Hello, anyone else for 20 pounds?



  • I want to lose a heck of a lot more than 20 pounds, but I'm certainly up for this challenge anyway! :D
  • mipanda
    mipanda Posts: 43
    Monday went well. I made chicken fried rice (from leftover brown rice and a roasted chicken), and remembered to MEASURE my portions.

    Now I need to start really working on patience. It took me months and months to get so heavy, and I need to remember that I'll need months to get it off. Funny how when I'm in my "I don't care if I'm fat" mode, I just overlook how I look. But the minute I really start working on improvement, I get all bothered by my over-size.

    Does this apply to you: Why do we ignore our weight problem as it gets worse, then suddenly obsess over it when we finally decide on a positive change? How is that "ignore" switch turned on, or rather, what in the brain switches off?

    I know what you mean about patience, so often I think how I would like to drop some kg but if I don't see a difference right away I get disheartened!

    my weakness is salty food. plain potato chips or hot chips, omg, I have such cravings for them. :(
  • couldbeme
    couldbeme Posts: 55 Member
    hi i need to lose 2 stone thats 28 pound add me as well , im doing food tracking also :bigsmile:
  • I'm trying to lose 20 pounds but I'm sort of struggling a bit :( but if I fine enough encouragement then i'm certainly in :D
  • lynnred
    lynnred Posts: 1
    I'm looking for motivation to keep going until atleast 20 pounds are gone as well. I'm only on week 1 of MFP so everything is new. I lost over 70 LBs on WW a few years back but have re-gained 30 so it's time to get serious AGAIN!! Work, Kids and Life seem to get in they way but I know I'm ready to refocus on something for ME. 20 lbs by September --- Is it really possilbe with MFP????
  • pooki24
    pooki24 Posts: 31
    I'm in for 20 but my ultimate goal is 30-ish. I'll tune it in once I get closer. I am trying to get back in shape to run track in the masters division (40+). Nothing record breaking, but it's one of my favorite sports. I competed in the 30-34 division before tearing a hamstring, then put on about 25 lbs. So 20 lbs would get me back in shape to compete, and 30 would hopefully get me to the finals :)
  • torreviejo
    torreviejo Posts: 27 Member
    Yes, I am up for this - feel free to add me
  • JessieRichelle
    JessieRichelle Posts: 19 Member
    20 lbs to go for me as well! Support is definitely needed for anyone trying to lose the HARDEST last few pounds. Good Luck everyone!
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    MMMMmmmm , pizza. Have you tried Amy's Spinach Pizza? It is yummy and only about 310 cal for 1/3 a pizza. It is delicious cold too the next morning for breakfast.

    Good luck, it's pizza time!
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    I know what you mean about patience, so often I think how I would like to drop some kg but if I don't see a difference right away I get disheartened!

    my weakness is salty food. plain potato chips or hot chips, omg, I have such cravings for them. :(

    I have to just completely stay away from potato chips, etc, because I know I won't be able to stop eating them once I get started. I think it is the thin crunchy saltiness, just ...... addicting! I also know that a good part of my extra 20 pounds is due to chips. :(

    Be strong, say "no" to them. :)
  • ZivileZu
    ZivileZu Posts: 56 Member
    Count me in :)
  • wabrody
    wabrody Posts: 202
    I got about 20 lbs left of the 50 i want to lose. I am with you. I want to lose the weight and plan on keeping it off. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome everyone. I'll try to do a better job of answering comments, and please, YOU PEEPS ADD YOUR COMMENTS AND SUPPORT ALSO. Together we can make this happen ... weight loss, that is.

    I've spent a fair amount of time looking online for the calories in a big bowl of Chicken Sukiyaki. It was a great lunch treat for me today, and if it wasn't for the sugar (sweetness of the sauce), it would be a perfect dish for a diet. I think it runs about 500 calories / large bowl. (Rice is additional.)

    How are you planning to handle the weekend? Anyone have a special challenging event this weekend, and how will you handle your calorie consumption?

    Have a good Saturday!
  • Jangocrazy
    Jangocrazy Posts: 1 Member
    I've just found out about this site and just registered. Love to join in, though I am also getting used to this site and how things work... XD My goal is also 20-25lb
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I've got about 20 pounds left after losing nearly 50. Problem is, I've lost the discipline I once had when it came to my eating. I think it was because I plateaued and got discouraged...
    I have had the same problem. I haven't plateaued but not working out as much so I am kind of stuck. I need to get remotivated. It isn't so much wanting to lose a lot of weight, it is reshaping the body. I am happy with how my legs and arms are doing, but need to really work on stomach.

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • lsgmsu1
    lsgmsu1 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! I need to lose 15-20. I lost 30 a year ago but due to some major stress in my life I put 15 back on this year. My body is being so stubborn this time around and the scale just isn't moving.
  • mango281
    mango281 Posts: 12 Member
    Awesome count me in!:glasses:
  • andyp79
    andyp79 Posts: 34 Member
    Mmmm pizza. A weakness of mine too. I haven't cut it out completely but I eat less of it when we do have that as a meal, I just full the rest of my plate with salad.
    I really need to start exercising again. I've stuck to diet but slacked off the exercise recently and my scales just aren't shifting - they're not going up, which is good, but I'd really like them to start going down again.
    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • count me in, I'm to loose 30
  • amoeni1
    amoeni1 Posts: 87 Member
    also in... totally want to lose 20 lbs that would put me about exactly at goal :)