Hi I'm super new =)

My name is Crystal. Here are random facts about me.
I have been losing weight and trying to get in shape since early September. My birthday actually. I turned 26 and freaked out because I was almost 300 pounds and could barely move without pain. I'm down to 220 and am stuck. I am an emotional eater and tend to crave fast food. Makes me sick but I still eat it.
I am a swim teacher and lifeguard and for about 3 days a week I am in the water for close to five hours other days i lifeguard. I don't just sit in a chair though I am constantly moving, lifting and getting up and down. In a 85 degree room.
I go to the gym about 3- 5 days a week, I work out at home sometimes, anything that doesn't require equipment. I have been going to a personal trainer twice a week for a month now but I don't like her so we will see how long that lasts. And I'm allergic to dairy and have asthma.

Honestly I just am lonely and really want people to talk about this with. My friends are are either skinny or are fat and proud. So feel free to talk to me =)


  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    Hi Crystal, welcome to MFP

    Wow you are so active! That's great! Sounds to me the only thing you need is to control your calories and eat healthy. With all that activity you should be able to find the key to continue losing weight

    Good luck!

  • Tiffy_Pea
    Tiffy_Pea Posts: 49 Member
    You can add me if you like, my name is Tiffany :) I understand where you're coming from about your friends. The people around me are either happy where they're at, have unhealthy habits to lose weight, or complain and do nothing. This is a great place to get support!
  • mboktay
    mboktay Posts: 69 Member
    Hi there, I'm Michele. Please add me, would love to encourage you.
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 274 Member
    heyy !
    welcome !
    i'm quite new myself.

    you can add me if you waant.
    swap diaries, encourage eachother.
    the usual !
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    Hi, my name is Sue....Welcome!!! Feel free to add me :)
  • Amysfroggy
    Amysfroggy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Amy...Im fairly new and need a support group. Anyone who would like to work together with encouragement add me. A little about me...im 32 have a special needs son and have a lot of medical problems that arent helping my wieght loss at all. I want to see if I can do it on my own before I resort to any surgeries. Dont really wanna go that route but need to take some action. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and nver been what one would consider thin and prob never will be, Im ok with that. I just want to be healthy. Tired of feeling icky all the time. Add me...:ohwell:
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    Hey you can add me if you would like :flowerforyou:
  • sssuuuzzz
    sssuuuzzz Posts: 20
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far! What an accomplishment! I'm new as well, feel free to add me :)
  • muhhchelle
    muhhchelle Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I'm Michelle. I'm fairly new myself. Feel free to add me! I love new friends. <3
  • fit4change
    fit4change Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'd be very happy to support you!

    Best of luck!! :)
  • aprilgrl27
    aprilgrl27 Posts: 176 Member
    Add me :)
  • Jessyka4
    Jessyka4 Posts: 14 Member
    Congrats on the weight you've lost so far! Feel free to add me! :D
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    Hi, I am a newbie too! WELCOME
    First off congratulations-thats a heck of alot of weight to lose. How long did it take?
    And wow, you are doing so much activity- where do you get all that energy?
    Its great you have a job and are out of the ouse alot, as thats one of my problems is being home alot and near a fridge all day.

    i am just now starting my 1/2 hour a day of exercise and skipped yesterday and am proud of myself for walking 45 min straight, tonight to make up for missing yesterday. Im an emotional eater too. Jus tstarted reaig a really good book called -its not what youre eatingg but whats eating you.I highly reccomend it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: