Andre Agassi Admitted to Crystal Meth Addiction


How disappointing. He should not have lied when he failed the drug test and ATP should have taken
appropriate actions then.

Sad day in tennis history. :ohwell:


  • Koreapsu
    One bad action doesn't counter the amount of good this guy does in the world. Tennis aside he's still a role model for many. I'm sure the majority of us aren't saints and have some skeletons hiding in the closet that we aren't particularly proud of.

    As an older man he obviously realises that what he did was wrong and thought it important to bring it up. He shouldn't have done that first line of meth, he shouldn't have lied about it, but the guy wasn't caught out, he admitted it freely and is accepting the criticism of the public because of it.

    Things like these are the reason why Andre was so popular. He's like the every day guy (in so far as a tennis pro can be). He was never the tallest or fastest. He didn't have the best serve. When he was young he had lots of hair and was fit, and when he was old he was a bit fat at times and as bald as can be. Sometimes he was crap, and it seemed like he couldn't be bothered and other times he fought like his life depended on it. He had a failed marriage to the young beautiful girl and has a successful marriage to someone that suits him much more. He screwed up his life at times but worked hard to fix things up.

    If I am ever lucky enough to be as successful as Andre I hope I'll be as charitable and selfless. A period of weakness doesn't detract from character of this kind.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    One bad action doesn't counter the amount of good this guy does in the world. Tennis aside he's still a role model for many. I'm sure the majority of us aren't saints and have some skeletons hiding in the closet that we aren't particularly proud of.

    As an older man he obviously realises that what he did was wrong and thought it important to bring it up. He shouldn't have done that first line of meth, he shouldn't have lied about it, but the guy wasn't caught out, he admitted it freely and is accepting the criticism of the public because of it.

    Things like these are the reason why Andre was so popular. He's like the every day guy (in so far as a tennis pro can be). He was never the tallest or fastest. He didn't have the best serve. When he was young he had lots of hair and was fit, and when he was old he was a bit fat at times and as bald as can be. Sometimes he was crap, and it seemed like he couldn't be bothered and other times he fought like his life depended on it. He had a failed marriage to the young beautiful girl and has a successful marriage to someone that suits him much more. He screwed up his life at times but worked hard to fix things up.

    If I am ever lucky enough to be as successful as Andre I hope I'll be as charitable and selfless. A period of weakness doesn't detract from character of this kind.

    Well put. Most of us have done things that, if admitted to, people would think we were bad people. You said the rest... :drinker:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    One bad action doesn't counter the amount of good this guy does in the world. Tennis aside he's still a role model for many. I'm sure the majority of us aren't saints and have some skeletons hiding in the closet that we aren't particularly proud of.

    As an older man he obviously realises that what he did was wrong and thought it important to bring it up. He shouldn't have done that first line of meth, he shouldn't have lied about it, but the guy wasn't caught out, he admitted it freely and is accepting the criticism of the public because of it.

    Things like these are the reason why Andre was so popular. He's like the every day guy (in so far as a tennis pro can be). He was never the tallest or fastest. He didn't have the best serve. When he was young he had lots of hair and was fit, and when he was old he was a bit fat at times and as bald as can be. Sometimes he was crap, and it seemed like he couldn't be bothered and other times he fought like his life depended on it. He had a failed marriage to the young beautiful girl and has a successful marriage to someone that suits him much more. He screwed up his life at times but worked hard to fix things up.

    If I am ever lucky enough to be as successful as Andre I hope I'll be as charitable and selfless. A period of weakness doesn't detract from character of this kind.

    Well put. Most of us have done things that, if admitted to, people would think we were bad people. You said the rest... :drinker:

    Agreed-- we all screw up-- thank God there is such a thing called redemption--
  • strongandfit
    He started his Kids Foundation in 1994. So, he was using Meth when he had that Foundation. I'm sorry, he was a role model for a lot of kids. And his confession tells me that he was no role model for those kids at all.

    He used it. Lied about it. Got away with it. Affected others' pursue of major titles because he lied about it and now, he's profiting from confessing its use by selling a book about it.

    I say, that the "benefit" of meth use has not stopped for him b/c of him selling the book now. It continues to "benefit" him.

    Had he confessed its use without writing a book about it and just, gave a news conference that he used it and want to face the consequences of ATP then, yeah, sure he's seeking redemption.

    But the way he's confessing right now to me, he's seeking $$$$.

    Sorry not a great role model for kids. If kids want a great role model for tennis than guys like Sampras Federer who is purely about the sport not about drugs, lies, and coverup should be the ones to look up to.

    What would they learn from him? That you can use, lie, and profit from it. Sorry, just the way I feel.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    The foundation started in 1994 where he was a role model for children doesn't change. How many people do you think he touched in that time that had no idea he was using meth?

    Does it change the fact of all the good he brought to people? No, not at all. Forgive and forget.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone--
  • strongandfit
    I don't go around creating a kids foundation, use drug, lie about it, and say I'm a role model for kids and being a hypocrite.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I don't go around creating a kids foundation, use drug, lie about it, and say I'm a role model for kids and being a hypocrite.

    No, but I'm sure you do, have done or will do something regrettable--

    If only perfect people served, we'd be in some deep crap--
  • strongandfit
    Where do you get off judging me? All I said was that that was how I feel about the Agassi situation. Am I not entitled to my opinion?? Gimme a break. I never said I was perfect. Did you hear me say I was perfect? All I said was that Agassi was a hypocrite, that's all.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Where do you get off judging me? All I said was that that was how I feel about the Agassi situation. Am I not entitled to my opinion?? Gimme a break. I never said I was perfect. Did you hear me say I was perfect? All I said was that Agassi was a hypocrite, that's all.


    I believe I got off the same stop where you were judging Agassi--

    We're all entitled to our opinions, and to express them--

    America-- ain't it grand?