Curly/Wavy haired girls out there!



  • cereja78
    cereja78 Posts: 1
    Read the Curly Girl Book! It changed my life! I've always hated my hair, especially on wash days, now I love it! Also, if you're in the U.S., go to and look up a Curly Girl stylist in your area.

    I eased into "no-poo" with Burt's Bees shampoo and conditioner, then just used the conditioner, but now I'm on DevaCurl products because I think it does a better job of removing gel than the burt's bee does.

    My routine:

    "Wash" my hair with DevaCurl Conditioner taking care to come it through and really scrub scalp
    Flip forward, scrunch out water
    add a dime-sized amount of the conditioner, scrunch more
    get out of shower
    scrunch with t-shirt
    scrunch in styling cream
    Flip head over (yes, I haven't done this yet!)
    shake head gently to allow curls to fall
    scrunch in gel

    No combing ever! Unless you're in the shower, and no more coming once you've rinsed.
  • musicmrse
    musicmrse Posts: 49 Member
    I comb it out in the shower when it has conditioner in it. Then, try not to rub it with the towel, just wrap it and let it sit in there for a bit. I just use mouse and pick it through one more time. I let it air dry probably 70%, then blast it for about 2 minutes with the blow dryer, holding it as far from my head as possible. It looks crazy for a couple minutes, then tames down nicely, but with awesome volume.
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    i have a weird mix of curly/ straight/ wavy hair.... i used to hate it but as i have gottne older i have began to embrace it, if i wanna fix it i wash it blow dry it then straigten if I dont feel like doing anything i get out of shower put it in a towel take it down after about 10 mins and goon those days my hair is so very curly :)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I have very thick hair that is somewhere between wavy and straight with a few random more than wavy areas that aren't exactly curly either. Yeah, make sense of that!! I have actually looked up to the ceiling and shouted, "Why God, why???" on bad hair days. That said, I pretty much only flat iron my hair because I haven't found products that give me the look AND feel that I want. I have had a couple of stylists do an amazing job styling my hair curly with great products that keep it soft...then 2 hours later the curls are nearly gone. My most recent haircut which was about 2 inches below chin length was actually super cute when I just dried it and let the ends flip up (think updated 50's housewife) and touched up a tiny bit with the curling iron, but now that it has grown a couple of inches it really only looks good flat ironed again...
  • marvelscale
    marvelscale Posts: 135
    I get mine thinned when I go in for a haircut. (And even then I go out with it still thick :/) My hair does best with a simple air dry; people ask me how I did my hair and I get compliments :3
  • Barbeliza
    Barbeliza Posts: 9 Member
    I have 62 years of dealing with the same kind of hair. Its very heavy, have about twice the "normal" about of hair, and its wavy/curly in some place more than others.

    Having worked in hospice for years, I now thank God I have hair. I have had friends and co-workers lose all their hair with chemo/radiation, too. I don't fight my hair, some days I blow dry it straight, if its a dry day and when its rainy or humid, I just let it do its thing. Most products I have make it feel either oily, stiff, or just yucky. I keep it short.
  • I use argan oil curl creme and I absolutely love it!!! Also I never blow dry my hair and I find that touching up my frizzy curls with a small curling iron works amazingly :)
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    If you can afford it, get a Brazilian Blowout Keratin Straightening Treatment. My hair is a lot like yours. I have cut it short over the last few years to make maintenance manageable, but especially in the summer I treat myself to the BB. I was my hair every other day, use a pinch of defining gel after towel dry, and blow dry with a round brush. May need a few wicks of straightening iron, but then I'm set for 2 days. You have to use shampoo that is sulfate free to maintain the look. I also comb out my hair in the shower, but always have.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Boy, is this a great post! I was born with naturally curly hair and it can be a pain in the *kitten*. I have it past my shoulders now. I wash it, condition, condition again and comb it through with a wide toothed comb,put frizz stuff in, and let it dry natural. It gets fluffy if I blow dry it out. I haven't used a blow dryer in years. I wash it every other day unless I am really yucky from the gym. I use freida anti frizz, but a friend of mine is in Iraq and she swears by Jojoba oil. I never brush my hair either cause I look like a lamp shade. Always a wide tooth comb after combing out the tangles. I also sleep with my hair in braids or pigtails so that it is not so tangly. lol, my hair is usually not as wild as in my profile pic, but I love it. Only side effect is the curly hair makes me look young, but I have never minded that! I can't let my hair get too long otherwise it gets that kinky curl that always tangles. Most hairdressers are afraid to cut it. Layers can make your hair fluffy, so be careful. I would definitely go to someone who knows how to cut curly hair and don't be afraid to ask when you make the appointment. Good Luck!
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    I've been straightening my hair for a little while, but when it grows out more I plan to go back to curly because it looks nice curly when it's to about chest length. The times that I've let it be curly, this is what works best for me:

    -Getting my hair thinned when I get a haircut, and slightly layered at the bottom
    -Scrunching the lower parts of my hair right after a shower, using some quality hair gel
    -If my hair is going through a frizzy period, I shampoo only lightly and leave the conditioner in for the whole duration of the shower
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    3) wear a low cut shirt to distract from said hair.

    I have to keep my hair below shoulder length because otherwise it poofs up like a mushroom. My hair looks like the girl from the new movie Brave except brown instead of red.

    HAHA, I have to keep my hair long or else when I leave it naturally curly I look like Bernedette Peters.
  • SwimTheButterfly
    SwimTheButterfly Posts: 265 Member
    WEN by Chaz Dean is what I use. Makes my hair look so shiny & healthy~it straightens out the curl and makes it look like I spent a long time on my hair.
    I also love ALL of Carol's Daughter hair products~

    Don't torture your hair. Let dry naturally and let your curl BE!
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    As you can see from my profile pic, my hair is naturally curly and very long. I love it!! I use lots of conditioner and a leave in once a week or so. I shampoo every other day. I comb it out and add mouse, right now herbal essence. Then I scrunch it up and let it air dry. It comes out prefect without any fuss. I never straighten it.
  • arrgh I know what you mean, having curly/wavy hair is so time consuming.
    In the Weekdays I just shampoo it with an organic paraffin free shampoo, (I like the organic shampoos because they don't strip away all the good oils), and use a Keratin condition, dry it with a towel, put a leave in conditioner through it, then tie it up in a bun.

    weekends when I care a bit more about looking nice I will wash it that same way but blow dry the moisture out till it's 50% dry then brush it as straight as possible and tie it in a pony tail and leave it, then when it's completely dry I straighten it with a ghd

    ohh so much effort.. sometimes I feel like doing a Britney spears and shaving it all off haha
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    I always leave the conditioner in to help with the frizz and then comb gel thru it and blow dry with a diffuser just to knock the water out.
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    Blerg. I don't do any of these things. Maybe I should start :/

    I just condition with Moroccan oil conditioner. Let it dry Naturally with a squirt of Macadamia nut cream. Pretty much it. I stay away from blow drying because 1) I'm lazy and 2) It makes my hair uber-poofy. I comb with a wide tooth comb in the shower.

    Pretty much what I do except I've never heard of Moroccan oil conditioner! I also don't wash it everyday, that seems to dry it out more & add to the frizziness.

    The only time a comb goes through my hair is in the shower! I just put some Pantene curly mousse in after I wash it and let it dry naturally. On the days I don't wash it I spritz it with water, finger comb it and put about a pea-sized drop of tresseme gel for curly hair on it to smooth it out.

    Getting it cut this week, told my hairdresser I wanted something different & to put her "thinking cap" on cuz I have no idea what I want...just something different. I trust her though, she won't cut it short (she refused when I asked her to - bless her, she knew it was completely out of spite!).
  • Oh yeah, I never use a blow dryer either. Horrid things.
    I only wash it every week or two (makes the straightening last longer too!)
    The product I use is a dominate wax - its a men's product.
  • I never dry my hair with a hair dryer I always let it dry naturally, depending on how thick your hair is, it can take an hour or two. Mine usually takes about an hour to hour and half. That is the biggest trick, when they dry my hair at the salon, even with the diffuser and low setting it STILL frizzes a little bit no matter what or how much product I use. I use Paul Mitchell products because they do a good job and are not as costly as some. The leave in conditioner is a good one to moisturize and control the mop (as I refer to it). My favorite products are Aveda, but they cost an arm and a let so I usually stick with Paul Mitchell. I also don't wash my hair daily. Now depending on your age and your hair type and activity level that may not work for you. That said, I DO get it wet in the shower ever night to wash out the dust and some of the products. I can go every other day or sometimes every 3rd day, depending on what I've been doing and what the weather is.

    You know the best advice I can give for style is to go find a salon, tell them when you make the appointment that you need a consultation on what kind of style. You might have to suck it up and pay a little more but once you get a good style, then you know what you want. I find that shoulder length, with long layers works best for me

    The curly hair can be a challenge, that said, it's also a blessing. Thanks to products like flat irons we have the option of having straight hair or curly hair you know. It takes me at least half an hour of work w/the flat iron to get it straight so I actually wash it and straighten it at night before I got to bed, then in the morning I get up and just touch up a little bit - like 5 minutes worth of work maybe. Plus if you live in a climate that is very humid, it's extra tough. I live in Nevada where it's as dry as a bone so I'm lucky. I used to live in the midwest and I used a product that was from England (where they know humidity) I believe it was called Graham Webb maybe? I'm sure you could probably google it and find it. They had one product that was for frizz control, can't remember exactly what it was though but I do remember that it worked really well.

    Good luck - it's a challenge but celebrate your curls. There are women out there who have to submit themselves to chemical treatments to get curls and pay a bunch of money. We're lucky, we get it for free!
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    Yes yes and yes. This changed my life. Ok. Maybe not that. But it made my wonky wavy curly hair way more curly and manageable! I use products and cleansers with no silicone and low sulfates. I use conditioner to wash. And trust me I live in 100% humidity and I sweat...and it still cleanses your hair. Key is the scalp. I can share more on specifics but seriously check out curly girl.
    Read the Curly Girl Book! It changed my life! I've always hated my hair, especially on wash days, now I love it! Also, if you're in the U.S., go to and look up a Curly Girl stylist in your area.

    I eased into "no-poo" with Burt's Bees shampoo and conditioner, then just used the conditioner, but now I'm on DevaCurl products because I think it does a better job of removing gel than the burt's bee does.

    My routine:

    "Wash" my hair with DevaCurl Conditioner taking care to come it through and really scrub scalp
    Flip forward, scrunch out water
    add a dime-sized amount of the conditioner, scrunch more
    get out of shower
    scrunch with t-shirt
    scrunch in styling cream
    Flip head over (yes, I haven't done this yet!)
    shake head gently to allow curls to fall
    scrunch in gel

    No combing ever! Unless you're in the shower, and no more coming once you've rinsed.
  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    Oh do I feel your pain!!! It took me a long time and a LOT of money to figure out how to tame my hair... mine is very coarse and pretty curly..verrrry thick... what has worked best for me is keeping it long, using Victoria's Secret shampoo/conditioner/detangler, letting it air-dry and using a Chi flat-iron.