New Here, 145 Pounds to Lose



  • 77MOM2ATM
    77MOM2ATM Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome! You can do it! Believe in yourself. I haven't done great everyday, but I have lost some weight,and I feel much better. It's nice seeing where you "spend" your calories, fat, carbs, etc. I have always believed in journals and to me, it is basically just that. It gives you a way to control your eating habits, change them around, etc. It's about getting healthy, don't forget that. Don't focus so much on numbers...focus on health and how you feel. :) That's only my opinion of course ;-) Best of luck to you!
  • thinnerthaniam
    thinnerthaniam Posts: 15 Member
    Visualize the way you want to look and don't slow down until you get there. Calculate everything you do and eat and make it a game you want to win. Exercise when you're feeling stressed out....try eating off really small plates of healthy food and don't have seconds. Drink lots of water and get lots of sleep. You'll do great!!
  • Shanayshi
    Shanayshi Posts: 2
    Hey everyone.... Wow you can really hear all the intense support with this site. It was recommended to me by the physical health line.... My long journey to a better me. All thanks to my Doctor. In order to have children I need to be healthier. After a huge loss in my life I got really depressed and gained a lot of weight and it has been a yo yo ride since. I have always been naturally curvy, big boned. I was extremely athletic, competitive dancer for many years. After my 16th birthday my older sister who I was close with passed away. It's been almost 10 years. I so badly want to make a change to become a healthy happier person. I need a big kick in the butt. I know I can do it, it's a matter of actually doing it. Help me please!
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey everyone.... Wow you can really hear all the intense support with this site. It was recommended to me by the physical health line.... My long journey to a better me. All thanks to my Doctor. In order to have children I need to be healthier. After a huge loss in my life I got really depressed and gained a lot of weight and it has been a yo yo ride since. I have always been naturally curvy, big boned. I was extremely athletic, competitive dancer for many years. After my 16th birthday my older sister who I was close with passed away. It's been almost 10 years. I so badly want to make a change to become a healthy happier person. I need a big kick in the butt. I know I can do it, it's a matter of actually doing it. Help me please!

    if u set ur mind to it u will succeed i just joined yesterday and have gotten so much support from people onthis site so you have come to the right place feel free to add me and i will be part of the support team for you