Question for People Who Have Lost 30+ Pounds in 6 Months



  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    The water with flavor are those little Crystal Light packs that you put in water bottles... just wanted to clarify. But yeah I know....... ^_^; Vegetables are better than chips. Which vegetables should I be eating? I already eat a lot of tomatoes and cucumbers. Onions go in the food sometimes... what else is there? :)

    Try whatever is in season. Usually, if you can get it fresh locally it will be cheaper. Besides tomatoes and cucumbers and onions, try carrots and bell peppers. Both of those are crunchy, and can be eaten like chips. You can substitute fresh spinach leaves in your salads in place of some lettuce. Asparagus is great roasted quickly on a cookie sheet in the oven with a *touch* of olive oil and lemon juice. Try grilling slices of eggplant or zucchini.

    Add extra beans to chili. I even add finely chopped veggies (pepper, carrots, onion, and mushroom) to my meatloaf. Adds flavor, you can't taste the veggies, and makes it more filling as well as nutritionally dense. There are so many options, and even ways to "hide" veggies if you are not too keen on them.

    Also, strawberries and blueberries make great snacks. You can even eat them frozen.

    If you really need a chip-like snack, pretzel thins and salsa go really well together.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I've lost 64ish since the day after thanksgiving. I eat all day long-I eat carbs, I eat at night, I eat sugar-free & fat-free and processed food and I probably break every other diet "rule"-but I net between 1400 and 1600 calories a day (no matter what I shove down my throat). I eat a lot of fish and salads and fruit. I eat yogurt & cheese. I have some sort of crack-like addiction to special k snack bars-so I eat a lot of those. I eat sandwiches and soups and pretty much anything I feel like eating-as long as it all averages out for the week in terms of calories. So I still eat pizza and bacon cheeseburgers-but not often. I don't particularly like flavored or carbonated beverages-so I've always really just had water and coffee-and still do (with my artificial sweetener & fat free cream). I eat much better than I did-and I get plenty of servings of fruits and veggies and dairy and protien and whatever else. I've never once looked at my "macros" so I couldn't tell you what they are or if I "hit" them. I just eat-healthy stuff much more often than not-but I'm not above substituting a sugar-free/fat-free/low-cal option to still indulge on occasion-or throw caution to the wind and have the real deal. Whatever fits in my calories for the week is a-ok with me.

    For exercise, I run-well slog I guess. I'm very, very slow-but I run 20-25 miles a week. That's all-no fancy DVDs or weight training or gym memberships or anything else. Just running.

    I may very well revisit these approaches if they stop working for me - or I'm looking for something different later on. I started from the standpoint of making changes I think I can sustain forever. For me, that needs to be very low maintenance and non-restrictive. What I'm doing now, I can maintain forever. But as a woman, I reserve the right to change my mind without notice and completely alter my approach. We will have to see. But for now-I'm not "fixing" something that isn't "broken".
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    I don't crave sugar, so I can't help you with that one. But chips I have a serious craving for. I especially love to dip.
    I've recently replaced chips with special k cracker chips. 27 chips for only 110 calories. And they have fun flavors.
    For dip attacks, I've switched to veggies and hummus or salsa.
    The calories can still add up quickly, but not as quick as with other chip and dip choices.

    Love hummus and salsa! Salsa's expensive though... I wish I could make my own! :)) I know a good salsa recipe, but not the exact way to do it.... only seen it done by my parents.

    You could make pico de gallo (a fresh salsa). All that is, is diced tomatoes, onions, garlic, cilantro, and a little jalapeno and lime juice. Basically, you do everything to taste, so there's really no wrong way to make it.
  • blg5
    blg5 Posts: 89 Member
    Look up foods that are low in glycemic index. Good luck to you.:smile: Also, you may want to get a heart rate monitor. It has done wonders for me. I can go outside and play with my kids and know exactly how many calories I have burned. You can also set the monitor to alert you when you are below your target heart rate.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Look up foods that are low in glycemic index. Good luck to you.:smile:

    Or you can count calories since that actually works.
  • msdavis79
    msdavis79 Posts: 7
    I started my journey March 15 at roughly 240 pounds and for the first couple of weeks i just lifted weights. About mid-april,about two months ago, I joined the YMCA and started a full body workout:

    In order of succession: *****I do this every other day and run 3.5 miles at about the elliptical at roughly 6.5 miles an hour level1***

    1.Machine Squats: Started out doing 3 sets of 10 reps at 95lbs now I am up to 5 sets 10 reps at 120lbs (smith machine aka squat machine)

    2. Standing calf raises: Started out doing 3 sets of 10 reps at 95lbs now I am up to 5 sets 10 reps at 120lbs (smith machine aka squat machine)

    3. Bent over rows : Started out doing 3 sets of 10 reps at 95lbs now I am up to 5 sets 10 reps at 120lbs (smith machine aka squat machine)

    4. Hyper-extensions: Started out doing 3 sets of 15 reps now I am up to 3 sets 20 reps

    5. Bench Press: Started out doing 3 sets of 10 reps at 95lbs now I am up to 10 sets 5 reps at 120lbs (I struggle with this not sure why????) (Olympic Bar =45lbs)

    6. Barbell Curls: Started out doing 3 sets of 10 reps at 45lbs now I am up to 5 sets 10 reps at 55lbs (alternate between straight and ez(V) bar)

    7. Upright Rows: Started out doing 3 sets of 10 reps at 45lbs now I am up to 5 sets 10 reps at 55lbs (alternate between straight and ez(V) bar)

    8. Triceps Extensions: Started out doing 3 sets of 10 reps at 20 lbs now I am up to 5 sets 10 reps at 35lbs ( dumbbell)

    9. Shoulder Press: Started out doing 3 sets of 10 reps at 30 lbs now I am up to 5 sets 10 reps at 50lbs (machine)

    10. Incline leg raises: Started out doing 3 sets of 15 reps now I am up to 3 sets 20 reps

    11. 3.5 mile run on the elliptical machine roughly 30 minutes on level1

    On my off day I kick the cardio up to 7 miles roughly 30 minutes still on level1

    Almost everything I eat is protein based you can check my diary to get an idea but generally i stick to 1750 calories and 200 grams of protein. I have lost almost 40 pounds of fat and added atleast 5-6 pounds of muscle judging by my chest and arms.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    For chip snack attacks I usually eat Mary's Gone Crackers (they're made of brown rice, flax seeds and not much else). They have a few more calories than special K chips, but I feel like I'm eating a chemistry experiment when I see the list of ingredients on those bad boys. They also don't taste that good in my opinion. Mary's Gone Crackers have lots of fiber and good fats from the seeds rather than trans fats. I also eat crispbreads, and sometimes I eat Riceworks chips. For dips I use salsa, hummus or smoked fish dip (stick to one serving!).

    For sugary snacks I like Kozy Shack rice pudding, which has a fair amount of protein and not a ton of calories and isn't "diet", or Dove mini ice cream bars (I just eat one).

    Honestly I've tried quitting snacks cold turkey, or "weaning myself off" them, but I've found that the best solution for me is to to find snacks that are somewhat healthier, as delicious as high-calorie snacks, and (most importantly) stick to eating 1 serving size. If you're punishing yourself or miserable that you can't enjoy food, you're going to fail.

    I've lost 34 pounds in 2 months btw and I typically eat 1300-1700 net cals per day with 6 days/week of 45 minutes of gym time (I vary cardio/weight training).
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks for all your comments, guys! These are really helpful. I showed my boyfriend all of what you have said; he wants to take me to the store now! And thanks for that pico de gallo recipe, I wanna make it and just eat that for dinner! :D
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    Honestly, for me (on my way to losing 30 lbs in 6 mos, it's 3 mos today since I've started and I've lost 15 so far) is portion control. That's really it. I don't drink a lot of water, because I forget but I drink TONS of iced tea that is black and plain. I don't have a lot of processed foods lately and if I do, it's usually fried chicken or chicken strips when eating out. That's my one caveat. It's really about finding that middle ground and being comfortable. Almost everyday, I have a salad and I started smoothies this week. As far as fitness goes, I run 5x a week for about 40-45 mins and the past 2 runs I've had well over an hour. Planning to have one long run everyweek. I do nothing else.

    Portion Control! Everything else is "gravy". I lost 6 or 7 pounds before starting with MFP and 25 pounds with MFP - all since early February. I cut out sweets altogether. Made everything else fit in my calories (1400 to start - 1570 right now). Adjusted macros to favor protein about halfway through. Deficit was set at 750/day at first. Exercise - I broke the rules in that I rarely skip a day. Never less that weights 30 minutes and cardio 30 minutes - usually closer to 90 minutes total. I definitely feel that lifting before cardio makes a huge difference.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    One of my favorite things to make (since it's so easy to reheat for lunch at work) is chicken breasts roasted in the oven with a little seasoning and then diced. I throw those into brown rice, along with black beans, broccoli, peas, and any other veggies I feel like eating (onions and carrots make it in sometimes).

    It's *extremely* filling, and the only thing in there that has any significant amount of calories is the brown rice, so I tend to go heavy on the beans and veggies. The chicken is for protein, and the brown rice is for fiber (i.e. filling).

    I find I don't need to eat much before I'm stuffed, and it's so delicious and full of nutrients. If you find it to be too dry, you can add a tiny bit of low-sodium (or sodium free) chicken stock.

    It's also cheap. I got hooked on beans and rice when I was in college. :) You can get a huge bag of brown rice, black beans, and frozen veggies for just a few dollars, and it makes quite a few meals.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    That pico de gallo recipe was amazing... except I didn't put garlic in, but still it was spicy! I can still feel the burn on my hands from holding the jalepeno. Oops! :D Ate almost a whole bowl of it for dinner, only used two tomatoes, a half of a half of onion, a little cilantro, half a jalapeno (which was too much, I found out), and some lime juice. Amazing! I wanna eat the rest... :D
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    That pico de gallo recipe was amazing... except I didn't put garlic in, but still it was spicy! I can still feel the burn on my hands from holding the jalepeno. Oops! :D Ate almost a whole bowl of it for dinner, only used two tomatoes, a half of a half of onion, a little cilantro, half a jalapeno (which was too much, I found out), and some lime juice. Amazing! I wanna eat the rest... :D

    Glad you like it! :smile: I find that if I remove the seeds from the jalapeno before dicing them up, it's a little less hot.

    I also add pico de gallo to my salads sometimes. It adds flavor, and eliminates the need to use dressing.
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Oh, and there was an MFP post a couple of weeks ago called "88 Snacks Under 100 Calories!". You might want to take a look at it for some new ideas.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Also try local farmers markets for inexpensive fresh fruits and veggies. Local farm stands to if you have any in your area. I never have a problem finding inexpensive produce and I live in a metropolitan area.
  • brocoli, green peppers, carrots, peas, celery.
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    It's absolutely doable. I've lost 25 lbs. in less than two months, with no exercise (yet). Granted, I have a lot more weight to lose than you do, so yours may come off more slowly, but 30 pounds in six months is a very reasonable pace. The key for me has been portion control, and logging everything BEFORE I eat it. I've also eliminated sodas from my diet completely, and eat as few processed foods as possible.

    I was not a big vegetable eater before, and made a conscious effort to learn to like them more. Now's the perfect time to start incorporating more vegetables in your diet. I highly recommend visiting your local farmers markets. While frozen veggies are fine, there's nothing like eating something that was just picked that morning. Get to know the vendors - they can offer good suggestions for cooking.

    My favorite veggies are spinach, yellow squash, tomatoes, asparagus, carrots, and green beans. I also love pico de gallo, and add it to a lot of foods. Adding vegetables to your meals allows you to eat a lot more with few added calories.
  • MustangCindy67
    MustangCindy67 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi 2 cents...:)
    You have to be READY to lose not just want it. You will see more results when you Do rather than Say.... You will have to cut a lot of the sugar and trade your chips for veggies..... you have to be honset with yourself......I have lost 32 lbs in 4.5 months with eating about 1200 -1600 calories most days and have had cheat days but put the breaks on my own stupidity knowing full well I cant have chips every weekend or wine and expect to lose weight........I also slowly made a habit of exercising 30 minutes 3 days a week and am now up to 2+ hours a day after work ...5-6 days a week and when my body is tired I rest for 1-3 days depends on how I deal with daily stressors....
    I wish you well and hope you succeed. Form good lasting habits and get moving ...I am sure you will see results much quicker. We all lose at different rates...some by diet alone and others by diet and exercise..... good luck.....I hope you arent miffed if you dont like the advice...afterall you did ask....:)
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    I would look to minimise veges like potatoes, carrots, corn and peas - all are quite high in carbs.

    Carrots are actually a lot lower in carbs than potatoes and corn, and are packed with vitamin A. They're very good for you.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    That pico de gallo recipe was amazing... except I didn't put garlic in, but still it was spicy! I can still feel the burn on my hands from holding the jalepeno. Oops! :D Ate almost a whole bowl of it for dinner, only used two tomatoes, a half of a half of onion, a little cilantro, half a jalapeno (which was too much, I found out), and some lime juice. Amazing! I wanna eat the rest... :D

    Glad you like it! :smile: I find that if I remove the seeds from the jalapeno before dicing them up, it's a little less hot.

    I also add pico de gallo to my salads sometimes. It adds flavor, and eliminates the need to use dressing.

    Actually, you should remove the seeds. My boyfriend was telling me that if you eat the seeds, they will stick to the lining of your stomach and give you ulcers.... just a tip. I don't know if it's true or not, but it makes sense since those are the hottest part of the pepper. And even half was on fire in my mouth! :D My hands were burning too, almost the whole night. LOL
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    Actually, you should remove the seeds. My boyfriend was telling me that if you eat the seeds, they will stick to the lining of your stomach and give you ulcers.... just a tip. I don't know if it's true or not, but it makes sense since those are the hottest part of the pepper. And even half was on fire in my mouth! :D My hands were burning too, almost the whole night. LOL
    I don't think they actually cause ulcers - rather, they cause pain for people who already have an ulcer. Peppers are actually very good for you.

    I feel you on the hand burning thing, though. It hurts! To avoid this, I buy some of those disposable latex gloves (dirt cheap), and wear them whenever I'm working with peppers. If you are allergic to latex, there are some alternatives available that do not have latex.