Does anyone here have IBS or FODMAPS?

Does anyone here have ibs or follow fodmaps? I have a lot of the symptom and i'm not sure what to do.


  • 180farm
    180farm Posts: 230
    Make an appointment with your primary care doctor. If you log all of your food intake see if there is a pattern. Log everything including spices. You may need to see a gastrointerologist or an allergist.
  • Miss_L
    Miss_L Posts: 20 Member
    Ive been to the doctor in the past and they said its IBS and theres nothing that can be done. Im
    So frustrated because im always bloated and in pain and uncomfortable.
    I think i'll go ask and ask to see a dietician or gastroentorologist
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I suffer from IBS and have done for many years. I always carry my tablets in my handbag in case I get an attack.
    Having just had a quick look at the diet regime or suggestions of Fodmaps it is rather extensive and quite mind boggling to sort out what's what. I think if you just note everything you eat and whether you get a reaction from it you will be able to narrow down the things that are affecting you. It is so different with each person so whilst something may be particularly bad for me it may not have any affect on you. Plus I have found that something I eat today won't have the same affect on anither day.
    As for treating the symptoms, generally a plain yogurt will help and especially the probiotic ones.
  • JCTJennings
    JCTJennings Posts: 9 Member
    I have IBS. It comes and goes.

    The first thing to do is see your doc - He will advise what to do.

    The best thing about seeing the doc for me was that then I stopped worrying about the symptoms - and consequently most of them eased (almost completely). Once I knew I didn't have to have a leg amputated or anything like that, I felt I could deal with the rest.

    Good luck - and try to remove stresses (easy said, I know)!
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I have IBS. It comes and goes.

    The first thing to do is see your doc - He will advise what to do.

    The best thing about seeing the doc for me was that then I stopped worrying about the symptoms - and consequently most of them eased (almost completely). Once I knew I didn't have to have a leg amputated or anything like that, I felt I could deal with the rest.

    Good luck - and try to remove stresses (easy said, I know)!

    Good point about seeing the doc and getting destressed!
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I have had it for years like amyllu I have my tablets with me at all times too. Some time it is brought on by food other times stress and other times for no good reason at all. It's something that we have to live with. I find the foods that set me off are greasy foods or dairy will set off an episode but not always. To help with bloating try fiber or hot water with lemon it's a natural diuretic as well as watermelon. Also the probiotic yogurts will help things a little.
  • Me, and I do FODMAPS diets but it's impossible to stick to if you're not cooking for yourself at all times :/
  • amyk225
    amyk225 Posts: 154
    i have ibs ,everyday im bloated and in pain and to be honest ive been into doctors loads of time,its always the same answer,eat plenty of fiber........i was also tested for allergies and i was told to stop eating anything that contains gluten,i did this for months and it only made it worse,i just deal with it now,dont think anything will help me at this stage even though most days i look six months pregnant:(
  • Miss_L
    Miss_L Posts: 20 Member
    i have ibs ,everyday im bloated and in pain and to be honest ive been into doctors loads of time,its always the same answer,eat plenty of fiber........i was also tested for allergies and i was told to stop eating anything that contains gluten,i did this for months and it only made it worse,i just deal with it now,dont think anything will help me at this stage even though most days i look six months pregnant:(

    Yep! This pretty much sums up how I feel everyday! I was told to do the gluten thing as well which didnt help
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    Yes I have suffered with IBS. I found this site very helpful

    I was having attacks every single day - bloated, in pain, headaches, sluggishness, tiredness. Yes had them all. I read Heather's book (all the info on the site is the same) about a week or 2 before starting on MFP in February. I cut out the things that I thought could be triggers - chilli, cola, chocolate, cheese,sugary foods, wholemeal foods, seeds, nuts, fibrous vegetables/fruit and started taking Benefiber.

    I have since re-introduced each of those items, one at a time.

    Since then I have only had 4, yes 4, days of pain. 3 of those days has been exactly one week before my period was due. One day was the day after I had a piece of chocolate. Now I don't know if the chocolate was coincidence or not but I'm honestly too scared to try it again lol Although I've been fine with a teaspoon or 2 of Nutella in my porridge.

    My doctor just told me to drink peppermint tea and Buscopan. Neither helped.

    Hope you find the site helpful.

    I found all the information about fiber really interesting on the site.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I have IBS-D. Here's the advice that has worked for me and many others:

    Cut out dairy
    Cut out meat

    On my vegetarian days (ESPECIALLY vegan days) I have not even a small shred of IBS symptoms. Eat a cheeseburger and it's ol' faithful time.

    Maybe it can work for you, too. :)
  • smallfurrythings
    smallfurrythings Posts: 9 Member
    Myself and my flatmate have IBS and we've found that different things set us each off, however, I have found a great over the counter treatment for it. If you can get your hands on something called Colpermin, then get it. It's basically concentrated peppermint oil, but we both find it really useful. You take one capsule 3 times a day and it helps to alleviate the symptoms. So you can keep eating the food you love (which is great for me as I love bread, pasta, and coffee, so no way was I cutting them out!)

    But I do suggest you also ask for anti-spasmodics from your doctor to combat the cramping, it can be hit and miss which one will work for you but it can be worth it.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I have IBS-D. Here's the advice that has worked for me and many others:

    Cut out dairy
    Cut out meat

    On my vegetarian days (ESPECIALLY vegan days) I have not even a small shred of IBS symptoms. Eat a cheeseburger and it's ol' faithful time.

    Maybe it can work for you, too. :)

    This is what I did too. I started following a vegan diet a month ago, as well as going on medication, and I have only had a few flare ups since then. When I do have a flare up, it's because I ate chips, or something else greasy. But the bloating and pain is no longer a daily thing.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Yes I have suffered with IBS. I found this site very helpful

    I was having attacks every single day - bloated, in pain, headaches, sluggishness, tiredness. Yes had them all. I read Heather's book (all the info on the site is the same) about a week or 2 before starting on MFP in February. I cut out the things that I thought could be triggers - chilli, cola, chocolate, cheese,sugary foods, wholemeal foods, seeds, nuts, fibrous vegetables/fruit and started taking Benefiber.

    I have since re-introduced each of those items, one at a time.

    Since then I have only had 4, yes 4, days of pain. 3 of those days has been exactly one week before my period was due. One day was the day after I had a piece of chocolate. Now I don't know if the chocolate was coincidence or not but I'm honestly too scared to try it again lol Although I've been fine with a teaspoon or 2 of Nutella in my porridge.

    My doctor just told me to drink peppermint tea and Buscopan. Neither helped.

    Hope you find the site helpful.

    I found all the information about fiber really interesting on the site.

    I never thought of tiredness and slugishness as being IBS symptoms before, I think I should look into that more. Sometimes I am so tired I fall asleep in the middle of the day. Maybe I need to cut something else out.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have had IBS most of my life they even removed my appendix when I was 7 only to find they were normal. It was my gynaecologist who eventually properly diagnosed it and he put me on treatment, alverine citrate and colpermin, I take neither now as I hate relying on drugs. A few years ago i got really sick of feeling ill, I also suffer from oesophagitis(swelling to the food pipe causing chest pain), I was overweight tired and depressed. I had food intolerance testing and was intolerant to dairy, gluten, white fish, eggs and beef, I cut all these out for about 9 months and felt so much better. However I couldn,t eat out couldn,t try food the kids offered me so introduced everything slowly. I have been fine until the past few months and slowly the symptoms are coming back. I feel I should go back on the diet but we are going on holiday soon and it is so restrictive. I have also been told i have excessive candida overgrowth which is triggering IBS and to cut out all yeast, sugar, caffeine, alcohol amongst many other things. followed this for a month and thought I would go mad really missed fruit.
  • Bobbi_N
    Bobbi_N Posts: 49 Member
    I was diagnosed with IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) 3.5 years ago. The symptoms are similar to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), but the difference is that there is a physical cause that can be pinpointed somewhere in the digestive tract. I've been in remission from flare-ups for about a year and a half.

    First thing is you should definitely see a gastroenterologist and see if they'd want to do an endo/colonoscopy and make sure there are no lesions, abcesses, or fistulae that are the underlying causes of the distress.

    I've been able to keep mine under control by lowering my stress levels, taking anti-spasmodics, and getting enough fiber to stay "regular" to prevent my lesions from getting inflamed.
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    i have ibs ,everyday im bloated and in pain and to be honest ive been into doctors loads of time,its always the same answer,eat plenty of fiber........i was also tested for allergies and i was told to stop eating anything that contains gluten,i did this for months and it only made it worse,i just deal with it now,dont think anything will help me at this stage even though most days i look six months pregnant:(

    Yep! This pretty much sums up how I feel everyday! I was told to do the gluten thing as well which didnt help

    Argh same here. I've been thinking about doing the FODMAP's diet but I'm just nervous because the elimination phase is soooo restricted...Not sure if I can stick to something so strictly! Perhaps if you guys wanted to do it we could make a group and support each other?
  • thpeek
    thpeek Posts: 76
    I have suffered from IBS for as long as I can remember. My doc put me on a new drug recently called Amitiza, I am not sure how long it has been around but it has sure helped me with the bloating and constipation. I have both diarrea and constipation with my IBS but mainly just Constipation and bloating. Too much stress in my life also causes further stomach cramping, burning I have learned not too let things bother me as much. Fried foods can also cause me more problems, I also have chronic heart burn so I take protonix for that. I hate taking pills too but at least now I have 6 good days and maybe only 1 bad day a week with my IBS/Stomach issues so it is worth it to me.
  • wvfrog22
    wvfrog22 Posts: 44
    I have IBS and was having attacks after nearly every meal. I have cut way back on my carb intake and have noticed a huge difference in the attacks that I have. I'm no doctor, nor am I a dietitian, but I have to believe there is some correlation between the two. Cutting the carbs isn't as hard as it may sound, either. Good luck!
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    My daughter went to a dr. and they put her on the elimination diet. Ultimately, they figured out her problem is something in wheat (probably not gluten) and corn. She feels much better now as long as she stays away from these 2 things. For me, milk is what bothers me. I can't drink milk but do fine with processed dairy like cheese and yogurt (although I think it bothers me at times).