No one thinks I'm Hispanic



  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    No reason to be overly hung up on race. It's a meaningless way to categorize people. When you keep going back and back to find out "where you came from" we all come from the same place. Sub-Saharan Africa. All humankind migrated from there. Scientifically there is no such designation as "race". We're all one species, one people. Just with a few differences based on climate. Some of us have less melanin content in our skin, maybe lighter hair or smaller noses. Such a small thing when you think about it. And think of all the fuss that gets made over it.

    People are people. The differences are minor. We have much more in common with each other.

    /Nerdy Saturday Night
  • slavaheroyam
    im hispanic and no one can tell and its starting to kill me :( i just want to show my culture because everyone makes assumptions :(

    i was interested in hearing dark skin, tan skin, light golden skin. or brown hair, black hair, wavy curly.

    im not insinuating in anyway that this topic needs to be offensive at all. im asking people to describe to me what they feel looks latina because honestly there are so many different ways to see it.

    I get more people who think I'm Russian or French than anything else really! I learned Spanish before English so if I speak Spanish both white Americans and Hispanic people used to give me dirty looks as a kid. It used to bother me when I was little because I felt like I was Panamanian more than American, but as I got older I just got used to it. I'm Hispanic and it shouldn't matter if people don't think I am.

    But it matters to me so much and this is why im asking. i care what people assume of me because of my own personal disconnect with myself and how im understood with others. i think your beautiful and honestly your right-it shouldnt matter what people think you are, its what you know inside your heart and the culture you were exposed to as a child will always be with you. i grew up away from my family, from my culture and i feel like something is missing. i add accents to the way i speak almost uncontrollably and constantly change the way i speak because of my sense of loss.

    I can feel where you're coming from, but at the same time, it's difficult to change if you have light or dark skin, or the texture of your hair, your cheekbones, your nose, whatever. Basically what Brett said, being Hispanic is more about your looks.

    Off on a tangent for a bit, for one of my classes, we read about the cultural ideas of race comparing the U.S. to Brazil. Someone who you would picture as "white" might be something totally different in Brazil because race is a cultural manifestation. Even my Brazilian friend mentioned something along these lines. She met a man who was of an Italian mother and German father and yet he identified himself as "Brazilian". Not really what you'd think of when you think of when you see a picture from a Carnival celebration.

    If you feel like something's missing, I'm not sure of a good response to help. There's still going to be the stereotypical ideas of Hispanics and while I think you look Hispanic (or at least from the Caribbean...?), it's not like people are going to assume and speak to you in Spanish.
  • slavaheroyam
    No reason to be overly hung up on race. It's a meaningless way to categorize people. When you keep going back and back to find out "where you came from" we all come from the same place. Sub-Saharan Africa. All humankind migrated from there. Scientifically there is no such designation as "race". We're all one species, one people. Just with a few differences based on climate. Some of us have less melanin content in our skin, maybe lighter hair or smaller noses. Such a small thing when you think about it. And think of all the fuss that gets made over it.

    People are people. The differences are minor. We have much more in common with each other.

    /Nerdy Saturday Night

    This is pretty much the main reason I decided to major in Anthropology. Race is determined by society. Even within Latin America (or anywhere really), you can categorize by facial and body structure depending on different regions. Add to it immigration and it's a whole mess of things.
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    No reason to be overly hung up on race. It's a meaningless way to categorize people. When you keep going back and back to find out "where you came from" we all come from the same place. Sub-Saharan Africa. All humankind migrated from there. Scientifically there is no such designation as "race". We're all one species, one people. Just with a few differences based on climate. Some of us have less melanin content in our skin, maybe lighter hair or smaller noses. Such a small thing when you think about it. And think of all the fuss that gets made over it.

    People are people. The differences are minor. We have much more in common with each other.

    /Nerdy Saturday Night

    This is pretty much the main reason I decided to major in Anthropology. Race is determined by society. Even within Latin America (or anywhere really), you can categorize by facial and body structure depending on different regions. Add to it immigration and it's a whole mess of things.

    my concentration is in women studies and im currently taking a class on Hispanic women studies. im also going to try to take as many classes as i can regarding Hispanic culture because of how much it effects me.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    curvacious with an apple bottom, may or may not be chesty and definitely child-bearing hips....
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I don't get why Latin America is called that when no one speaks Latin...................................but anyway my thought is brown skin, dark hair with none Asian eyes.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    If that's your passion and it makes you feel happy and fulfilled that's wonderful. But don't put added pressures on yourself to be anything you're not. You don't have to force yourself to have an accent, or work on getting a tan as a way to prove something. The way you speak is a product of your environment. Don't be ashamed of that.

    If there's one trait about hispanics it's that they're proud of where they came from, wherever that might be. Be who you are. That's the best way you can honor your heritage.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Every hispanic woman I've met looks different. Blonde hair, dark hair, light skin, dark skin, skinnyskinny to superthick. "Hispanic" usually gets tacked with a bunch of stereotypes about what you look like, how you act. It's the same with anything other than caucasian. My asian friends get the same thing, as do my indian, south american, middle eastern... People come in all different appearances. You know what/who you are. If you want people to know, just continue to tell them. :)
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    curvacious with an apple bottom, may or may not be chesty and definitely child-bearing hips....

    Sigh. If only just the women got the child bearing hips...
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    curvacious with an apple bottom, may or may not be chesty and definitely child-bearing hips....

    Sigh. If only just the women got the child bearing hips...

    aww, hugs!
  • slavaheroyam
    No reason to be overly hung up on race. It's a meaningless way to categorize people. When you keep going back and back to find out "where you came from" we all come from the same place. Sub-Saharan Africa. All humankind migrated from there. Scientifically there is no such designation as "race". We're all one species, one people. Just with a few differences based on climate. Some of us have less melanin content in our skin, maybe lighter hair or smaller noses. Such a small thing when you think about it. And think of all the fuss that gets made over it.

    People are people. The differences are minor. We have much more in common with each other.

    /Nerdy Saturday Night

    This is pretty much the main reason I decided to major in Anthropology. Race is determined by society. Even within Latin America (or anywhere really), you can categorize by facial and body structure depending on different regions. Add to it immigration and it's a whole mess of things.

    my concentration is in women studies and im currently taking a class on Hispanic women studies. im also going to try to take as many classes as i can regarding Hispanic culture because of how much it effects me.

    If it helps, then have at it! It's obvious you're not the only person who feels this way and there's countless Hispanic people who don't fit the stereotype so maybe whatever you research can help someone in your position along with helping you feel more connected (I could have needed it as a young teen). If you're ever presented with the opportunity, maybe you could study abroad or at least visit your country of origin for a month or so.

    At least I hope realizing that there isn't just one "look" helps you out.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i get mistaken for being Puerto Rican a LOT. my profile picture is a picture of me!
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I can relate to this. I'm mistaken for Asian alot, in specific Filipina. But I'm as Mexican as La India Maria.
    From my father's side, a lot of my cousins look more Spanish than the typical Mestizo Mexican but Mom's side definitely looks more Native. I got the mix, I don't tan AT ALL yet I have the thick black hair and next to no body hair....I'm a total mutt.
    My partner is White of French/Creole descent and people believe he's Mexican or Spanish before me.
  • DarkOctoberNight
    DarkOctoberNight Posts: 111 Member
    The Hispanic women I know are usually dark tan, large hips, dark brown/black hair, brown eyes, wavy hair, wider nose, well endowed chest, but you have to remember Christina Aguilara claims shes hispanic and shes pasty with blond hair.
  • imchelseap
    To be honest..I can perfectly relate to any latino/a that had this problem. I am half Spanish and half Mexican and spanish my first language. My name is a caucasion person's name (sorry for my bad spelling) and it bothers me since my family all have hispanic names. I have been told by 80% people I either am white(according to their beliefs, regardless of the fact I am not) they assume I am. I have what people describe "Olive skin" aka I am simply a beige color, brownish. considered very tan to many caucasions...and I have big almond hazelish colored eyes and long brown curly hair and full lips and thin eyebrows. Simply, I am confused of why people think I am white...perhaps it is because the way I dress? or have my makeup? or my body language...I also assume many people perceive me as being white because most of the time, the people are narrow-minded and their family is dark brown aka stereotypical Latino/a and I just so happen to not be so dark. Both my parents are what you like to call "Morenos" which is a spanish meaning for well...colored people. aka my parents are DARK brown. I feel it as being a huge insult to being confused as white NOT because I have anything against anyone who is white but because as a Latina I have great pride of my culture and everything and it hurts me a little to be simply assumed as being "white girl". I hope I do not offend anyone, I do not intend to do so but anyone who is latina/o and who can relate with me or the pride thing might understand my point (or any other nationalities as well.) To be honest, there are many ignorant people that assume things based off movies or stereotypes of what nationality is suppose to be, so it hurts others when people simply make assumptions instead of politely getting to know the person. I love how I look and I have nothing I really regret about myself, simply I want to know just why I was the one born with the different skin color and I feel it is truly because I have some recessive traits instead of my parent's dominant ones....
    Soii Latina<3
    and proud....
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    there's no one way a hispanic person looks like. it's like asking what does a black person look like.

    i have people in my immediate family who are as light as jennifer beales and others who are as dark as wesley snipes yet they are all black.

    hispanic is no different. there are lighter and fair hispanics as well as dark skinned ones.

    who cares if people dont think you're hispanic. why do you need to convince others what your culture is?

    sorry, i really just dont understand the logic here
  • imchelseap
  • imchelseap
    The Hispanic women I know are usually dark tan, large hips, dark brown/black hair, brown eyes, wavy hair, wider nose, well endowed chest, but you have to remember Christina Aguilara claims shes hispanic and shes pasty with blond hair.

    Yea Christina does NOT look hispanic...but I mean if you ever seen any Novelas you would realize that PERHAPS hispanics come in literally, many shapes and sizes and looks and colors.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    This is a weird question to me because...well..


    Get my point?? lol the word "hispanic" covers SOOOO many different looks. I think the stereotypical hispanic is one like Jennifer Lopez or Sofia Vegara but I think people forget that Hispanics come from SOOOO many different places and some look completely white, some look black, some are brown and that is part of the beauty!!! Who cares what other people think. Correct them and just brush your shoulders off! :) ps. Why is this in Food and Nutrition? lol
  • Nahnita
    Nahnita Posts: 23

    I love your answer BrettPGH
    it made me smile :)