New here, UK based

Hey guys and gals,

My names Josh just setup my profile just now and thought id post in here.

In short im a chunky mofo and am in for the long haul and want to totally change my life.

Had my gym induction on Thursday but overdid upper body weights and am in serious pain across my chest shoulders and lats.

Really wanting to get back in there even just for cardio, I hope the pain subsides enough to go tomorrow lol.

Anway just thought id say hi and anyone feel free to add me, it would be nice to see how others get on with this whole thing :)


  • 1985Andy
    1985Andy Posts: 161 Member
    Hey Josh,

    That's pretty normal to hurt like that after your first session.

    After I start on upper body weights I normally feel like a Tyrannosaurus Rex for a few days after! (Little weak arms)

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you want some encouragement!

  • eldonia69
    eldonia69 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I'm Adonia and I'm 22.

    I am on a mission to lose weight and get to a healthy weight by 9th August so i look fantastic for Bloodstock Festival. My aim is to be like when i was 16 ( size 8 craking curves and a 32f chest)

    I work in retail and currently working on my own business in Tie Dye so i dont get time to exercise as I'm too tired too.

    Is anyone going to bloodstock this year? if so why dont we do this weight loss together and aim for a goal for bloodstock?

    If anyone who isnt want to work together on hitting our goals or wants to chat then feel free to add me n say hiiiiiii :happy:
  • madfreebird
    Well I was in the states for three months last summer doing the Spartacus workout and never felt this bad haha, although I couldnt walk up stairs after the first day of the chalice squats lol!

    Ill add you guys in a sec.

    I personally have never been to bloodstock but have wanted to, is anyone awesome playing this year?