HELP :'(

This photo was taken of me last night 543623_308099999281869_145280820_n.jpg

This time last year I looked like this

I just don't know what to do I feel helpless. I NEED to lose all that weight again. Help? :(


  • loztredders
    loztredders Posts: 142
    Well you joined here so you've started your journey already :-) .
    I noticed that you said lose the weight 'again' have you dieted before to achieve the slim line look on your second pic? If so,then you already KNOW you can do this, so try and be positive.
    Print the picture of you that you want to achieve the body of again and put it somewhere you will see it everyday.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    As above - you can do it :) My only advice is don't go out too hard. I see so many people start at 1200 calories a day and it's so hard to stick to that eventually they end up falling off the wagon and giving up entirely.

    Don't be too hard on yourself, eat above your BMR, eat healthy and lose slowly.

    You'll get there :smile:
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    You've joined so that's the first step.

    Second step, get all the crap foods out of the house if you can. Go grocery shopping and stock up on fresh foods that are healthy. A trick I find that helps is when I grocery shop, wash and chop up fruits and veggies for a few days and store in the fridge. I also make a big bowl of salad I can just grab from when needed. Makes healthy eating much easier.

    You will get there! I was the same as you! I lost 60lbs a few years ago and felt great! Could of lost a few more but still... I gained it all back and didn't get a hold of it fast enough. Here I am over four years later.

    You can do it! As another poster said, don't set your calories too low or your weight loss goals too high starting out as it will be too much of an adjustment and may not work. Start slow!

    Start with mini goals and go from there. Good luck!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    You can do this. Don't let it psych you out. It's just basic math. Don't be overwhelmed with the total. Even losing a couple pounds will increase your confidence and you'll feel better and more capable. Starting is the hard part. We all have to do it a few times before it really sticks. Try to make it a lifestyle change, not a crash diet, and it'll last longer. Good luck! You still look great, btw!
  • patltrimble
    First thing I noticed abut you was that beautiful smile!

    I know how it is to lose & gain it back but

    I feel that smiles shows enthusium & determination.

    All the post said it well, liked all the tips, just know you are in the right place!

    Welcome & enjoy the journey! You will do it!
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up if you have setbacks. Those are a normal part of this journey and you MUST NOT let them defeat you!!! We are all here for you. You can do this! You are so beautiful. You remind me of my daughter! Add me as a friend and i promise i will be there for you every step of the way!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Don't feel helpless. You've done it before, you can do it now. Many of us have been up and down on the scale, so you are certainly not alone. Do what you know you need to do & smile. You are so beautiful w/that smile!
  • Lmacpherson114
    It is so so so easy for the weight to creep on, you almost don't notice it. But the point is you have to think about this as a lifestyle change and not a diet to lose weight again otherwise as soon as the diet ends you will start creeping back up again!

    Take it slow, try to eat healthier and try to exercise!
    Make it a daily thing to try and be better and then you WILL succeed!

    The best ratio is to be healthy and sensible 90% of the time and allow 10% for a little giving back to yourself. If you're going to be eating healthier FOR GOOD you have to have a little of what you enjoy in there otherwise you'll give up.

    You can do it, and so can we. Join us! Add us if you want to and we can all encourage each other!

    Lauren x
  • brownfoxy21
    brownfoxy21 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey. Let me just start off by saying you are still a really cute girl. But I am with everyone else. You have taken the first step by joining. The tools & support on here is awesome. Someone always has great advice to give so I know you'll find what works for u.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    My goodness, that's where I'm at. Being a lil chubby, losing the weight looking great. Then gaining a lot (more than you). Wanting to look adorable again. Like others have said, the first step is getting here for support and accountability. You just have to realize to look like that for life you have to make changes for life. Keep positive, forward-thinking and happy people around you that don't make excuses and that should help. Feel free to add me. I have a little add sometimes but I try to be a good friend. :)
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ By acknowledging you need to make a lifestyle change ... your well on your way. The main thing is to stay focused ... it won't be easy, I won't lie ... BUT it will be totally worth it ! As others have already mentioned don't " starve " yourself into failure ... do the research and find healthy options for food choices and get moving ... exercise with a strong healthy diet is key to your success.

    Do not have the " this time " mentality ... this is not about dieting ... make changes in such a positive way that it becomes a " lifestyle " that you will ... LOVE ... FOREVER !

    Always remember that at least 90% of the battle is in the kitchen ... it is soooooo important to be positive .... you have to find what makes you happy and stick to it ... don't listen to anybody who says you have to do it " this " way ! Everybody is different ... you just have to find what works for you !

    Experiment with different foods ... venture into the unknown, get involved in the forums ... grasp as much knowledge as you possibly can through the success stories on this website ... then compile all of that information into what will become your success story !

    I am sending you every ounce of hope I have today ... and wishing you the very best of luck !

    Btw ... Smile every chance you get ... your totally worth it ! :flowerforyou:
  • LemonJADE
    LemonJADE Posts: 89 Member
    Wow, the responses to this post are incredible. Just reading through them all has made me feel so much more confident about making a lifestyle change. Thank you all so much for your support it really has helped! Good luck everyone :)