spite - [SPAHYT) - noun - a malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person; bitter ill will; malice.

Joe (the ex) spitefully had my HBO shut off JUST because he knows how much I love True Blood (the new season premiers tonight). I swear, there are really HOT places in hell for people like that.

Now chances are most of you don't know me or all the details of my relationship with Joe and honestly, I don't think they're important. This post is about pulling through a spiteful situation and being the bigger person. It takes a lot of patience to accept someone's spiteful behavior but it IS possible.

I am opening this topic so that you can share your stories of when you were spited. I know it's probably kind of strange to be talking about something so bitter, but opening up about how you became the bigger person will prove the strength that you have.

When Joe told me he had my HBO turned off, though my blood was boiling, I just said, "Okay, not a problem." Trust me, the only thing I wanted to do is curse him and argue with him and hurt him in return...but I didn't. On my road to self-development and self-improvement, I learned that stooping down to the aggressor's level is extremely mentally and emotionally unhealthy. I've learned this to stand true.

We have the strength to overcome spiteful people...in the end, we grow stronger because of it!


  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    Being the "bigger man" is always the right thing to do. Good for you
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    I swear, there are really HOT places in hell for people like that.

    Made me laugh with this one!

    Sorry you have to put up with an emotional invalid. Congratulations on having the courage and strength to rise above. You are definitely the better person here. As for bigger? HELL NO! Have you looked in the mirror lately? You've lost all kinds of weight since I've known you. Keep it up. A better (less bitter) life is right around the corner!
  • Ourbeagles
    Ourbeagles Posts: 10
    I was going to post a big long blurb on here but then I realized after reading ImNotThatBob's post that I couldn't really say it much better than he did! So boo you for taking the words right out of my mouth LOL. But thank you for posting that for her because every word of it was true and she deserves to hear it :)
  • BamaMomma
    BamaMomma Posts: 53
    thank you ! you have been SUPER sweet and nice ! :)