carbs - do you get tired after eating?

I need some help! For a mid morning snack I had some pretzels. I am extremely tired :yawn: right now. I also noticed that if I eat sandwiches with rolls I also get extremely tired :yawn: . Does anybody have any suggestions?

i have been trying to do some reading on this but it sounds like my blood sugar is out of wack or my thyroid. i have no clue.


  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I'm not sure about sandwiches but when you eat a snack I think you should try to incorporate a protein with a carb. The protein stabilizes the carb and helps it digest slower.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Have you been to a doctor? If you think there's a problem with your blood sugar or your thyroid this would be the first place to have it checked out.
  • lexi1015
    nah, i have not been to a dr. just doin some reading on the subject of being tired after you eat. like now 2 hours after lunch and i am exhausted!! i will call and make an apointment.

    thank you.