Howmany calories per day

How many calories per day to loose weight a vast amount of weight


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    How many calories per day to loose weight a vast amount of weight
    Well, one guy ate nothing for a year - "During the 382 days of the fast, the patient's
    weight decreased from 456 to 180 lb. Five years after undertaking the fast, Mr A.B.'s weight remains
    around 196 lb."

    I'm not recommending that, and he was closely monitored by doctors

    It is quite interesting though, especially when you hear folks *****ing about "starvation mode" on 1400 calories, LOL.

    Anyway, the UK recommendation for obese patients is 6 - 8 weeks on a VLCD which typically are 600 - 800 calories a day and are nutritionally complete. You should consult your doctor before starting any diet.

    You could visit and review their Program - I did 6 months on Phase 1 and lost over 3 stone (over 16 to under 13 stone, age 50 5'-10") You don't need to buy any products, just eat <20g of carbohydrates per day - so no more pasta, potatoes, pizza, pastry, chips, crisps, chocolate, sweets, sugar, fruit juice etc etc

    You'll get 30 opinions from 20 people on here, so best wishes in your quest.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Holy spicy guacamole! A whole year?? I couldn't do it.
  • Morgandobes
    Morgandobes Posts: 66 Member
    Atkins is way to hard to stick to. I tried several times, lost a bunch of weight, but I had to keep my carbs so low <15g a day,
    it was just not doable for me long term.
    Check the Eat More 2 Weigh Less group..

    You can follow a 'calorie restricted' diet, and if you want to cut your carbs a bit you can, but when you start telling yourself
    that you cant have 'this and that', you are setting yourself up for failure.

    See, 2 people, 2 opinions! :laugh:

  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    As low as 800~ calories would be O.K. only if they're extremely nutritionally-packed calories. (i.e. veggies,fruits, nuts)
    And even then, not for too long. 6~ weeks max maybe.

    But if you're going to do something that drastic, don't do it on your own. You really need a doctor for that.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 341 Member
    How many calories per day to loose weight a vast amount of weight
    Well, one guy ate nothing for a year - "During the 382 days of the fast, the patient's
    weight decreased from 456 to 180 lb. Five years after undertaking the fast, Mr A.B.'s weight remains
    around 196 lb."

    I'm not recommending that, and he was closely monitored by doctors

    It is quite interesting though, especially when you hear folks *****ing about "starvation mode" on 1400 calories, LOL.

    Anyway, the UK recommendation for obese patients is 6 - 8 weeks on a VLCD which typically are 600 - 800 calories a day and are nutritionally complete. You should consult your doctor before starting any diet.

    You could visit and review their Program - I did 6 months on Phase 1 and lost over 3 stone (over 16 to under 13 stone, age 50 5'-10") You don't need to buy any products, just eat <20g of carbohydrates per day - so no more pasta, potatoes, pizza, pastry, chips, crisps, chocolate, sweets, sugar, fruit juice etc etc

    I've lost 3 stone in five months just counting calories, drinking plenty of water and trying to make more healthy choices (1200 per day for the first couple of months and then upped to about 1400-1500 a day since then), and exercising about 3 times a week) in five months.

    You don't need to do anything drastic, just start and keep going :)

    edited to add that I have another two stone to go and I'm 5'7"
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    Call your doctor! :) In the meantime, log everything you eat and move more each day!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I stay under 1350 and above 1150 on most days.. eat mostly whatever I want just limit it. I try to stay away from high sodium stuff cuz it causes me to hold water weight and the scale doesn't move like i want it to. Lots of people on this site say I don't eat enough.. B/c I also workout and I'm "not netting my bmr" but 5 months into it, 50 lbs down, stronger than ever, more fit than ever, more energy than ever, better skin than ever, healthier than ever, and overall happier and stress free than ever... I think I'm doing alright. Still losing consistently as well.

    Good luck. I still have 32 lbs to go to meet my goal :)
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I started at 1200 and got stuck within 2 months. Now its 1500 and I consistently lose a pound a week.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Holy spicy guacamole! A whole year?? I couldn't do it.

    I could however eat Holy Spicy Guacamole for a whole year! ;) Eat guac like daily now. LOL
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Get a doctor and get a trainer thats qualified. Get a stress test and blood tests.

    Don't go less than 1200 calories without being monitored

    Do intense exercise for at least 2 hours a day and do not eat back what you burn off.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I wouldn't cut less than 1000 per day from your maintenance level. That would allow you to lose two pounds a week and still eat. Your body needs fuel.
  • mrob81
    mrob81 Posts: 36
    Losing a lot of weight is not just about losing weight. It is about not looking weak like you have been starving yourself for months at a time.

    Take it from me. I was a solid 250lbs at one point and lost about 47lbs. I looked and felt like CRAP. I didn't eat enough calories and ended up looking like a tall skinny weak person. This is the minimum end of losing weight. The maximum end is when very large people lose weight by eating an improper diet and have a lot of excess skin hanging after they have trimmed down. You look great with a shirt on, but trust me, it is a horrible feeling to still not feel 100% positive about your weight loss.

    Excess loose skin is not a requirement for losing weight! A solid diet eating a lot of "clean" calories with a proper workout plan (weight-lifting AND cardio) is the key. I am trying to lose 9lbs and I actually eat MORE now than I did when I was not tracking my diet.

    I coached my mom to weight loss and she lost about 38lbs. Her body is tight and she looks like she never had the extra weight. She did a mix of jogging and a simply weight training program with a spot on diet.

    To answer the question though, calculate your maintenance amount of calories and then subtract 10-30% from that depending on how much/fast you want to lose weight per week. Do some research on how to determine your maintenance calorie level.