what to do

What do u do when ur so tired at nite but u cant sleep cause all u want to do is snack


  • typingathome
    typingathome Posts: 100 Member
    I work all night long so I deal with that a lot. Try a glass of water with some lemon in it, maybe a piece of fruit. Something to fill you up and hopefully get you ready for sleep! I just started last week so I am new to all this. Good luck!
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
    i just joined yesterday i think most of the reason why i want to snack is due to stress i have so much stuff going on rite now im getting my self stressed out
  • WestCoastRed
    WestCoastRed Posts: 18 Member
    Drink a glass of water or a cup of herbal tea and maybe air-pop some popcorn...
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
    thank you both for the tips
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
    i have tried a glass of whater that helped a lil bit but i still want to snack it feels like i havent eatten enough today but i did
  • DriniLove
    DriniLove Posts: 7 Member
    I'm just trying to get myself in shape and break my sugar addiction. I crave a snack so bad before bed that I get massive headaches. Today I tried to replace the sugar cravings by drinking 160z of water each time. I was hoping I would feel full. Well, I drank alot more water than I would normally; but the cravings were still there, and the headache. :( After a while, I decided to try ginger tea with fat free creamer instead of milk, and even 5tsp of sugar. it was ok. it did help for a few hours, and it didn't put me out that much on my goals. Finally, it was time for bed and I felt like baking a cake. But instead I had two serving of cereal. And although it did put me out a little, I figured it would have been worst if I made myself a homemade cake and ate a few slices. So I'm proud o fmyself for a first day. :) So my advice is.....try, hope it will get better and you will get over the craving, but in the mean time, do the least harmful thing. try apples and honey, cereal, tea, ...just try to stay away from what you know is most likely the worst idea to have in your mouth. For those of us who are just starting we have to trust those that have gone before us. They so you can break craving and addictions by healthy replacements for 30 days. I'm closer to starting the count down by trying I figure.
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    I had the same problem. I would drink a cup of coffee or tea. Two questions I would ask if the temptation to snack became too strong. Do I want to lose this weight more than I want food rite now? And if I eat this food, how will it make me feel about myself afterwards. Those have helped tremendously!!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Drink water!! No food at night. have a healthy snack a bit after dinner to hold you over until bed.
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
    today is my second day and the way i tried to lose weight before was to skip meals and snacks but i have never tried anything like this so its different when u dont realy know whats a healthy alternative.
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    If you have a sugar craving try some fresh cut strawberries with a little bit of Chocolate Cool whip(it is actually low in sugar, carbs and a lot less calories then a candy bar) Hope that helps! :-)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    If you're used to overeating and are now restricting your calories too much (ie. trying to lose 2 pounds per week) you will feel hungry all the time. It's best to ease into things a bit to give your body time to adjust. Sometimes it's necessary to set your weight loss goal to 1/2 a pound per week so that you can adjust to eating less.
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
    I had the same problem. I would drink a cup of coffee or tea. Two questions I would ask if the temptation to snack became too strong. Do I want to lose this weight more than I want food rite now? And if I eat this food, how will it make me feel about myself afterwards. Those have helped tremendously!!

    rite now i want to lose weight more then i want to eat. the main reason behind that is because i want to lose at least 60-70 pounds before my wedding in october
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
    If you're used to overeating and are now restricting your calories too much (ie. trying to lose 2 pounds per week) you will feel hungry all the time. It's best to ease into things a bit to give your body time to adjust. Sometimes it's necessary to set your weight loss goal to 1/2 a pound per week so that you can adjust to eating less.

    thanx that helps alot i understand now why i feel hungry
  • Misalayne
    Misalayne Posts: 84 Member
    Celery and salsa or a piece of fruit. Keep frozen grapes in the freezer too. Helps me.
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
    thanx everyone for the great advice
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    a tbsp of natural peanut butter and water. Then brush the teeth. I have to brush my teeth or it'll turn into six tbsp of peanut butter. lol
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
    i will deffenatly have to brush my teeth cause if not it would turn into the whole jar of peanut butter lol.
  • ajhr
    ajhr Posts: 92 Member
    Try having a glass of warm milk, sweeten it just a little if you must.
    It'll make you feel like you've had something and will probably help you fall asleep, too.
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
  • mollysonnotice
    I drink a bunch of water, so I get that sloshy feeling and I brush my teeth.

    If I'm still hungry, normally I tell myself that "Now I can have a super awesome breakfast in the morning"

    Something to look forward to.

    If you need to eat, go for some raw veggies!