Is anyone else following the Dukan Diet?

Hi MFP people :)

I've just started following the Dukan diet which is high protein, low carb and low fat. I'm just about to go into the 'cruise phase' which allows you to alternate pure protein days with protein and veg (non-starchy only). It's working really well and I find it super simple to follow as I love cooking and eat all kinds of meat and fish.

I'm 5'2" and was 146lb when I started a week ago. I have been fluctuating between 140lb and 146lb for the past 6 months and have been getting frustrated that I can't seem to maintain consistent healthy weight loss. I cycle to work and back everyday (12mile round trip) and run twice a week. I was following a healthy low carb diet with lots of veg with a few treats here and there which I hoped would be off-set by my regular cardio!

I started in Dukan about a week ago and I've lost 6lb already (although I realise most of this will be water retention etc) I feel like I've got a lot more energy now and like the fact my weight is finally heading in the right direction! I'm finding the many online blogs a real help and am getting loads of tasty inspiration for recipes and meal planning. I'd love to find some more people to chat to for support, I'm only in my first week so I'm sure I'll need some words of encouragement pretty soon!!

Thanks guys, fingers crossed :D


  • auntiemare
    auntiemare Posts: 8 Member
    Hi :)

    I am on the Dukan Diet as well. I am so happy with the results. My story is on my profile, if you want to check it out.

    I am happy to have friends on here going through the same plan :)
  • tarasutherland
    tarasutherland Posts: 7 Member
    I've just started. I am on Day 3 of the 'Attack' phase.
    I weighed myself this morning to find I am up 400g. I know its only a little but am so looking forward to seeing the scales head in the opposite direction!

    Still - have found some wonderful recipes. And will keep at it.