories and I'll work out EXTRA hard (usually burn at least 500 cals) so I don't feel so guilty about going out.

    6. A lot of people on here frown upon this, but whatever I do what I want! If i KNOW i have an event on the weekend that I'll over-indulge a bit, I make sure to eat a little less during the week before to "save" calories. I'll shoot for 100-200 less per day which gives me 500-1000 extra calories for the event!

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. It sucks when all my skinny friends (and guy friends) want to go out all the time and I always say no because I hate my body. I REALLY want to be out with them, but I also don't want to look like this anymore!
  • trybabytry
    trybabytry Posts: 181
    It's so incredibly nice to hear that people are having these same issues, but pushing through them. The idea about bringing something low-cal is so smart! As is the "burn calories on the dancefloor" comment, I'm going to try to push my friends towards clubs more often, LOL.

    I do exercise a decent amount already -- I run 3-4 miles 5 days a week -- but it wouldn't kill me to push it harder! It'd be so worth it to not have to be anxious anytime someone asks me to come out for a beer or a BBQ.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I just sent you a FR, I'm in a similar boat.

    I just recently started watching my calories and such, and I'm in the same boat and haven't really told my friends I'm on a diet, I just tell them that I'm trying to watch what i eat because eating foods that aren't good for me make me feel like crap. Going out to eat is kind of easy, I try to pre-plan and only eat half my meal depending on my calories. As far as drinks, I usually drink a few drinks and add water in between, most people don't notice, especially because I drink Vodka & Soda water with a lime, so a water with a lime no one notices. If I know I'm planning on going out and having a few extra drinks I make sure I work extra hard at the gym and save up the calories for it. I like the idea of offering to bring a salad or whatever for it. I definitely understand though, most of my friends DONT watch what they eat or really care because they all have fairly fast metabolisms, have serious boyfriends/married, and I'm single and looking to turn heads haha. Feel free to message me, I definitely could use more friends that understand!
  • 1LRoy
    1LRoy Posts: 95 Member
    You could also suggest activities that don't center around food for you and your friends... go dancing, take a class together, go for a hike, see a play, etc. There's lots of things you can do that don't center around food and drinks.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Finding the balance is key. If I go to a friends place for a BBQ for example, I'll make a garden salad and bring some lean meat - nothing out of the ordinary but a good healthy alternative.

    If I'm going out to eat, I'll save up some cals that day so I have extra to spend on dinner, or plan it as a spike day.

    For drinking I'll choose lighter alternatives and/or just drink less. Instead of bee, I'll have a vodka and soda or something similar.

    There are a number of ways you can just make small adjustments to the way you live, a little more planning is usually involved, but nothing good comes for free right!?!
  • LeggiGetsFit
    LeggiGetsFit Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 24 and in college and dealing with all these issues lately. I just got a text from a friend yesterday who was actually MAD that I'm eating healthy and working out. She told me to stop doing those things and to start hanging out with her more because she's more fun than being healthy. I couldn't even believe my eyes... A friend telling me she would rather I be unhealthy with her than healthy? Rude! It's hard to balance social life with this new lifestyle but I find it a LOT easier to be social with people who are on my page. Start going to your local or schools gym and make some friends there! Or if you have a farmers market, start frequenting there! People who eat veggies together, stay together. ;)