Alcohol Challange this week....4 pple who drink every night

I have stayed the same weight now for 4 weeks, I have askd for advice on here and LOADS of people said I should cut the wine out (Usually drink a bottle evry night =555cals.) One of my bad habits. Of course, i was in denial, thinking well...I add it into my calories so whats the problem.
So, I am looking for someone to do this challange with me. Do you drink every night?
I am going to NOT drink a bottle every night for this week to see if it does make a difference. Im not saying I wont have a sneaky glass somewhere along the line, but I intend not to.
Anyone with me?


  • mrswattie
    mrswattie Posts: 16
    I'll join you! I need to cut back a bit too. I hardly drank anything for a few weeks and was losing weight, but in the last 2 weeks I've had more wine than usual amd my weight loss has been slower. I'll probably still have a glass each night...just not the 3-4 I've been having lately!
  • suemorgan1969
    suemorgan1969 Posts: 132 Member
    Thank you, have requested to add you :)
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I'm a bartender - not drinking is haaaaard. I tell myself that darting around, lifting kegs and cleaning for up to 10 hours burns off a couple of shots but I know it's better midweek when it's easier to not drink.