Outer Knee Pain While Running!! Advice Anyone :)

TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
Looking for advice here! :-) I recently have been stopped in my running tracks...from severe outer knee pain!! Luckily I'm going out of town for the weekend so no running for me...which will equal rest = good! However, I have a 10k next Saturday and I really want to do all I can to be ready and pain free!! Any advice would be great!! I've been icing, meds, elevation, and stretching!! I'm considering buying a IT band (assuming that may be my problem).

History: Started running Jan 2012, have recently uped my miles from 4-6 miles 2x a week and from 6-8 miles 1x a week. Right now I can only make it a mile before my knee starts hurting! In the same leg since Jan I've had shin splints, arch pain (still happens often), soleus pain and now the knee! I wear Nike Shox running or On Cloudrunners. The leg that often has injury I have a higher arch on that foot. I've also been doing Insanity.

I'm not asking for a cure...if it gets to bad I will seek medical attention :) just looking for ways to help before that arises (hoping it doesn't)! :)


  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    As I just went to get new running shoes yesterday for a similar problem I would suggest before your race to go to a running store because it may be your shoes.
  • fatboy235
    fatboy235 Posts: 147 Member
    It sounds like an Iliotibial Band issue. The only thing you can really do is rest it and stretch it. Here are a few links for you.

  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Would check with your Doc, could actually be Sciatic Nerve as well it often manifests as knee pain first. See your Doc.
    SHORTYSF Posts: 9
    My husband and I are healthcare professionals; my advice to you is to look at the variance in the posts above and recognize what you really need to do if the pain is that bad is to see the appropriate physician! Could be a number of things, but if you have a tear and you "stretch" it you could potentially worsen things. Knees are tricky - have it checked out.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Yeah, I had some pain last fall while training for my half marathon. I went to the chiropractor who specializes in athletes and he found there was a huge knot in my IT band. He did some therapy on it for me (which hurt really bad) and gave me stretches to do and it's better but when I start to feel it tweak now I know what to do so it doesn't get bad. I would see someone though before you start doing something that may damage it.

    I now have a foam roller that I use after my runs and sometimes if it feels tight just whenever. Definitely don't want to quit running because of it, just need to work around it before it becomes a problem. Get checked out asap.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Get medical advice now

    It could be easily fixed now, but if you leave it you'll end up causing damage. And if you mess up your knee, that will stop you doing a lot of different exercises
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I had the same problem and recently got an MRI.

    Waiting for the results.

  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    I have an IT Band issue and I use a foam roller and tennis ball to massage it. Works like a charm.
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    i got a knee brace or i wrap it the tightness helps. comes and goes now.
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    Definitely sounds like IT band. See a physical therapist (physio) or someone in sports medicine. They also refer to it as "Runner's Knee". You can work on it with the right stretches, exercises, the proper shoes for you, and some time spent on the dense foam roll. It's something you can overcome and recover from quickly.
  • mellyjonz
    mellyjonz Posts: 4
    If it continues I would seek medical help and ask to be sent to physical therapy.

    In the interim, it does sound like the IT band...arch pain too...you may need an orthodic in your sneaker...nothing crazy...Aetrex Lynco http://www.aetrex.com/products/Lynco-Sports-400-Series-%2d-L420.html

    If your foot is out of alignment your knee will have problems - I've had 14 surgeries on my foot - one on the knee, in the last 6 years, and have been in PT for months. This is what my PT would recommend.

    Start using warm moist heat on the knee/IT band before exercise/running for 10-15 minutes - and definitely before your 10K. IT band stretches as mentioned in the above post will help too. You'll also need to start doing hamstring exercises (don't start before your 10K), core work, lower back, adductor/abductor, and quad work - body weight squats (do NOT do leg extension exercises!!!).

    Foam roller too!! Work for myofacial release.
    Good luck!!!
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    sounds like IT band, but I also think you should go to the doctor to make sure....you don't want to mess around with knee pain, you are doing so awesome with your running you don't want to cause any damage that sidelines you! Just get it checked to make sure. Do you foam roll on a regular basis? That has really helped me a lot.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Definitely rest and see a doctor ..... but your running stride has a LOT to do with shin splints and knee pain. I used to have BAD shin splints. I changed my shoes to start out with to a more natural lighter shoe. Less cushion in the shoe. I used to wear a Saucony shoe with lots of cushion. Bad choice for running. It was higher in the heel and heavier. My new shoes are Saucony Grid profile. Very light and incredible. I''m sure there are better running shoes out there but I'll wait till these wear out. Ok, your stride! Heel strike is BAD! Causes shin splints,knee problems,other joint problems,lower back problems. I made myself closely pay attention to where I was placing my foot during my runs and I definitely had a heel strike. Especially in my left foot. And my left shin pain was very bad! My left side is my weaker side because of my scoliosis. You'll have to either have someone watch you run on a tread mill or be very aware of your foot placement. The ball of your foot should strike the ground first not your heel. I changed my stride. It took a lot of concentration and paying attention every time I would run but now I am now pain free!!!!! :happy: NO more shin splints! And I was plagued with them for years!!!! (the shin pain started in high school and I'm 45) Please look into this. I love my runs sooooo much more now. And I feel great.
  • ELM1414
    ELM1414 Posts: 28 Member
    I used to suffer from shin splints and I've had knee issues. The knee problem was actually caused by a hamstring injury. My chiro fixed it for me and suggested that I stretch my hamstrings and inner thighs before the run (after a short warm-up). I also bought Mizuno running shoes and I don't think I would ever use another brand again. I used to use Nikes and that is when I had shin splints. Have a good shoe fitter give you a gait analysis and make sure you can do a trial on a treadmill.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    Thank you everyone!! I will for sure give my doc a call...he's a runner too :) so I'm sure he'll know!! I was actually planning on visiting one of the new running stores that opened up here, at my last 10k on Sunday I got a chance to talk with the owner for a bit who educated me on running shoes! :-). Thanks again!! :)
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    Just talked to another runner tonight at a function and he was saying that IT band is the most common "novice" runner injury and gets many new runners in their first year of running.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    Most likely runner's knee. http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-241-285--7773-0,00.html Don't runs til pain goes away. Consider changing shoes. It is really aggravated by running the same direction on a crowded road. Consider vary direction at the track, running on softer surfaces.
  • donahue_2
    donahue_2 Posts: 1 Member
    that sounds like IT band issue - I had the same when I started running again after a long break from it. new shoes did the trick almost instantly. don't keep running on it that way... it will get worse.