Could use extra support from you!

Hello everyone my name is Michele and I have been on this journey my whole life to lose weight. It wasn't until april 22 2012 that it really hit home that i am in desperate need to lose the weight. So I starting a Weight Loss Journey My first weight in was 3267 lbs I could not believe my eyes sooo i took a long look in the mirror and stepped on the scale again and yep 327 two days later i decided to go ahead and video tape it and post it online for people to view to keep me motivated. So far It has been working My last weight in was on june 3 2012 and i was 296 lbs. it has only been 6 weeks and i am down over 30 lbs. I am so happy. All I have done to lose this weight is cut down on my calories. I take in 1200 to 1500 calories every day i drink nothing but water or diet green tea (calorie free) no soda coffee milk nothing. and i make sure I walk ever single day for at least an hour a day. I feel much better but i still have another 98 lbs to get to my main goal. then once i get there i will probably attempt to get to 170. If you would like to follow my weight loss and diet send me a friends request. :)


  • lippylou52
    lippylou52 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi congratulations on your weightloss so far keep up the good work You are doing so welll
  • aneexer
    aneexer Posts: 29
    Hey there :)

    You are doing really well with the weigh loss.
    It's nice to see you are determined and its paying off nicely for you :)
    Keep up the good work and yes I would like to follow your weight loss it gives me inspiration :)
  • got2gethealthy
    got2gethealthy Posts: 16 Member
    You are doing amazing! My name is Michelle and I started my journey to get healthy around the same time as you. Keep up the great work :smile: