My addiction shall be my downfall :(

BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I've been giving into my sugar addiction more and more lately...making excuses...telling myself "this will be the last time" and "back on track tomorrow" know the routine. When I say I give in, I don't mean a cookie here and there...I mean the better part of a bag of cookies or a tub of ice cream. I bought myself a small birthday cake last wasn't my birthday. :cry:

I'm scared. I'm sad...I don't know what to do. I have a 2L ice cream in my freezer that I bought tonight, and I don't want to touch it. I wish I hadn't bought it...but if I hadn't, I would be sitting here obsessing and wishing I had something sweet...then again I'm sitting here obsessing right now anyway.

Can someone please help me hate that tub of ice cream? I mean, is the enemy. I feel if I don't get back on track soon, it will be the end, and I just can't go through this again. When I first started this back in June, I could have 1/2 cup of ice cream or frozen yogurt, and that was enough...maybe 1 cup, but now I feel like if I take 1 serving...or 2's going to mean that whole tub of ice cream will be gone by morning.

I'm so tired of this...and so fed up with myself. :cry:


  • I have a serious addiction to sweets/sugar too, so this should be interesting. I just started my diet, but tonight I served myself a 1/2 cup of ice cream, in a measuring cup so I couldn't cheat. I stuffed that sucker as full as I could without going over, but whatever. Then I put the ice cream container back and came upstairs to my bedroom and savored it s-l-o-w-l-y. By the time I was done, I actually wasn't craving it anymore! This is amazing for me, since I used to eat more like 3 cups of it at a time:blushing:

    I think a key for me is to get away from the source (by coming upstairs) because if I stay downstairs I'll keep going back to it.
  • hi brenda, i know exactly what you mean and how you feel. after 2 months of abstinance from sugar foods, i succumbed to the temptation last night. Not 1, not 2, but I had 7 snack bars (2 fingers each) of Nestle Kitkat chocs! That totalled to 600+ cals! :noway:

    First i told myself, i earned a bar, then i reached out for another ... and another ... and another! I knew i would regret it, but still i did it.:frown:

    today, i am feeling very lousy, and hate myself for falling for the temptation. i know i have to be disciplined about it, but removing all temptations from home does not make sense, esp when my son loves to have a sweet or two occasionally :explode:

    Sigh, i fear this is a long battle one has to face. How does one control the cravings?????? HELP!:sad:
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Now lookie here, BrendaLee!!! You are stronger than that ice cream. You want to hate it? Then do this! Scoop the WHOLE THING out into one giant bowl. Not nice, pretty round scoops, but lumpy, bumpy scoops. Pick up the bowl, and hold it against your thighs. Now look in the mirror, and imagine all those lumps and bumps, not in the bowl, but under your skin on your thighs.. That is why you don't want to eat that ice cream. Now imagine all those lumps and bumps in your arteries, clogging them up. That is why you don't want to eat that ice cream. Now imagine that ice cream laughing evily at you saying "I've won BrendaLee! I am stronger! I am better! I am......." and right then......put it down the disposal with hot water running. Screw the $5 it cost. Now look down at your ticker and see that you've lost almost 40 pounds of those lumps and bumps!!! That, my friend, is better than any crazy ice cream demon could ever be!

    You are better than that stupid tub of ice cream!! You're an inspiration. Be proud of yourself. I know I'm proud of you!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I understand. I'm a binge eater and totally addicted to food. I eat alot and then exercise like crazy to try and burn it off. I will eat good food and correct portion sizes for awhile and then I will have an episode of binge eating. I just can't have the junk in the house because if I do I cannot control myself. I will think about it until I eat the entire thing. Think of it like this: If you were a crack addict and trying to get clean, you wouldn't have crack lying around the house, the same goes with alcohol, cigarettes or any other addiction. So until you can eat it in moderation and with self control, try to not have it in the house. Best regards:flowerforyou:
  • I love ice cream, but thats is why it is good to have a cheat day I make mine on Sundays. Its not an all day thing to eat whatever I want, but I will indulge a little. So yea go ahead and eat the ice cream but make it something special. Have it to look forward to at the end of the week. Oh and my other weakness is cheesecake I will gobble down an entire on myself If I could lol. No wonder I am fat ahaha.
  • vraehn
    vraehn Posts: 1,008
    I have a difficult time with sweets. I cannot have any in the house or I eat them. Once I get them out of my system, I do really well until I start eating a little here and a little there--oh, oh craving them again. Getting them out of your system is the trick.
    :smile: :wink: :happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Good luck to all of us "sweeties"
  • I love sugar too, but when I get back from the gym after working so hard and I think that 1 cup of ice-cream equals to 1.5 hour walk or 3/4 hour jog, I say I pass. i have been working too hard to ruin it! After all its the extra ice-cream that has caused my problem in the first place! It's not worth it! I am trying to burn it and not collect it! Self control is like a muscle, the more you say no the more it develops and easier it gets.

    Have an alternative that is much know you are not suffering alone! It's all the "good" things that are so bad for you it's not fair! But after all we eat to live not live to eat! At least that is what I try to tell myself! :-)
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I love sugar too, but when I get back from the gym after working so hard and I think that 1 cup of ice-cream equals to 1.5 hour walk or 3/4 hour jog, I say I pass. i have been working too hard to ruin it! After all its the extra ice-cream that has caused my problem in the first place! It's not worth it! I am trying to burn it and not collect it! Self control is like a muscle, the more you say no the more it develops and easier it gets.

    Have an alternative that is much know you are not suffering alone! It's all the "good" things that are so bad for you it's not fair! But after all we eat to live not live to eat! At least that is what I try to tell myself! :-)
    I love your picture!
  • ducky5m48
    ducky5m48 Posts: 50 Member
    I have the same issue with sweets. And the other day when i went into my college cafe i was just going to get a cup of water but while i was waiting in line there was this nice cabinet full of soft chocolate chip cookies n i wanted one soooo bad. And i kept debating with myself and going back and forth and just when i thought i ws going to leave it i grabbed one. So i pay for it n walk outta the cafe n i open it up n took out the cookie n i just kept looking at it and i was like is this really worth it. and i flipped over the package and it was 500 CALORIES! i was so disgusted that i just threw the cookie away. I did the same thing at work the other day. I bought a bag of chocolate covered raisins and after i bought and paid for it i just kept thinkin how stupid i was for sabotaging myself. So i ended up not even opening them n i gave them to one of the other employees.

    so i igure that even tho i am throwing away money left and right it should start to hit me pretty soon that instead of wasting money why not just save the money and the calories and the temptation. good luck sweetie! dont you let that ice cream win!!!!
  • candessb
    candessb Posts: 52 Member
    Take comfort in the fact that there are so many others in your same shoes. Reading your post made me feel like I could definately relate.
    I've noticed being able to resist temptation when I have a more positive self image. (LOL...I have this mirror that makes me look 20lbs thinner and knowing that's what I could look like helps me a lot!) DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP! There are many of us going through the same thing. Keep a postive attitude even if you've spent the last three days binging. YOUR ADDICTION SHALL BE YOUR VICTORY!
    Self-dicipline is like a muscle and if you overuse it, it will become weaker and need recovery time before it's stronger again. So, know your limits and use 1 meal a week to rest that self-dicipline muscle, eat whatever you want and don't feel guilty about it.
    Hope this helps
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Well put JD, better than I can say it. Thank you.

    Brenda - read this, twice:
    Now lookie here, BrendaLee!!! You are stronger than that ice cream. You want to hate it? Then do this! Scoop the WHOLE THING out into one giant bowl. Not nice, pretty round scoops, but lumpy, bumpy scoops. Pick up the bowl, and hold it against your thighs. Now look in the mirror, and imagine all those lumps and bumps, not in the bowl, but under your skin on your thighs.. That is why you don't want to eat that ice cream. Now imagine all those lumps and bumps in your arteries, clogging them up. That is why you don't want to eat that ice cream. Now imagine that ice cream laughing evily at you saying "I've won BrendaLee! I am stronger! I am better! I am......." and right then......put it down the disposal with hot water running. Screw the $5 it cost. Now look down at your ticker and see that you've lost almost 40 pounds of those lumps and bumps!!! That, my friend, is better than any crazy ice cream demon could ever be!

    You are better than that stupid tub of ice cream!! You're an inspiration. Be proud of yourself. I know I'm proud of you!

    Yeah. What she said. Dammit. :smile:

    You can do this. You're not an idiot, a child or a fool. You are a grown woman in control of your own actions.
  • Here's what I ended up doing...if I want ice cream, I go to Cold Stone and get a small cup of half regular ice cream, half sinless sweet cream. I savor it and I go home. If I do this, I don't eat an entire tub of ice cream and I don't stand in front of the fridge fighting not to eat ice cream. I have the treat and I go home.

    Now my willpower challenge is at the grocery store when I stare down the ice cream aisle. That's the battle. Walk past that and you're golden...

    Good luck!

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Now lookie here, BrendaLee!!! You are stronger than that ice cream. You want to hate it? Then do this! Scoop the WHOLE THING out into one giant bowl. Not nice, pretty round scoops, but lumpy, bumpy scoops. Pick up the bowl, and hold it against your thighs. Now look in the mirror, and imagine all those lumps and bumps, not in the bowl, but under your skin on your thighs.. That is why you don't want to eat that ice cream. Now imagine all those lumps and bumps in your arteries, clogging them up. That is why you don't want to eat that ice cream. Now imagine that ice cream laughing evily at you saying "I've won BrendaLee! I am stronger! I am better! I am......." and right then......put it down the disposal with hot water running. Screw the $5 it cost. Now look down at your ticker and see that you've lost almost 40 pounds of those lumps and bumps!!! That, my friend, is better than any crazy ice cream demon could ever be!

    You are better than that stupid tub of ice cream!! You're an inspiration. Be proud of yourself. I know I'm proud of you!

    Very good advice and very right!!! None of us want that junk on our thighs...or more importantly, in our arteries! I would throw it away myself. And I would try not to get any other sweets until I felt like I had control of my eating again. You can do this BrendaLee!!! Tomorrow is a new day and I hope that you find the strength to beat this. :wink:

    God bless,

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Throw it away, put it down the disposal, get it out of your house.

    That ice cream doesn't have the power.

    You do.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Ditto. Dump it! Flush it. Give it to the cats.
    Throw it away, put it down the disposal, get it out of your house.

    That ice cream doesn't have the power.

    You do.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Now lookie here, BrendaLee!!! You are stronger than that ice cream. You want to hate it? Then do this! Scoop the WHOLE THING out into one giant bowl. Not nice, pretty round scoops, but lumpy, bumpy scoops. Pick up the bowl, and hold it against your thighs. Now look in the mirror, and imagine all those lumps and bumps, not in the bowl, but under your skin on your thighs.. That is why you don't want to eat that ice cream. Now imagine all those lumps and bumps in your arteries, clogging them up. That is why you don't want to eat that ice cream. Now imagine that ice cream laughing evily at you saying "I've won BrendaLee! I am stronger! I am better! I am......." and right then......put it down the disposal with hot water running. Screw the $5 it cost. Now look down at your ticker and see that you've lost almost 40 pounds of those lumps and bumps!!! That, my friend, is better than any crazy ice cream demon could ever be!

    You are better than that stupid tub of ice cream!! You're an inspiration. Be proud of yourself. I know I'm proud of you!

    That's such a great reply! I'm coming to you when I need tough love! :laugh:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I read each and every one of your posts, thank you all very much. I didn't have it in me to throw the ice cream away (although, of course now I wish I had), and I won't get into the great struggle the ice cream and I had. ( :tongue: ) Once it was bought and in my was kind of a hopeless situation, BUT I am ready to renew my commitment to myself, and go back to NO sweets.

    I also just worked my butt off for over an hour...I still didn't break even calorie-wise, but I feel a little better.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Tomorrow is another day. " Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again" they say in that old song from the 50's or 60's. If you aren't familiar with the song, it just means I am getting old:laugh: :laugh: because I still remember it.

    I agree with the person who said don't have it (ice cream) in the house. I recently discovered that I can have regular Ginger Snaps in the house and eat them 2 at a time, every couple of day for dessert (80 calories, total), but keep me away from the Newman Oh's Ginger cremes (ginger snap creme sandwiches) :grumble: :heart: They seem to be like crack, or Lay's Potato Chips--remember their old tag line? "Betcha can't eat just one!!"

    Well I CAN'T, so those won't be in the house again. They are DANGEROUS!!:laugh: :laugh:
    Good luck!!!
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