Fitness ideas after surgery

Hi all,
I've just re-added MFP to my phone, encouraged by my son. Looking at counting calories again and keeping track of the good food. I have recently had arthroscopic knee surgery and am looking at some good exercises not weight bearing on the knees. I can stand and walk but feel the pressure, any friends to help on my way to my fitness goals would be great. Thanks, p.s. I'm 41 so, those that can relate especially age wise would be great.


  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I don't - but I found this

    this should bump your question back up

    (I sympathize - I was never given any guidelines after severe ankle surgery and was in a wheel chair for months and got a blood clot in my thigh from lack of leg movements - though my arms got really strong from pushing myself around)
  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    I feel your pain. I have had more then my fair share of joint surgerys and there isn't any thing Fun about it. I'm getting a full knee replacement in October.

    There are a few things you can do, based on what your doctor tells you.

    Get on a bike. Start with very low resistancse, if any, and build up over time. You als might want to think about getting I the pool. if your still have a lot of pain, swimming might be hard, but how about some water walking. If you gym has an ergometer, you could use that to get your heart rate up. You might als want to think about getting a Pilates reformer Instructor. Those machine have helped keep me strong through all my surgerys.

    All that being said, no reason you can't work on your upper body with some free weights. Depending on how you feel.
    Just make sure out take your time and rehab it properly or you will end up with a whole different set of challenges.
  • kktoland
    kktoland Posts: 7
    I feel your pain. Went in for a simple meniscus repair one week ago. Surgeon found that cartilage on one side was almost gone. Now after a more extensive procedure, cannot weight-bear on that knee for six weeks. Only 46 yrs old so figured I should lose some significant wt before I wreck my body. Walking was my most consistent exercise before. Maybe we can encourage each other. I may try swimming in the future to limit stress to joints.
  • Bones093070
    Thank you I will go check out the link when I get a chance! :) Yes, I want to avoid anything getting worse and figured there has to be someone out there that has a better idea than what I do. I go back to the doctor next Tuesday to get the stitches out. I may look into a bike and some upper body stuff. Not sure about the pool yet, maybe in time. Everything seems to be good. Thank you all. Yes, any support I can get is great!!