
My husband's friend (whom is a marathon runner) wrote down this program for us a year ago, and we tried it together. I moaned and moaned and my discouragement and excuses we quit.

Now I started MFP a few weeks ago and need to serious find an exercise program, and today somebody posted they were going to start this on Monday any joiners. So I googled C25K and it sounds like what my husband tried to get me to do a year ago.

Downloaded an iPhone App and made a fresh pack with my husband to give it a proper go if he wanted to try again.

I so want to be fit! With all my extra weight, I may have to do some weeks over before i move up - but I am going to do it.

Wish me luck!

Any other newbies want to join?


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    It's a great programme. Lots of app and the UK national health service do a free pod cast which is supposed to be good.

  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
  • lachique
    lachique Posts: 13
    It's great. I used to get exhausted just running down the garden path, and I'm now able to run 15 mins without much trouble. Cant wait till I can do 30 mins all at once. I've noticed just how quickly it burns calories too. In the 15 mins that I run for my age and weight, I burn 300 cals. It's awesome.

    If you get to a particular week and feel like you're flagging when you do the program, just do that week twice. Also, I do recommend that you stick to the 3 times a week rule. I tried doing it every day the 1st time I tried and ended up injuring myself because I wasnt having a break in between runs so had to stop, then I didnt take it back up again for 8 months. This time, I'm desperate to do the 30 mins, but I swap between the C25K and endurance runs now because I often dont have the time for doing a 30 min session at once..

    Good luck with it! It's certainly worth it and my colleague lost 2 dress sizes in the 10 weeks it took her to do it.
  • Always824
    Always824 Posts: 111 Member
    I already started... Going into Week 3... It's a really great program, and remember, you can always go at your own pace... If you feel like your not ready for the next week, you can always re-do a week or a day just never give up and always push yourself...
    I too moan and bit*h at the pain I feel in my shins at times... Damn Shin splints! But its just pain and after a run or a work out, your joy, accomplishment and everything else will overshadow the pain... Of course with a good stretch :) ...

    Good Luck in your endeavors, don't quit this time because you got this! You can do it! :)

    Always ;)
  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
    I am so glad you both posted. I was thinking of doing it daily! I work in IT as well, and that mean couch potatoe, and video gamer by weekends. I love to read and wrote a few short stories when i was younger, I don't think I have any hobbies that require movement outside of my doggie walking duties.

    The dog will love the extra time off the lead in the park, I think this is going to better for me because I woudl not do the gym and dog walk - no time with work. Plus is private and free.

    I suspect i will moan every day about it !

  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    Good advice from the posters above...

    Adding to that... It is not a race!!! Run at your pace where you are not killing yourself- no matter how slow! You should be slightly winded when running, not muscles burning, huffing and puffing!

    Slow allows your body to burn fat, not just sugar in the blood. Slow also reduces the chances of injuring yourself. Slow is fine- your speed will come later as you shed pounds and build your cardiovascular fitness!

    Great job on your re-commitment and good luck! I started C25K in October 2011 and have ran a half marathon, am running 12 mile today, and a marathon is scheduled in October! YOU CAN DO THIS!! It is a great way to start running!

    Also- look up "midsole running" on Google for some ideas on proper running form- your knees and hips will thank you!

    Good luck!
  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
    Also- look up "midsole running" ....

    on it...

    thanks so much guys I feel like I can really do it after reading all of this.

    Slow is better than not moving - good advice.
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    I just started last night!! It wasn't so bad but I was really sweating and panting at the end. Today my hips are sore though...