Lost motivation

Been a constant participant in the battle of the buldge since puberty. At first it wasnt a big deal but its gotten to be to much. So here I've been trying to lose weight for the past 3 weeks and was doing great at first but then something in me changed and I just missed eating food. I started eating unhealthy and need to fix myself fast. For christ sake I ate a full pizza for lunch. I can't help myself, I have eating frenzies. If I get full and it hurts to eat I still wont stop because it makes me feel happy at the moment. I need some serious help...


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hello there!

    I am 42 yo 5'1" woman eating 1000 cals a day per doc recommend.

    This is my take. You do probably need help to figure it out but also, I know I cannot deprive myself all the time.

    When I have been good all week I take 1 day as a cheat day and eat 600 extra cals that day. BTW, that is a whole thin and crispy home made pizza with wheat crust, tomato paste, light on cheese, chicken, mushrooms, onions, green pepper and tomato.

    Maybe you should work on getting "happy" alternates to what you like. For instance, I love me a fake chocolate sunday. Sugar free jello pudding (dark chocolate), redi-whip, 10 peanuts, 10 cheerios (I like crunch), sugar free strawberry syrup or sliced strawberries and yum ~125 cals as opposed to a real sundae depending on how much redi-whip I use.

    I eat cinnamon graham crackers with redi-whip and frozen.

    I love sugar free jellow with redi-whip.

    I love 100 calorie yogurt in the 50 thousand naughty flavors it comes in.

    I want my popcorn and eat a 100 cal bag instead of 500 cals of movie butter.

    For cardio or exercise find stuff you like to do, you'll stick with it better, even if it's stepping up and down on a step while you are watching TV or stretching or roller skating.

    Best of luck to you. You deserve to be healthy!!

  • No matter what, do your best to pick yourself up each time you find yourself falling. You can do this!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    Sounds like emotional eating to me. Like if you feel lonely, tired, sad, happy etc.
    So, maybe sit down and write down what you are feeling- just write what comes to your mind. Sometimes we don't even know what is bothering us until we really start digging.
    My mood fluctuates with hormones, and those are usually crazy with peri-menopause.
    So, I do my best to have alternatives to ice cream readily available.

    How do you feel?
    What is on your mind?
    What is on your mind that you might be avoiding?
    - write up 10 questions like these in a journal and answer them when you start feeling this way, it might help.

    I wish you the best.
  • MaybeAMonkey
    MaybeAMonkey Posts: 247
    leslisa has some great tips and she's right, you do deserve to be healthy. Finding healthier modifications for the foods you love and portioning them out so you're not tempting to over-indulge helps a LOT. Also, consider having 5/6 small meals throughout the day (take your total calorie count, divide by the number of mini-meals you want to have). Remember that you do need carbs/protein/fat. find the mix that works best for you. I personally didn't cut a single thing out of my list of food options, but I did focus on getting more protein/fruits/veggies/healthy fats and less processed sugars. I still enjoy pizza and beer, but I have 1-2 slices of pizza, 1beer and then load up on veggies/salad/fruit in my daily intake. Also, get up off the couch and get moving! Those endorphins that are released during your workout will help you feel *better* mentally, emotionally and physically! Good luck & feel free to add me. :)
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Come on shake yourself off and dust yourself down!!

    Tomorrow is a new day...that`s what we all say...but it is true...but only if you want tomorrow to be a new day???

    You have already said that you have had this problem of not being able to say no to bad stuff for a while and you have made the effort t to find this website???

    So you are in a good place to make the changes, yep for sure!!!

    It isn`t so hard you just need to get your mind in a good place you can do it!!!!!! :-)
  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    I pre plan my food diary a couple of days in advance and just adjust it on the day if I need to eat something else. Then you can just go into the day not finding stuff to eat, but following your diary.

    My *bad* day is already planned, when I'll eat out but I know what I am having and already planned for my naughty foods and adjusted my other meals so I can have what I want in my calorie limit.

    Are you eating enough calories? Maybe you are depriving yourself of too much and need to revise your calorie goals. The other option is to bump up your calories for a week or two and see if you lose any weight, if you do, you probably need more food.
  • melbatoastrox
    I know how you feel...

    My food therapist tells me to try and think about how I am going to feel after the binge... sometimes that helps.

    Regardless, stay strong.
  • ChefSuzzieQ
    ChefSuzzieQ Posts: 119
    Lot's of good tips have been given. And remember 3 weeks is just the beginning. It takes time to make new habits. Keep at it. I have been on here for months now, 6 to be exact and I still have times where I get in a funk and don't follow my nutrition plan. Then I just remind myself of what I want and I work to get back on track.

    Set some goals for yourself and write them down. Write down a plan on how you are going to achieve those things for yourself and then go for it. I have faith in you!
  • Philis64
    Philis64 Posts: 27
    I feel your frustration. Get mad that I can't just relax and eat whatever. But I realize I need to make new habits. People like us are food/craving focused I think and have to unlearn that. I go online and google weight loss questions and find blogs about weight loss to get my mojo back. I like this blog by "2 meal Mike" at IF life about intermittent fasting. I like runsforcookies.com and acaloriecounter.com. Also pinterest has pins on fitness and health blogs. Makes me realize I just need to find "MY WAY" to lose weight.