I'm 22, single 'by choice' (yeah right) live in Luxembourg as an au pair, and am at least 2 stone over weight. My confidence has plummeted in the direction of hell and taken my motivation with it.
I've got the exercise bit down- I can now run 7k!!! And have more energy than I ever had before, but i'm still not losing anything.
I know i'm building muscle and don't behave all the time with food, but I have made vast changes to my diet and still nothing. So this is a literal cry for help!

I need
a) a date
b) something to stop me eating all the time!
c) a second date (for reassurance)
and finally
d) a focus group for people like me who need encouragement!

So, if you're like me and are at a standstill and need constant encouragement, or are in the area and want to exercise either in England (Mansfield) or in Luxembourg please feel free to add me :) x


  • Annh1962
    Annh1962 Posts: 7 Member
    you hang in there we are all behind you and will give you support
  • Hey,
    You are 22- you'll have plenty of time for dating lol I recommend focus on yourself and have a great time in life focusing on the positive things in life. I recommend figuring out your BMR there are many calculators online- your BMR will tell you how many calories you need to just live and then how many you need to reach your goal weight. For instance because of my weight I need to intake 2350 calorie in order for my body to live- if I sat on the couch and watch tv and nothing else my body needs still 2350 calories. I use this number and plug it into the Myfitnesspal app. Now when you workout plug it into the app and it will adjust your caloric intake. To make certain you are getting all your macro nutrients I suggest writing up a list of foods you love and look for a nutritionist to provide you a meal plan based on your calorie number. I don' t suggest a dietician, a nutritionist will look at your macro nutrients and create a meal plan. It cost me about $60 to meet and get a menu.
    After this is done you should see a change- if not- either ramp up your fitness or lower your calorie a bit. You should see a change you are right that muscle weighs more than fat so try not to get so hung up on the number on the scale. You are definitely at a plateau so like I said you have to change your caloric intake or your fitness level. This is the hardest part and usually people at this stage give up- I have many times- I get to 200 and then nothing lol Fitness is all a numbers game and it comes down to calories in vs calories out. I recommend listening to Fat2fit radio podcast- their show is great and they covert this material in depth.