PCOS and fertility



  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
  • MMAthewolf
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    I have the first, had my son before finding out that I had it. No surprise he's a "lonely only" but I cant do much to change it. After taking out the goalie for 5 years we gave up, had I known we would've tried sooner for more :-( Good luck to you, I wish you all the joys of parenthood one day. Today I'm feeling good and have my symptoms under control, I had a lot of pain with my issues, wishing the best for you!!
  • crystalangel
    crystalangel Posts: 37 Member
    Did anyone catch the episode of extreme makeover weight loss edition, the woman on there has pcos and she improved her chances to have a baby over a years time. I don't suffer from this disease but if it was me she would inspire me. She already has. If you dont know what channel it comes on its on abc on sundays at 9 pm. good luck everyone
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    Did anyone catch the episode of extreme makeover weight loss edition, the woman on there has pcos and she improved her chances to have a baby over a years time. I don't suffer from this disease but if it was me she would inspire me. She already has. If you dont know what channel it comes on its on abc on sundays at 9 pm. good luck everyone
    Cool what kind of PCOS did she have? IR or non IR ?
    did she have non exsistant periods or non stop bleeds?
  • speechsteff
    speechsteff Posts: 21 Member
    I started taking Metformin about 12 years ago and was able to conceive twice without too much difficulty. However, getting weight off is still really hard! The combo of metformin and the pill seems to work for me.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I have PCOS too. I have an 8 year old daughter but have been ttc again since 2007 with no luck. Have not taken extreme measures and hope the weight loss helps. Currently I am not on metformin or anything else to treat the PCOS. I can't use BC to control the symptoms either as I had a blood clot in 2006 and had to stop taking BC.
  • PrincessShay135
    I was recently put on Chromium, but my doctor said it was for the diabetes. What was the dosage your wife was on? Congrats to you both on baby number 3 :)
  • PrincessShay135
    What kind of surgery did you have?
  • PrincessShay135
    Good luck to you and your husband. We have been trying since we got married last August. Like you I am hoping that loosing weight helps.
  • crownedbee
    crownedbee Posts: 10
    My husband and I have been TTC since May of 2008. I was diagnosed with PCOS in September 2008, but I am not insulin resistant. I do, however, take metformin and my fairly high dose (2000mg) is really helping melt the weight off, along with diet and exercise.
  • PrincessShay135
    I have been on metformin for so long I wonder if it is even still effective. I was put on it when I was first diagnosed with PCOS 13 years ago and was insulun resistant but it turned into diabetes anyway. I am seeing an endocrinologist at the end of the month, hopefully something new can be done.
  • speechsteff
    speechsteff Posts: 21 Member
    I feel the same way about the metformin...not sure if it's helping...I sure hope it's not harmful after all these years!
  • HarlequinnAsh
    PCOS and TTC and at a really young age. Thankfully my doctor told me I am still in a healthy weight range but I know Im on the heavy side and would like to keep my weight down to boost my chances of fertility. Besides the issue of weight gain, skipped and painful periods I dont have most PCOS systems but its still tough to deal with. For now I am trying all natural ways to boost fertility like with a healthy diet(sweet potatoes have been known to help) taking a prenatal vitamin as well as drinking certain teas said to help with fertility.
  • shubec
    shubec Posts: 2
    I have PCOS and Graves Disease.....I am not on any medication for the PCOS but am currently on Tapazole for my Grave's disease
  • xsaribarix
    xsaribarix Posts: 26 Member
    I have PCOS and pre-diabetes. I take BC pills for the PCOS but I still get scant, irregular periods. I'm 30 but not currently TTC. However my endocrinologist says I'm infertile (that was before he told me to take the BC.) I've never herd of Metformin helping with PCOS but my Primary Care doctor asked me about whether or not I ever took it and maybe that's why? In any case, she never prescribed it for me, now I guess I will have to ask for it next time… anywho, feel free to add me if you like. x
  • Tiff6884
    Tiff6884 Posts: 28

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 19 and told that I would never have children because of it. One night I was at home and had a cyst rupture and caused me to pass out. Once at the emergency room I was told that I had internal bleeding from it, and that I had to go on immediate bed rest. I visited with my doctor and was told they had a laser surgery they could do to remove the cysts but there would be risk of scar tissue and even a lesser chance of having kids, at that point I told her she could have my ovaries because I couldn't take the pain no longer. She finally opted to do the surgery and I went in and had it done and found out there was some pre-cancerous cells on a couple of them, and if she hadn't removed the cysts I would have full on cancer by now. Needless to say I proved the doctors wrong about never having children, I have 3 healthy children and became pregnant with my 1st a year after my surgery, and 2 within the last year. I am now 28 years old and PCOS free, and finally able to lose weight again. The losing weight has helped keep my ovaries in check. The doctors warned me that if I did not control my eating habits I have a even more chance of becoming diabetic and other illness as I get older. Losing weight is the best thing you can do in order to keep them in check. Never let doctors tell you won't you can always try to prove them wrong. :) Feel free to ad me if you like.
    JCWANNABE Posts: 15 Member
    When I found out I have PCOS, my cycle was 5 months late and by then I was in stage 3. No diabetes, been tested twice a year since I was 19 or 20. I left MFP for the last year because nothing was coming off. I tried a diet when I was younger that helped me lose very quickly and my cycle was regular (why I stopped is a good question). Been doing research and talking to others for the last week and found out the diet they are on is very similar to what I was doing and I didn't even know it. So here I am tonight, I would be glad to have a few friends with the same issue.

    Glad you are back! I just joined up with MFP this past week, but have been "dieting" for about 7 1/2 weeks. The best diet for PCOS is atkins. I know a lot of people (usually men who can't even have pcos! Lol! ) down the low carb thing here. But I have go to tell you that it is probably the only reason that I got pregnant on my honeymoon! I just started exercising a few days a go, so I have not been exercising much. But in the last 7 1/2 weeks I have lost 24.6 pounds doing low carb, sitting on my butt most of the day (pain issues being resolved, slowly), and eating way yummy foods and not going hungry : ). I had lost over 100 pounds doing atkins before. But, I went back to my old ways and gained it all back : (. Totally do some research on low carb and pcos.
  • jnc8708
    jnc8708 Posts: 3
    I am losing weight primarily to increase my chances of concieving. I can't take birth control and neither could my mom and I haven't had a sign of my period in almost a year. I have tried metformin but it made me so nausaus all of the time I couldn't stand it. I have PCOS and my hopes are that if I lose enough weight pregnancy will happen, if not I'll be going to the doctors for help. Either way its not healthy to get pregnant at almost 300lbs and I know anygood Dr would tell me to lose weight first anyway so I am trying to make the first step of getting healthy enough to have a baby before seeking alternative methods.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I am really hoping losing weight will help. PCOS had a lot to do with my weight gain, 50 lbs in less than a year. I was always a size 6, suddenly I was a 12 it felt like overnight. I have tried several times, but 3 different doctors, including a reproductive endocrinologist won't give me metformin. So I have to lose this weight on my own