How Do You Handle "Cheat Days"?



  • malins2
    malins2 Posts: 154 Member
    Cheat days don't work for me. It just gives me crazy cravings for a few days after. I prefer to stick to eating healthy all days, but sometimes have a cheat meal, but not more often than once a week and even if it's a cheat meal I try to not eat too much.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I don't have cheat days. If there is something I want to eat I work it into my day. I will have a small something sweet everyday, a small piece of chocolate or a small cookie or a 100 calorie pack of yogurt covered pretzels- things like that. I find that having a tiny bit everyday keeps me from having the urge to binge. Of course there are times you want more than a tiny bit, then just have it! Just don't over do it or make it a habit... exercising a little extra doesn't hurt either.

    Everything in moderation. As much as I want to lose weight quickly, I'm more concerned with making this a lifestyle change and NOT gaining it back. I cannot realistically expect myself to be 100% 6 days a week forever.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I don't have them. I eat cheat things, probably everyday but I just have a small amount. If I had a whole day to eat anything I would not make progress. I can see planning one if you're having a special day, but outside of special days I wouldn't plan them every week.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    If I fancy something, I have it. I was never one to have takeaway food, like pizza, chinese, burgers, fries etc, so that side is never an issue, though I occasionally crave and have pizza in a small amount.

    I generally have some chocolate or chocolate eclairs or ice cream or a cookie everyday. Sometimes I do go over my calorie goal, sometimes by quite a lot, but I am maintaining my weight still and balance it out by having plenty of veggies, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, fruit and the like so that I have the nutritious stuff as well. I have some days when I can totally avoid the less healthy foods, but sometimes in the month, I just crave so badly, and know that if I don't have it, my mind will be fixated on it the rest of the day.

    Today I had a marshmallow biscuit thing, a packet of baked crisps and 40g of chocolate and although I wish I could be someone who eats totally clean and unrefined for the rest of her life, I know realistically, that just wont work for me as I enjoy ice cream and chocolate and life is short. If you can go without treats then kudos to you, anyone that can for the rest of their life. I don't call it cheating, as I don't think eating food should be seen in such a negative way.

    I tried the one day method and it didn't work. I prefer to balance it out.
  • alujan74583
    alujan74583 Posts: 15 Member
    Usually the way I do cheat days is if I was Under my calorie goal the entire week I'll treat myself that day when I go out with friends. But ONLY If I do good the whole week.