Help Me Drink My Water

kerr2010 Posts: 219 Member
I am awful at drinking water throughout the day. I know that my body needs it and it will help me lose weight. Are there any tricks you use to help you remember and make it part of your routine?


  • Ashleacurtice
    Ashleacurtice Posts: 54 Member
    I found a 64 oz water bottle that has the built in straw at Walmart...and I either add lemon juice to my water or I buy the flavored water I beleive its Great Value brand (they are all good) That is the only way I can get all my water down.
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 126 Member
    I have a drinkable container that holds all the water I need to drink for the day. I usually fill it up as I am fixing my breakfast. I carry it around with me until it is empty. I also filter the water because the water out of the tap around here is nasty.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    I use water bottles that hold 2 cups. I found out I preferred it at room temperature. I find it easier to drink that way. I carry water around everywhere. It is a habit now. I don't do flavoured water. I figure my body doesn't need that extra junk. I've tried adding cucumber to it but I just prefer it plain.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I've been collecting a list... mostly for people who were having trouble drinking enough water. It's posted in my blog at
    Hope it helps! (Please give it a positive vote, if it's useful to you and feel free to add any suggestions.)
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    I get the big bottles of sparkling water. Good stuff :)
  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    I have a bottle with 32ozs...I drink one in the morning and another in the evening. I don't add the water I drink during workouts in with my bottle.
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    I keep plenty of water bottles & MIO in easy reach around the house, at my desk and even in my car. If I see it I remember to drink it. If it's easier to grab than a snack then I'm more likely to fill up on water than food. If I run out at some spot I tend to forget. So when I finish one I put the next one in it's place so I don't forget.
  • Tippismom
    Tippismom Posts: 10
    I am awful at drinking water throughout the day. I know that my body needs it and it will help me lose weight. Are there any tricks you use to help you remember and make it part of your routine?

    Try adding a flavor like MIO or crystal light. Not a lot just enough to give some flavor. Also try putting a jug of water in the frige with peices of fruit. Both suggestions adds no cal and little sugar as you do not eat the fruit.
  • ChanniVincent
    I fill a 2.2 L water bottle every night and put it in the fridge. In the morning i wake up for work and its the first thing i grab, its ready to go and i don't need to pour it. I also don't buy juice, but there is juice here for my daughter, i just keep in mind that any juice will be too much if i'm cutting down on sugar lol.
  • kerr2010
    kerr2010 Posts: 219 Member
    Thanks for all of the good suggestions!
  • TattoodITGuy
    I used to not be able to drink water without some type of flavor. When i started my diet i made it a point not to add the extra stuff that goes in my body. I carry the 16oz water bottles with me and drink them room temp.