Diet, exercise and no weight loss???

Okay - so I eat no more than 1200 cals per day; I exercise for 1-2 hours almost daily (varies between swimming, running, cycling, yoga, boxing, weight training) but I have lost all of 1 pound over the last 8 weeks! I do not understand this at all.... and the calories I do eat are healthy and balanced meal (~5 times/day)... what else can I do?? i only want to drop 5 lbs of fat to lean out a little this summer and for triathlon season... what am I doing wrong?!


  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    I know it can be a total bummer! Hate the scale (but also can't live without it)! Can't see your food diary, could it be sodium? or lots of processed foods? Then there's the old "don't eat 2-hours before going to bed" issue. Hang in there...don't get discouraged (yeah, easier said than done)
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Are you losing inches? Do your clothes fit better?
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    It could be muscle. I haven't exercised since March...just can't get myself to do it, but I lost like 7 pounds just from cutting out some calories at dinner time.
  • tcsnell87
    tcsnell87 Posts: 4 Member
    Are you losing inches? Do your clothes fit better?

    not really.... and i'm staying away from processed food, etc - eating tuna, grilled chicken, small portions of meat, quinoa, lots of veggies and some fruits... and i've even cut portions and have taken to measuring my food! i am frustrated b/c i just don't know what else to change.... i'm not doing something right - i just don't know what it is!!!!
  • tcsnell87
    tcsnell87 Posts: 4 Member
    BTW - Thanks, everyone, for the support and encouragement!!! Keep those suggestions coming! I need to change something and all of these suggestions help greatly!! So, THANK YOU!!!
  • bzgl40
    bzgl40 Posts: 69 Member
    If you are only eating for 1200 a day a training an hour to two a day that seems low. You training for a sprint or longer? How are your energy levels? I'd suggest bumping up your calories to 1500-1800 for a bit, still eating healthy of course, and see how your body shakes out with that. I know I could never train for a tri on so little cals
  • WittneeT29
    WittneeT29 Posts: 47 Member
    If you are within 5 lbs of your desired weight, it is going to be harder to get those pounds off. Your body might be fighting to keep the weight it has (depending on how low you are wanting to go). Hang in there! You are becoming healthier and more fit, regardless of what the scale says!
  • 1nsanity
    1nsanity Posts: 95 Member
    try increasing your calories to 1500 for a couple weeks, and do less cardio exercise next week. i know it sounds counter intuitive, but give it a try. i think you are severely underfueling your body. youre killing it on the exercise front, keep up the good work and hopefully your body will enjoy the extra energy!
  • tcsnell87
    tcsnell87 Posts: 4 Member
    thanks, bzgl40 - i feel good.... energy is high; i do up to olympic distance tris, 10k-half marathon runs.... 1200 is mostly my net intake - total cals minus exercise cals.... i'll try eating more and see what happens! thanks for the advice!