binge eating anyone?!



  • jessienmiller
    jessienmiller Posts: 73 Member
    I am the same way ,i do really good then my husband decides he wants cookies and then here i am 3 servings of oreos later and i am so pissed at myself for doing it. It is like i have no control. Well today is a new day and I WILL NOT BINGE OR EAT JUNK TODAY!!!
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    I love to binge eat and then after im so mad at myself and feel like crap :(

    This always happens to me i think its a type of comfort eating
  • lputman71
    lputman71 Posts: 6
    I've had a problem with binge eating since I was a young adult, I don't understand why i do it either, and I always feel like a failure afterwards. i find that if I write an inspirational message and keep it in my direct vision all day it really helps.
  • frankcamenzuli
    frankcamenzuli Posts: 1 Member
    I have mfp on my iPhone so it goes with me everywhere so I watch everything I eat and it does get easier not to bInge eat once you get into the habit of good eating and watching the kilos melt away . But we are human to so I plan binge eating and it's something to look forward to lol. Just not to often
  • Bellabang
    Bellabang Posts: 7
    I am totally a binger...I just did it last night. I'll be doing great, and then BINGE. I'm getting better with what I binge on, though. My first binge in weeks was last night and it was dried cranberries and roasted peanuts. Sounds like good choices, but it added up to like 550 calories. We do what we can and learn from our mistakes, though, right?
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    I find that when I feel the urge to binge I pick up a large dill pickle...they have only about 5-10 calories, are satisfying because they give you something crunchy to chew and they take away all sugar cravings, I know that sounds crazy but it works. A dietician told me about this trick and it you are getting in a "vegetable". So try it next time.
  • asanfrotello
    You people are all making me feel better. I thought I was the only one who struggled with this. Just had a huge binge last night. Now I feel awful about myself. Today I'm back to tracking calories on MFP; I had taken a break from it but now I see that I can't be trusted on my own!
  • flyingcarbaccio
    flyingcarbaccio Posts: 92 Member
    I'm a binger. I thought about getting help for it. Keeping certain foods out of the house doesn't stop me.
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
    You just have to truly want to stop

    I think for some people, it's way, way more complicated than that. Reducing it to just a matter of having a weak will (while that certainly can be the case for a LOT of us) can be unproductive for people who have deep-seated (mind the pun) issues with food.

    I TOTALLY agree with this right here! it is harder for some people!
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
    I'm a binger. I thought about getting help for it. Keeping certain foods out of the house doesn't stop me.

    exactly the same way!!
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
    wow! thanks i have to try that!
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    Ugh...I have such a problem with us! What helps is not buying all the yummy junk food I like, so if there's nothing in the house that's appealing, I don't eat.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    Hah, yeah I have the need to binge on sweets--still. I thought the habit would have dissolved by now after hitting my goal but nope! I moved my calories up to maintenance and realized when I was given more leeway I took advantage--in a bad way. I moved it down to lose 1/2 lb. a week just so I have a stricter calorie budget. I think it's just going to take time and making it a conscious effort to not have the "good" stuff around the house.
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    Yup, I definitely go through this! I try to keep a dessert flavored gum on hand, like the Extra Apple Pie one, and that really seems to help me. It's very sweet and keeps my mouth busy!
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    Ugh...I have such a problem with us! What helps is not buying all the yummy junk food I like, so if there's nothing in the house that's appealing, I don't eat.

    ^This. I've spent lots of time scouring the pantry hoping to find a pack of cookies or chocolate hiding in there...I figure I burn enough calories rearanging the pantry that if I actually find's mine :wink:
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    Never feel pitiful. Remember, you are going to the gym. If you did, you know you did and are doing something to combat it then YAY! :D

    Good for you going to the gym.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I did good all day yesterday. My fiance was out with the guys at the movies. I ended up binging. I made noodles and topped it with cheddar cheese. I quickly scarfed it down. After I ate it, I felt awful. I then tried to get rid of it. I dont do this often, so I dont feel it is a problem but, I know this isn't healthy. Somehow, I need to get rid of the ocassional "binge" craving. Its only seldom when I am home by myself. But, I get angry at myself for doing this :(

    There are other times I binge with dill pickle chips. I will buy a big bag of the chips and eat them all in a day or two.
  • artnun
    artnun Posts: 7
    I 'm a binge eater . I had been keeping it at bay for quite a few years but then a couple of years ago it started creeping back( along with the weight)
    one thing that has helped me is to note what happened before you started binging, keep a binge diary. I noticed that i do it when I feel overwhelmed anxious or when I get frustrated. also if I am tired and don't get enough sleep. noting the emotional triggers for overeating and taking small steps to prevent them helps a lot, just taking a deep breath can help. also writing about it, keeping it in mind is a big help, If I keep the goals and the reasons I want to lose weight in front of me, that helps. also for me its a form of sabotage, and sometimes its helpful to ask myself why, and take action on that. also, tracking binges can help you pinpoint trends, etc. I have also found Overeaters anonymous helpful in this type of problem too.

    I noticed thatit is no special food substance that triggers bingeing, but I have found it useful to limit sugar. I allow my self sugar 2 days in the week, it helps me prevent ( or at least postpone ) a binge. I don't cut it out altogether or else that will trigger a binge!
    yikes, what a mess, lol! . whenever I binge I say, "well, that was dumb!" and just start again. I can't always prevent a binge, but I can take actions, to limit , reduce, and perhaps even eliminate them.
    keep up the great work and thanks for all the comments.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I binge all time and enjoy it sometimes its that big meal that makes you satisfied. I changed how though I do it though.

    - Lunch is the big meal. Gives me alot more time to burn off calories and pad it with a small dinner. Never anything late.
    - I aim at going low sodium & high fiber foods. My weakness is Baked Ziti, I changed to using a Low salt sauce and High Fiber pasta.
    - I prepare my Binge gives me something to look foward at and set my other meals to stay within calorie goals.
    - I make sure I'm going to torture myself physically. Normally I'll burn 60% of calories of what I had of the meal.

    Now my body wants a high calorie lunch and doesn't seem to want anything after 7pm now of days.
  • mumtowandz
    mumtowandz Posts: 7 Member
    I tend to over eat in the evenings when the family is all sound asleep. Thank goodness I limit my late night eating to healthy clean food choices. The only way I control it is to go to bed before my night demons strike:) I eat for pleasure, not because I'm hungry. I think the key is to know when it's gonna happen and have a back up plan in place to redirect your binging... Easier said than done. I am a work in progress:)