Wrap it works body wraps?

lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
Ok so i was looking around places were i could work from home i found this called wrap it works i seen so many people buy these wraps i thought id give it a go its only been a week and i got my first sale...I am waiting on my wraps to try them myself but i want to know if anyone has tried them before and what you think of them? I have seen a few before and after photos but its always great to hear a true story.


  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I haven't tried them, but I have a cousin who is trying them now. Haven't heard too much about them.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    There are no quick fixes.

    that is all.......................
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I am a Distributor for the It Works Company brand new. The wraps are just another way to help get your self healthy. They help by tightening, firming and toning the area with all natural products. I have just wrapped once and feel better but it does take a healthy lifestyle. Just with anything if you aren't going to eat correctly, exercise, or drink water the results aren't going to stay. Once you get to wear you want to be you would only need to do the wraps as a maintenance. I am brand new only a few weeks and I like some of their products that I tried. The greens help keep your body alkalined, their is a fat fighter product to help with carb intake days that you can take to help flush them out, Vitals their vitamins. Message me if you want more information nsvo@earthlink.net. or go to my site and sign up either as a Loyal customer or a distributor, https://sherryvanorman.myitworks.com/Home


    Bahaha. I just laughed out loud at this.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    So basically, the wraps are a temporary fix and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is how to "keep the results" of a wrap?

    Save yourself the money and just stick to the healthy lifestyle.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I am a Distributor for the It Works Company brand new. The wraps are just another way to help get your self healthy. They help by tightening, firming and toning the area with all natural products. I have just wrapped once and feel better but it does take a healthy lifestyle. Just with anything if you aren't going to eat correctly, exercise, or drink water the results aren't going to stay. Once you get to wear you want to be you would only need to do the wraps as a maintenance. I am brand new only a few weeks and I like some of their products that I tried. The greens help keep your body alkalined, their is a fat fighter product to help with carb intake days that you can take to help flush them out, Vitals their vitamins. Message me if you want more information nsvo@earthlink.net. or go to my site and sign up either as a Loyal customer or a distributor, https://sherryvanorman.myitworks.com/Home


    Bahaha. I just laughed out loud at this.


    A girl I went to HS with is my friend on facebook and she's constantly hawking this stuff. She keeps posting before and after photos of her "clients" and they all look skinny-fat with no muscle definition, and she doesn't post anything about how long results last. Sorry, I get better results the old fashioned way, eating right and exercising---and I don't have to wrap myself in over-priced saran wrap either.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Love it!
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    nothing like exercise! :laugh:
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    This! Save your money and time, use it to eat well and work out!
    There are no quick fixes.

    that is all.......................
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I am a Distributor for the It Works Company brand new. The wraps are just another way to help get your self healthy. They help by tightening, firming and toning the area with all natural products. I have just wrapped once and feel better but it does take a healthy lifestyle. Just with anything if you aren't going to eat correctly, exercise, or drink water the results aren't going to stay. Once you get to wear you want to be you would only need to do the wraps as a maintenance. I am brand new only a few weeks and I like some of their products that I tried. The greens help keep your body alkalined, their is a fat fighter product to help with carb intake days that you can take to help flush them out, Vitals their vitamins. Message me if you want more information nsvo@earthlink.net. or go to my site and sign up either as a Loyal customer or a distributor, https://sherryvanorman.myitworks.com/Home


    You realize you can't try to sell products on this website right??

    I wouldn't pay for these wraps. They are a temporary fix and a total waste of money. You lose water weight... Once you eat and drink again it's all coming back on.

    Might be nice for a one time thing to fit into a dress or something but ultimately I think they are a waste.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I am a Distributor for the It Works Company brand new. The wraps are just another way to help get your self healthy. They help by tightening, firming and toning the area with all natural products. I have just wrapped once and feel better but it does take a healthy lifestyle. Just with anything if you aren't going to eat correctly, exercise, or drink water the results aren't going to stay. Once you get to wear you want to be you would only need to do the wraps as a maintenance. I am brand new only a few weeks and I like some of their products that I tried. The greens help keep your body alkalined, their is a fat fighter product to help with carb intake days that you can take to help flush them out, Vitals their vitamins. Message me if you want more information nsvo@earthlink.net. or go to my site and sign up either as a Loyal customer or a distributor, https://sherryvanorman.myitworks.com/Home


    Bahaha. I just laughed out loud at this.


    A girl I went to HS with is my friend on facebook and she's constantly hawking this stuff. She keeps posting before and after photos of her "clients" and they all look skinny-fat with no muscle definition, and she doesn't post anything about how long results last. Sorry, I get better results the old fashioned way, eating right and exercising---and I don't have to wrap myself in over-priced saran wrap either.

    We may have the same fb friend!!! Drives me crazy...I have tried the wraps though long time ago (always looking for a quick fix) It worked for about thatlong...as soon as I drank a glass of water it all came back!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    to lose weight, no... BUTTTTTTT!! i have stretch marks from my children, and they made them look 10x better. the weight loss part is a scam, but my stomach looked so much tighter and my stretch marks were so much less visible.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I had one of these done years ago - it's hooey. I did lose a couple of inches, but it was not permanent (as in, it only lasted a couple of hours, if that).
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    I have a $4 roll of saran wrap at home. It would be just as effective.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Sounds like a big gimmick to me. You aren't going to tone your muscles without exercising them. You lose weight by eating healthy and finding the right balance of calories in vs calories out. Corsets will cinch and alter your waistline too when worn for long enough but that doesn't make you any healthier. BOGUS.
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    I tried two for poops and giggles cause i got them for free... FYI not a single change... its just another get take or use me and be a supermodel scam...

    bottom line, you gained from bad habits , you will lose forming good ones... work out, change your daily life style and eat healthier, be ok with walking away from the crap and be satisfied with the healthy choices... every one is right, there is no magic pill or wrap that is going to solve our body issues ...

    you have to mentally want it... It took a cancer scare and the thought of missing a single moment with my hubby and girls to put my mental stride into place, you need to find your push... trust me, if i can do it, losing 210 lbs, going from a size 28 to a size 4-6 , I work out 3 days a week at the gym and walk 3-5 miles the other two days, take weekends off when it comes to working out and change every aspect of your eating habits from how you cook to what you keep in the house then you to can do it..... and yes I am a mom, I have a 2 yr old and 7 yr old so no excuse of you need the crap in the house for them... with childhood obesity as high as it is in our country.. isnt it better we start now that they know about the crap, and to teach them to stay away from it and to love all the other options they have available to them...

    You can do this, trust me, if i can , anyone can...
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Here's the real question: How many friends do you want to lose?
  • Chrissy9632
    I didn't notice a lot of difference after doing two wraps but I really like their Defining Gel which helps reduce (NOT eliminate) the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. There is definitely not miracle cure for either of those but it does help make them less noticeable.

    I say try the wraps if you are curious but don't expect to lose several inches in 45 minutes.
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    i am very skeptical of the wraps but I am leaving for vacation in two days and have this gross little W of skin that is hanging on my belly after losing and exercising. i'm hoping that the temporary results will last for my week of vacation LOL. I have the wrap on right now, it feels like icy-hot. Just bought one from a friend that is desperate for sales. :)