Hi! New member from the UK~

Hi guys!

My friend recommended me to join here - what a great site! It's great to see so many success stories, and also so many people serious about changing their life for good.

A bit about me - I'm currently a 19-year-old gap year student from the UK. I've been serious about getting fit and leading a healthier, happier and more active lifestyle for around 18 months now. I started off with small steps (literally - just getting out of the house for a 30 minute walk, or getting off of the bus a little earlier than usual) and am now an active member of a gym, something I never thought would happen at my heaviest!

93 pounds into my weight loss journey, I still have a fair way to go. But I'm finally set on reaching my end goals and seeing my whole weight loss journey through.

Feel free to add me, you lovely people :)


  • maggiam
    maggiam Posts: 28 Member
    Add me too :D Not as far along in my journey as meginki.
    I fully intend to make this a permanent lifestyle change, one that I will hopefully maintain :)