Total Waste?

So today i went to a cookout with family and i went 800 calories over my limit, and i didnt exercise. How do you deal with having to eat with family and keeping ur diet a secret? My other family members say we are all genetically big and they are not big on the idea of dieting. I ate because i didnt want to be rude and be thought of as ungreatful. How do you deal with these types of setting since my family gets together alot over summer to have cookouts? Thanks


  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    There will always be occasions like this that you will have to work around. Even after you're at your goal, cookouts, family get togethers and holidays will still carry on. While most of the time it's not really possible to make an actual healthy choice at these types of things, you can make the MOST healthy choice out of the options you're given. I don't know what your family eats at cookouts or what you like or can eat but just as an example, you could have a hot dog with mustard and some fruit salad for around 400 calories. No, it's definitely not something you would make for yourself in your own kitchen but it should still fit nicely within your calorie budget and fill you up.

    If you're going to make a permanent change, you can't expect to deprive yourself for the rest of your life. There are going to be special occasions where you eat more than usual or eat no so healthy. You can just make the best of what you're given. :)
  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    And as for keeping it a secret, you shouldn't need to. I understand how annoying it is when people belittle you for trying to be healthy, but just briefly explain your goals and change the subject. They'll get the point. :)
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I'm learning to live by the 80/20 rule. If I eat well 80% of the time then I shouldn't derail myself if I eat a little differently the other 20%. I just try not to go overboard. This allows me the occassional bar-b-que, picnic, party, whatever. You have to live life. It hasn't got in the way of my weight loss yet. Ease up on yourself...this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. :smile:
  • Santa14
    Santa14 Posts: 14
    Yea thanks for the advice! I'll just work harder to help make them understand if not then its me going solo.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    So today i went to a cookout with family and i went 800 calories over my limit, and i didnt exercise. How do you deal with having to eat with family and keeping ur diet a secret? My other family members say we are all genetically big and they are not big on the idea of dieting. I ate because i didnt want to be rude and be thought of as ungreatful. How do you deal with these types of setting since my family gets together alot over summer to have cookouts? Thanks

    I don't know, but I just can not relate to this, "I GOT TO EAT or I will be Rude or I GOT TO Eat for My Family." Are you serious? Will your "Family" take your high BP or diabetes or heart attack or debilitating arthritis or low self esteem...

    I'm sorry, I can not empathize with this...No One tells Me or controls what I put in MY MOUTH and NEVER has. My feeling is that is an excuse for YOU to EAT what You want. Most families have big get-togethers/dinners...all you do is put a tablespoon of this and a piece of that on your plate. NOW the problem is the longer YOU sit at that table or in that environment, the Harder it is to say NO TO YOURSELF (every time somebody goes by with ribs or a juicy burger or some more banana pudding...resistance gets weaker, and you end up saying, "Oh, well, I'll have just a little more if YOU insist.") TAKE Responsibility for Yourself!

    Example: My Uncle stopped coming to family holidays and cook-outs for about 2 years because he is a RECOVERING Alcoholic. He wants his Sobriety so much he could NOT Risk the temptation of drinking so early on. He took Responsibility for his Life and how he wants to Live It. In the end, that's what it's all about for each of us.

    OHHH and the NEW QUOTE is: YOU are NOT Your Genes! So put that back in the Hat for another show. YOU are the young man that has on his Profile, "Lead By Example, Hoah!" So, you have teaching moments with your EXAMPLE.
  • Santa14
    Santa14 Posts: 14
    Yea what i meant was not to make those who made the meal feel like i dislike their cooking or anything, just tried to be polite, but thanks for the support you got me thinking! Lead by example updated it a few mins before i saw your post haha thanks!