Is anyone else doing TRX? I just started working with a trainer two times a week, and spend an hour doing various exercises. This is alternated with short walks/jogs. I am not quite sure how to enter this in my excercise log. Any tips?


  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
    I looked it up on (I log all my workouts there), it said that 60 minutes of TRX is about 444 calories. I often will log an exercise on MMR then create the exercise on this site. MMR has different options other than running and that's where I get my estimate on Insanity calories burned.

    Without a heart rate monitor though, it's hard to guess what you're burning. I'm too cheap to buy one right now. :-)

    I just looked up TRX, whoa! That looks awesome!!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I own two suspension trainers (not TRX brand but same type of product) and I LOVE IT! It is the core of my training and was the main form of exercise that carried me through my 121 lb weight loss. I use the CrossCore 180 and the Jungle Gym XT. I log them as Calisthenics (rigorous).

    It is the best form of exercise that exists for me!
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    I also like TRX. I'm on a hiatus for now in favor of some more really heavy and compound lifting, but after I finish out the program I'm on, I'll go back to doing a little more TRX. It does wonders for your balance and that mind-muscle connection.
  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293
    TRX definitely helped me get lower on my squats and is an awesome addition to any circuits you're doing. Big fan!
  • TinaWarriorWithin
    TinaWarriorWithin Posts: 2 Member
    There was a free trial, otherwise you can buy running schedules with TRX for TrainingPeaks iphone app at

    Otherwise, I use the Military Fitness Guide that came with my TRX force kit.
    Sample Training Week Outline
    Mon- TRX strength 1, Cardio Rest
    Tues- TRX strength 2, Intensity Run 2x 5min hills with between
    Wed- TRX rest, Active recovery-Flexibility and alternative cardio easy pace
    Thur- TRX strength 1, Intensity Run 2x 5min at threshold with 5min easy between
    Fri- TRX strength 2, Active recover-flexibility and alternative cardio easy pace
    Sat- TRX Rest, Tempo Run 20 min hard tempo pace
    Sun- TRX Rest, Long Run 50 min easy pace

    I am not a runner, working on it :smile: I just cut the time, intensity or get longer breaks when I need to and keep track to make sure I am increasing when I can. Pretty much looks like alternating running while doing TRX for two days, rest, two days and off for the weekend. You can start your week anywhere if the days don't match your availability. Use whatever workouts for TRX strength 1&2.
  • tprwife28
    tprwife28 Posts: 2
    Thanks to all for the info :smile:
    I am currently working with a trainer twice a week doing TRX, and so far I love it. I am so out of shape it isn't funny...and there has just been something about TRX that has been so helpful in getting started. I felt like a champ the first time I worked out and could actually complete the workout! I attended a festival this weekend where we did lots of walking, and my hubby even commented on how quickly I was able to walk up a big hill without stopping. I really need to work harder on my cardio on the days I am not with my trainer, but that will come.
  • ia468c
    ia468c Posts: 2 Member
    Does anyone know how to convert a standard TRX 50 minute full body workout for the Fitness Pal tool?
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I rotate TRX into the mix once a week; I log it as calisthenics.