I'm Scared...



  • MrsLip4d
    MrsLip4d Posts: 29
    Good Luck, you are in the right place! I am rooting for you! :)
  • Charismasme2
    Charismasme2 Posts: 118 Member
    Welcome, this is the best place for motivation and support. If you need any "friends" feel free to add me.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    Still need to watch that, I've heard great things. A friend's diagnosis as pre-diabetic kind of served as a second hand shock to me to get my act together, so I kind of understand. I'm glad you're motivated to take responsibility and do what you need to. Good luck! :)
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    This is exactly where you need to be. Please feel free to add me as a friend I would be proud to support you.
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    Law school is what started my weight gain journey, too!
  • WildAngelJoy
    WildAngelJoy Posts: 140 Member
    It is awesome that you have decided to take the steps to lose weight for the good of your health. I am a nurse by trade and I al\ways advocate being proactive...if we don't take care of ourselves, no one will. I gained 30 pounds in 2008 after I developed cellulitis in both feet and legs...I was bed-bound for 8 weeks and, for over a year, I could not stand for long periods let alone walk/exercise. I did lose 18 lbs. but gained 10 back on after taking prednisone this year for asthma. With my birthday looming (it was in May), I realized I would only be 2 years younger than my Mom who passed at age 60. She left us way too soon and it ws due to being overweight, sedentary and she also smoked. To honor her and, hopefully, prolong my life, I joined this site at the recommendation of a friend and my doctor and love it! The people are great here and I have made several changes in diet due to tracking my food and seeing areas that I needed to change. I've also gone up to 30+ minutes of exercise daily when only a few months ago I was doing none (and I enjoy it!!)!!

    Best of luck and feel free to friend me as I enjoy encouraging others and sharing our healthier lifestyle journeys together :)
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    You have the right motivation and outlook, you can do this. Make sure your food diary is open so friends can see it and cheer you on.
  • SRGuth
    SRGuth Posts: 4
    Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. I really appreciate it!

  • majordlite
    majordlite Posts: 266 Member
    Welcome, and feel free to add me...I'm on here all the time and would love to help motivate you. You're gonna do GREAT!!!
  • asparagusnextleft
    asparagusnextleft Posts: 12 Member
    I am also losing weight for health reasons. I found out my BP was high and I really didn't want to go on pills for it as once you're on them, you're on them for life so I decided to try and do something about it myself. I have lost 39lbs, I can't believe that I have achieved this by cutting out things that are bad for high BP. Don't tell yourself that you're on a diet, tell yourself that you are changing your ways for the better. It's certainly worked for me.

    Wishing you all the best with this, it can be done!
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    I'm right there with you. I'm an attorney too and those long hours sitting at a desk slowly added the weight to me. I'm in Korea with the military now so have time to exercise but 10 years of being an attorney slowly put on about 30 pounds. I did lose 15 of that when I was still working by taking the stairs, walking when I got a lunch and bringing my lunch every day. I got so I dreaded the weekends because my weekday eating was so structured and the weekends were hard.
    Keep that motivation. Watch the show again if you need to, make friends on here, track everything you eat, plan ahead and enter ahead when you have time so you don't get too busy and not do it.
    Feel free to add me. Best of luck!
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
    You got this! Don't worry about how feel now when you work out and how you look. You are doing something to better yourself and no one can have a problem with that.

    I spent years managing businesses and focusing on my career where I lost myself and ballooned up to 260 ish. My doctor scared the hell out of me and honestly I felt like crap. I'm down to 20 now and I feel like a million bucks. My career has taken off and my personal life is great.

    You are moving in the right direction. Stick to your plan, work it daily and the results will come.

    Feel free to add me for support!
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Thirty three posts and not one lawyer joke. I'm very disappointed in this thread. :)

    Good luck Joe, you can do it. MFP worked very well in helping me lose about 50 lbs and has worked well to help me keep it off. My blood pressure and lipid profile have normalized, and I am in the best cardiovascular endurance shape of my life.

    My advice- Don't get in a rush. Pick a level of eating you feel like you could theoretically live with indefinitely if you had to. Eat more protein than MFP allocates on default, and try to do a little basic weight routine to help maintain muscle mass,concentrating on just a few heavy lifts. Google starting strength or stronglifts 5x5 for a good starting point.
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    Welcome and good luck:flowerforyou: ! Most important this is to stick to it even if you have a bad day. Consistency is the key.

    ~Little changes make big changes~
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Sounds like your body type is like my hubby - he's all gut, too! Huge football shoulders and chest, and then big belly.

    I wish he would take the step to lose weight like you - you are making a great decision!! As you know, not a good place to have the weight sitting!

    I wish you much luck in your journey! You can do this!
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    If ur looking for support feel free to add me
  • HikingChic
    HikingChic Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck Stephen! :smile:
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    SRG, I totally understand. I go to school, work, and help raise a family. It finally occurred to me I had to start taking care of myself. I never weighed my self so I don't know what my highest point was. When I started with MFP and Insanity I was 240, that was February. Now I'm down to about 200.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    You can do this, just find what works for you. I just started using the HCG diet and I really like it. It's strict, but it's in short spurts so it's not so bad.
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    One more thing... school started my weight gain also.