New here and it's so daunting

Hi I'm 25 and new to MFP.I have always had a hard time losing weight. I can mostly chaulk it up to not eating correctly and not exercising. Perhaps a small bit of it also has to do with a hormone imbalance that is not totally new, but newly realized to be a more significant problem. Over the past few recent years I have tried several approaches to weight loss, none of which have been healthy. I tried eating very little and over exercising, I tried limiting myself to Lean cuisines only, I tried eating in moderation with occasional splurges that were more than occassional. Of course in the past I was able to manage to lose a bit but always gain it back. Now I am trying MFP in an attempt to track what I am actually eating and make a lifestyle change. I guess I have made some progress so far. I have the support from my boyfriend who suggested we do this together. We have gotten rid of most of the inconceivable food options in the house and I have been really strict on myself. Well besides the occasional Chipotle and skinny cow ice cream (always keeping it within my calorie limits and portion controlled) when I exercise and eating back my calories. I have seen progress, I think I have passed the physical wall everyone talks about when the body is adjusting. I just have managed to hit this mental wall. I can't let myself eat over the allotted calories. Last night I made some bad choices regarding my calorie allotment and ended up feeling starved but couldn't bring myself to eat anything else as my calories were all used. I have noticed that since starting this I am more irritable. I wanted to start this to be healthy and all I seem to feel is more fat and unhappy than before. Some days I have to force myself to eat because I just feel like it's such a losing battle , although I see progress everyday. I have been craving so many foods that I can't have anymore. Birthday cake being number one on the list of things I can't have anymore, ever. I think I am going through food withdrawal and I don't know what to do. I feel so unhappy.


  • Sunlight2011
    Sunlight2011 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey there. Its hard to give up food when you treat it as a friend as I do. Sounds sad but thats comfort eating for you. Don't think about what you're giving up think about what you gain (or rather lose). Do a bit research into healthy foods and you'll realise they aren't the enemy but have some great health benefits. Once you get used to it you'll fell like you don't really want the trashy food. Best of luck.x
  • kmh0617
    kmh0617 Posts: 51 Member
    I find that not eating "light" or "diet" foods is best. Lean Cuisines don't really contain great nutrition. Try eating whole, unprocessed, foods. I find that if I'm eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole (unrefined) grains, and lean protein, that I'm less inclined to get cravings. If you giveyour body everything it needs to operate (protein, vitamins, fiber, NUTRITIONALLY DENSE foods) it won't crave much else. you'll find that once you get in the habit of eating healthy foods, you'll start craving healthy foods!

    Good luck!
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    It's understandable, and it sounds like you are doing great!
    The role that overeating serves for many people is as stress relief/coping mechanism. You can't just get rid of your coping mechanisms, or you'll be unhappy (this is, I think, why a lot of people fail at weight loss). You need to identify things that would formerly have triggered your overeating, and find productive ways to make yourself feel better: engage in a hobby that you enjoy, talk to a friend you haven't heard from in a while, find a way to give back to your community... do something that is positive, and makes you feel good, and feel good about yourself. That is how you can replace your responses that were formerly damaging your body and your self image with ones that make you feel good about yourself and improve your life.

    I hope this is helpful.
  • corky26
    corky26 Posts: 7
    Hi, I'm fairly new here too and have had to make eating changes due to allergies/intolerance to all dairy. My best suggestion is do not deny yourself anything but control your portions. I found that since I've had to give up the way I've eaten for 60 years was easier because of my attitude....a 'can do' mindset. You sound like to really want to make positive changes. You will have days where there are setbacks but no need to reprimand yourself. Try again tomorrow. I don't usually write to people on here but I felt like I needed to respond to you. Hang on. Don't give up. Each day will be easier. I get cravings too but don't allow more than a small portion. I think it becomes easier also when you think about all the great things you CAN eat and not what you can't. If you don't have allergy issues or illness issues keep eating what you like but smaller portions then keep moving! All the best in your your journey and keep reaching out to the great community here at this site! Stay well.
  • nystrindel
    I have been trying to eat balanced meals and healthy snacks. Drinking lots of water which I actually crave more than anything else I could choose to drink. I haven't had fast food with the exception of Chipotle. I have not had frozen foods with the exception of vegetables and only two ice cream sandwiches in the last three weeks. I have been trying to eat healthy and with my boyfriend's help everything is cooked fresh.

    I think my problem might actually be that I just miss my best friend, food. It has always been there for me. I just have to learn to live with spending less time with my best friend and more time enjoying spending time doing other things, like walking the dog or swimming.
  • lostropav
    lostropav Posts: 21
    Hi there,

    You are doing really well. We all know there are walls that we need to overcome. For me, as I just started, the week has been great. But, just like you, I have been fighting weight all my life. I have tried different diets and usually gain the weight back. The "diet" that worked best ever was when I moved in with my the boyfriend and we did it together. It was much easier for him (since he did not have weight to loose) but joined me in running and eating healthy. Years later we got married and since then I have been gaining weight again. Seeing that I am almost at the same spot as I was when we met was the wake up call.

    Add me as a friend if you'd like. It would be nice to have a friend to follow ;)