New Friends!

I've been using MFP for an absolute age now, I've lost pretty much everything I want to and now I just want to reeeeaaallllyyy steadily lose/maintain.
I'm 21, 5'8 and 137lbs. My BMI is 20.5 (down from 26.8!) and I'm happy to be friends with anyone! I love seeing other peoples food diaries and drawing inspiration from them.
Would be great if you were from the UK too, as obviously American food is unavailable to me, but I'm happy to have any new friends to support etc etc!
Lady T x


  • DorisInTheDena
    DorisInTheDena Posts: 151 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss. You look beautiful! I am just starting here today. Thanks for sharing your story and being an inspiration.
  • Critts
    Critts Posts: 4
    Hiya I'm also starting today and just found this app. Really looking for new friends and support, here is a copy of my intro thread I just put up.
    Hi all, My name is Brad and I'm turning 38 in a couple of days. I'm located in Brisbane, Australia. Being a father of 4 and my job has me in a car all day I find it hard to find time to exercise. Im 186 cm tall and currently 100 kg. Three years ago I felt very healthy at 85 kg. last night I made a commitment to myself to get back to 85kg (I think 15 kg is about 34 pounds?).

    I found this great app for my phone as I didn't know where to start. This app tells me with minimal to no exercise I can have up to 1800 cal per day. I'm thInking of having a light breakfast, a descent lunch and then a diet shake for dinner. Would appreciate any thoughts on this as your experience and knowledge would be extremely helpful.

    Definatley looking for new friends and support!
    Glad I found this community!