Help! I love carbs way to much!

I love carbs but I know I should not!:brokenheart:
You name it, pasta, chips, bread, potatoes..... My food journal keeps telling me I am going over my carbs even though I stay within my calories and fat!
Anyone have any food suggestions for controlling the carb intake?


  • BamaRose0107
    I love breads and pastas, and I know some people on here disagree but in my experience I feel better when I eat a balanced diet. Instead of eating processed carbs, like white bread and pasta I choose organic or whole wheat versions. I am down 100 pounds so far and have not had to give up pasta or bread. You might also try limiting how many meals you have bread or pasta with. That way you are still getting what you crave just not over doing it. While you will still be getting carbs they will be good carbs instead of bad ones. Sugar carbs just don't last that long in the body.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Maybe you are not getting the right kind of protein you need for your body.?? I used to be a vegetarian and all I did was crave carbs! Don't get me wrong, they are stil lmy favorite thing, but when I introduced meat back into my diet, including occasional red meat, my cravings went way down!

    Another cause that 80% of the population of the U.S. is an overgrowth of Candida in our systems. Those little yeast buggers thrive on sugar!:grumble:
  • vraehn
    vraehn Posts: 1,008
    Some carbs are good in moderation--potatoes and whole wheat pasta. I found that if I take minimun daily requirement of a calcium, magnesium and vitamin D (all in one pill/pills) and it cuts my cravings for carbs immensely--especially chocolates of any kind.
    :smile: :wink: :happy: :flowerforyou: Helps bones and muscles too! Helps sleep if taken before bedtime. Recomended by my Chiopractor.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I love breads and pastas, and I know some people on here disagree but in my experience I feel better when I eat a balanced diet. Instead of eating processed carbs, like white bread and pasta I choose organic or whole wheat versions. I am down 100 pounds so far and have not had to give up pasta or bread. You might also try limiting how many meals you have bread or pasta with. That way you are still getting what you crave just not over doing it. While you will still be getting carbs they will be good carbs instead of bad ones. Sugar carbs just don't last that long in the body.

    I agree with you in regards to eating a balanced diet. I see no reason to restrict myself unnecessarily when it comes to carbs - as long as you are eating whole grains and try to avoid both processed carbs and carbs with excess amounts of added sugars, salt, etc, then you should be okay. Also, eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and keep in mind those are carbs as well. I currently have my diet set at 50% carbs (which includes the carbs in fruits and veggies), 20% fat and 30% protein.

    Some of my favorite carbs to eat are sweet potatoes, Bob's Red Mill 5 grain hot cereal and vita-muffins.
  • kirstendawn07
    Thanks everyone for the advice! I'm going to try and limit my carbs to one meal instead of carbs in each meal.
  • koriebrownie
    koriebrownie Posts: 23 Member
    I've never even noticed that part. I've only ever counted the calories... I say eat 'em just count them. If the weight doesn't come off then change it up...
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Timothy2000
    I eat some form of carbs at every meal, It works for me, but may not for you. everyone is different when it comes to how their bodies process the food they intake. I do eat more carbs in the morning though and then slowly take it down at night but for me it seams that I am not going hungry if I eat carbs. For breakfast I normally have 1/4 cup of oatmeal and a half of an English muffin, for lunch I make a sandwich and for dinner I normally have whole wheat pasta, rice or potatoes. This method seams to keep my energy levels at a constant. Do not be afraid to try new things and see what works for your body. I am sure once I get down to my goal weight I will slowly drop the carbs and focus on protein so I can build more lean muscle.
  • BamaRose0107
    I love breads and pastas, and I know some people on here disagree but in my experience I feel better when I eat a balanced diet. Instead of eating processed carbs, like white bread and pasta I choose organic or whole wheat versions. I am down 100 pounds so far and have not had to give up pasta or bread. You might also try limiting how many meals you have bread or pasta with. That way you are still getting what you crave just not over doing it. While you will still be getting carbs they will be good carbs instead of bad ones. Sugar carbs just don't last that long in the body.

    I agree with you in regards to eating a balanced diet. I see no reason to restrict myself unnecessarily when it comes to carbs - as long as you are eating whole grains and try to avoid both processed carbs and carbs with excess amounts of added sugars, salt, etc, then you should be okay. Also, eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and keep in mind those are carbs as well. I currently have my diet set at 50% carbs (which includes the carbs in fruits and veggies), 20% fat and 30% protein.

    Some of my favorite carbs to eat are sweet potatoes, Bob's Red Mill 5 grain hot cereal and vita-muffins.

    I love Sweet potatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!