looking for some low carb friends...

soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
i don't think i'm doing a low carb diet but i'm certainly watching my carbs and would like friends who are on low carb so that i can see what they are doing and gain some knowledge about it. thanks in advance.


  • peles_fire
    peles_fire Posts: 501
    Hi there! I am watching my carbs due to Type 2 Diabetes, and I have been on a quest as of late to find foods and recipes that will accommodate both my lower carb needs and my husband's expansive taste buds! As far as diabetics go, I am on the lighter side - meaning I do not have to be quite as strict with my carb intake as most other diabetics I know. But still... if I can reel in the carbs far enough and lose enough weight, I could get off the meds... Oh what a dream that would be.

    So... feel free to add me. I don't post my recipes for everyone to see, but I do have some good ones I would be happy to share and I would love to compare notes with other low carbers.

    Good luck on your journey! :)
  • lornaheron
    lornaheron Posts: 72
    I'm a bit like you, i keep under my carbs but not really on purpose. I'm also cutting out most sugar, the only sugar i get is from fruit mainly. I do treat myself now again though if iv'e had a good work out,otherwise it could get a bit too strict a diet. Just generally trying to eat healthy, no sweets, chocolate ,biscuits or cakes. I find a lot of people don't have their diary open to look at. Feel free to add me.

  • cadynappi
    cadynappi Posts: 63
    Hi I watch my carbs and sugar intake since they go hand in hand. Feel free to add me to your friends. During the week I am good about my carb intake. I eat oatmeal only on days that I know I am working out hard, otherwise I start my day with an egg white omelette. I have a whole grain wrap once a week as a treat. Otherwise my carbs and sugars are from fruits and veggies. Would love to be able to chat about this with others and view others food diaries. I do find myself hungry at times or looking for something crunchy.....

  • Milette812
    Milette812 Posts: 32
    A couple low carb substitutes for bread and pasta:

    1. Joseph's Lavash Bread (50 cal a serving, and it's not tiny!). They also make pita bread and it is yummy.
    2.Tofu Shiritaki Noodle substitute. I like the fettuccine shape the best cause the noodles don't tangle up. Just be sure to rinse very well and don't worry about the mushroom like smell when you first open it, just rinse really good and it completely goes away. The taste is good too!

    Hope this helps ya'll!