Ugh i'm beyond disgusted..yesterday i got dressed and everything was tight,when i went to take my bra off there was red indentation lines,like it hurt,and i wear this bra ALL the time..

The question i have is,how much water weight do u gain while on ur period? And I've heard that cardio helps with cramps,which i do a lot of,and i haven't had one single cramp,and i drink a lot of water..but i was so discouraged yesterday and today i just feel "fat" i haven't weighed myself in the longest time cause i'm kinda scared,i've been doing some strength training but now a whole lot,so maybe my pants being tighter is just from my muscle...or do u guys really think its from my "ms monthly"? :sad:

I eat so darn clean i just don't understand :noway:


  • newmommy2cash
    I feel your pain!! I get so bloated when Aunt Flo comes in town for the week, omg it's terrible. I don't weigh myself , I don't give into cravings and I stay eating good and drinking lots of water. Not much we can do to control Mother Nature, ya know? You look amazing! It's just a short time, you can get through it! :)
  • Manarelle
    Manarelle Posts: 33 Member
    I've been on the pill since I started my period (highly irregular periods and ridiculous cramping when I'm not), so that regulates a lot of the side effects of Ms Monthly, but yes, I still put on water weight and generally feel uncomfortable in my skin. It's also going to mess with your chemical balance, which probably isn't helping the "feeling fat and discouraged" part. Take a deep breath, stick with your routine, and it'll be better in a couple days. /hugs!
  • kittyfrost
    kittyfrost Posts: 54
    I swear I always look and feel a little extra 'soft' during that time, so it could be water retention! It is really super annoying but you just have to wait it out :grumble:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    When I was really heavy, I gained about 10 lbs before my period.

    Now I put on 3 or so, but I FEEL like it's a lot more. From what I understand, some women just bloat more during that time than others do :(
  • XxXHillaryXxX
    XxXHillaryXxX Posts: 32 Member
    This last cycle I "gained" 6 lbs. all while exercising and eating clean then two days after it was over it all came off plus 2.5 more. I would bet you are having a similar experience. I wouldn't worry about it, it's most likely water retention.
  • TaxGirlxo
    TaxGirlxo Posts: 27
    I go through the same thing... makes me so depressed! I finally bought a diuretic to try the next time around. My mom, who is an MD, has been recommending it to me for a while now. This one is called Diurex Ultra, and I bought it at Wal-Mart for $7. It says it helps with "temporary water weight gain, bloat, swelling, full feeling, fatigue." I just started the 30 Day Shred, and do not want to have to put it on pause due to bloating!
  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    It's probably just your period. I always keep track of when to expect mine and stop weighing myself about 3-4 days before my period until the day after it starts. Usually I have more water retention in the PMS part, but once I'm actually 2 days into the flow it goes away. I think it depends on the individual though. I only cramp the first day while some women cramp the whole time for example. The bottom line is, for most women, this time- whether it's a couple of days or a week - is a weird time and we just can't judge our progress based on slight changes that are temporary. Give yourself a break - if you're eating well and exercising then just don't worry about a couple of extra pounds or tighter clothes for a few days. More than likely when your period ends, you are back to normal. Hang in there!
  • julesw734
    julesw734 Posts: 100
    I think every woman has that "fat" feeling during her monthly. I contribute mine to water retention and I also know I am at least one to two pounds heavier during that time. i weigh myself during that time to see how much water retention I have.. I hope you feel better..
  • Mzfoster0517
    Mzfoster0517 Posts: 83 Member
    I get really bloated and literally go up a pants size and in my mind I start to freak out like why a I gaining. Sometimes when I remember I take water pills the week before and during my period and it helps with the bloating.
  • SpankyBuns
    SpankyBuns Posts: 24 Member
    lemon water is a natural diuretic
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    *HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF* thank you ladies,i feel so much better that i'm not the only one :drinker: cheers to ms.flow..BRING IT ON SISTER! :laugh: :blushing:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    *HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF* thank you ladies,i feel so much better that i'm not the only one :drinker: cheers to ms.flow..BRING IT ON SISTER! :laugh: :blushing:

    LOL! You're definitely not alone! :)

    Hang in there girl! You look great already and good luck reaching your goals.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    During menstration, we women have a surge of estrogen in our bodies. That surge of estrogen then triggers the surge in the production of a hormone called aldosterone. This hormone is secreted by the adrenal cortex and regulates the amount of electrolytes in the body. It is also responsible for the reabsorbtion of sodium into the bloodstream and stimulates the excretion of potassium. During menstration, it is best to limit your sodium intake as your body will retain this as excess water weight which is retained primarily in the breasts and abdomen. After your production of aldosterone is lowered, that water weight is eliminated by the body. The more fat stores you have for the storage of water weight, the more you gain before your period. It is temorary, but long term overproduction of aldosterone (ie: menstral issues) can lead to issues with heart disease and other related problems.

    Anyhoo...that's the long explanation of what happens, hope it helps you to understand the process. :happy:
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I seem to be agreeing with the consensus here - but it really will go, and you'll feel fine as you did before. I hate the TOM for that reason more than anything :P