Retaining water

I am still retaining a lot of water. I can see it in my ankles and my hands. Someone please look at my diary and maybe give me some suggestions. My BMR is 1764 and my TDEE is 2734. I have been trying to do TDEE minus 20% which is 2187 (not quite there yet but getting there) and I do crossfit 4 times a week MWFand Saturday. Oh and I drink between 12-15 glasses of water a day (12 oz glass) I just am not consistant in logging it.


  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    I take 1100mg of dandelion root when I feel I am retaining water and it helps :smile:
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member

    To summarize:

    Water retention, or edema, is caused when fluid collects in the lower parts of the body (partially due to the effects of gravity) and tends to be most common in pregnant women and older adults, although anyone may be affected. Edema can be caused by too much sodium or salt intake but may also be a sign of a medical condition such as kidney disease, a liver disorder, heart failure or problems with the circulation or lymphatic system. Water retention may also be a side effect of certain medications such as some anti-inflammatory drugs and birth control pills. In some cases the cause is unclear; this condition is called idiopathic edema.

    *Limit sodium intake to no more than about 2,400 mg daily (less than 2,000 mg daily for people with heart problems).
    *Try to avoid standing or sitting for extended periods, and exercise on a regular basis.
    *Elevate your feet above the level of your heart a few times a day if possible
    *Wearing compression stockings to keep excess fluid out of the lower extremities may help

    Other treatments for fluid retention may include massage, acupuncture and cold or hot compresses. Be sure to talk with your doctor for the best treatment for your individual situation and to rule out any medical conditions that may be causing the edema.
  • sollyn
    sollyn Posts: 179
    Hi, I suffer with puffy hands and feel, but mine is linked to a connective tissue disease. If you find that you seriously can't get on top of it, get it checked out by a doctor. Not everything is down to water retention. However, I really hope the website can give you some tips. Good luck and keep up the good work.

    PS I posted this at the exact same time as the one above. Great post.
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    Thanks guys I will read those articles! I appreicate the input!!