Struggling tonight!

Hi all. I'm new to this... well, not really. I have been off and on with losing weight since about this
time last year. Now I'm serious... I only got off the train when my dad died on May 20th of this
year. :[ I had lost 15 pounds in two months and put it all back on when I decided that because I
was depressed over his death - even though it was expected - that I would eat everything in
sight. I am kicking myself in the butt now. But tonight... I am struggling with wanting to eat eat
eat. I have been cleaning to keep myself occupied... but now that I am sitting and relaxing I just
want to eat. I have been looking at Success Stories to keep myself motivated NOT to eat. Please
just tell me I can resist! Lol. Ugh. To go from face stuffing back to watching it is a big step.
Especially when food is your comfort. :P


  • kaylarachellee
    kaylarachellee Posts: 201 Member
    Drink water or some tea.. drinking tea keeps me occupied. Sorry for your loss! :(
  • avaloneternal
    Hugs... We all struggle with food, that is why we are here. I am so sorry for your loss and I really hope you can find a new way to deal with the emotions and pain that life inevitably brings. I have found, for myself, running is the best form of therapy. It allows me to think in a way that I cannot and do not in any other circumstance. Your replacement for food may be a hobby or it may also be exercise. You are welcome to friend me if you want support. I wish you all the best in your journey.
  • xiomya
    xiomya Posts: 25 Member
    Go ahead and eat, but make it something healthy even if that's not what you're craving.
  • Nickiii_123
    Nickiii_123 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, its really hard to loose a parent.

    Good for you for getting back on the wagon and taking charge of your weight loss again after such a trumatic time. Have you tried drinking a cup of tea or some water with lemon juice in it? Those both help me when I'm craving food at the end of the day but have used up all of my calories. Good luck! I know you can do it.
  • xPaprika
    xPaprika Posts: 22
    Don't worry, you can resist! Brushing your teeth or painting you nails might help curb the urge to eat (assuming you've eaten enough for the whole day and all that jazz). Drinking something hot usually helps to make you feel fuller too- like tea, for example.
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    I lost my dad too. I know how it is. Try thnking about what he would want for you and that he is watching you. Gather your strength and shift your mind. You will be ok. If you absolutely have to chew, sometimes a bag of popcorn works and its so much better for the calories than chips or cake or whatever...
  • loseequalsgain
    I think it really hit me today when I went jean shopping and had to slide into a snug 22W pant! They
    fit different than what I usually wear 18W that are the stretch waist. These are button and zipper. But
    still. Ugh. And I took my measurements today and I could kick myself over that, too! Argh. Thank you
    guys for your motivation! I think I will eat some almonds and kick back for the night. What kind of tea
    do you all suggest? I'm not much of a tea drinker... but it's worth a try.
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my daddy almost 7 years ago; it's not an easy thing to go through, and you are much younger than I am. You know your dad wouldn't want you to sabotage your weight loss and health because of him. He would want you to make good choices for your life. I know right now it's difficult to feel anything but sadness when you think about him, but one day when you think of him, you'll smile because you remember the good times. It'll take time, but it will happen. God bless you through this difficult time.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I'm an emotional eater.

    Started on mfp in September, and I started wanting to lose weight, but now it's more of a holistic healthiness that I'm after. Yeah, I've git 28 pounds to lose, I've been doing strength training and getting into running. I want to know what my body can do. I want to make it work for me, not against me.

    And you know, the biggest gift I've given myself is the breaking of the emotional cycle, so I don't feel compelled to dive face first into the fridge when I'm down. That in itself is so freeing and worth more than the 20lb. I've dropped. Sure, I slip up from time to time, but it isn't a constant, predictable habit. And I can recognize it for what it is. I haven't had to go through losing someone close to me, so my emotional eating seems so stupid now.

    I guess I just want you to know that you have a valid reason for your feelings. Grieve it through. Work it out with yourself, and honor your body in that time. And at the other end of it, there will be a broken cycle. And your freedom to have a healthy relationship with your food.