Help, my antidepressant is making me hungry all the time!

I started taking Zoloft a few weeks ago, at the beginning, I would actually FORGET to eat, but then my dosage was switched to 50mg from 25mg as the 25mg dosage wasn't strong enough.

I cannot switch antidepressants as I have tried so, so many and this is the ONLY one that has done its job at keeping the depression at bay and keeping me from being suicidal.

Recently, I am hungry like NONSTOP. I was even worried that I was pregnant over this. I took a pregnancy test and it's not that.
Another thing I started doing recently, as told to do so by a doctor, would be taking stool softeners to keep myself from getting constipation as I get constipated VERY easily!

I have upped my fiber intake from what it was before and I drink anywhere from 3 to 5 liters of water a day (I drink more than I did before because the doctor told me to do so for better digestion, was drinking 2 to 3 liters a day before). I am trying to do light exercise, like walking 10,000 steps a day. I've also been trying to eat more vegetables to curb the cravings. It's not working too well!

Please, please help. This is upsetting me pretty bad as I'm trying extremely hard to lose weight and I haven't lost weight for around two months now. I've been stuck at my current weight of 153 - 156 pounds for so long. :( I would be DELIGHTED if I could start losing weight again. These cravings REALLY aren't helping.

Thanks so much to all who have read this.


  • Skitti
    Skitti Posts: 20
  • debo47
    debo47 Posts: 7 Member
    Ok. First, please do not stop taking your antidepressant.

    That got its own line for a reason. As the Zoloft titrates up to a therapeutic blood level (3 weeks give or take) you will be going through some gastrointestinal discomfort. It's the nature of the beast when dealing with antidepressants. I promise you, the g.i. issues will settle down when your body adjusts to the Zoloft. A lot of people combat their stomach issues by eating, much like for some women when pregnant, they eat carb loaded food and don't have bad morning sickness. (for me I was a poptart-holic for the first 8 weeks of pregnancy). ANYway, in time your body will adjust. that doesn't give you permission to eat everything in sight, but you do need to know that the meds can effect your tummy and make you feel like you're craving bad food. That will stabilize soon. So keep trying for a healthy day by trying to eat right. BUT you also should exercise. Always try to do something healthy when you are being not so healthy with food. Exercise. Walk. Anything. Just move. The added benefit of exercise is the release of serotonin (which is what the meds are for). So MOVE. And good luck!