Bob Harper's Skinny Rules

Has anyone bought Bob Harper's Skinny Rules? I love the concept and the ease of most of his 20 rules. I'm attempting the 4 week "detox" to adjust my tastebuds and cravings. It is only Day 2 and I'm struggling. I eat well, except I eat a lot of carbs. The motivation for me in doing this "diet" is to change my carb intake as I have PCOS. I know I can do the rules - I just don't know if I can do the "detox" weeks.

Anyone else attempting them?

Much success to you!


  • ediesmommy
    ediesmommy Posts: 76
    I like Bob Harper, but I haven't read his book at all. My problem is sweets and breads.. well, no that's not completely honest. I'm a "foodie", and not and "excercise-y"...

    My motivation for this life change is that I am CRAZY overweight and I need to be healthy and show my kids that being this weight is not good, and not acceptable.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. We can all use more support, right?
  • poetinmyheart
    poetinmyheart Posts: 29 Member
    We just ordered it so I won't have it til Wednesday but am looking forward to reading it. I like Bob a lot :)
  • shazzabir
    shazzabir Posts: 42 Member
    I have read the book and have lost 4lb in a matter of days. I also have so much more energy. Would definately recommend it!!
  • kbarthol
    kbarthol Posts: 3
    I got the book because I thought the rules were sensible. I can't wait to see how the results work out. I'm a bit daunted by the 4 week "detox" but I'm on Day 3 and already fit pants that didn't fit this time last year.

    I'm going to probably combine weeks 1 & 2 of the detox then tackle weeks 3 & 4 solo. I see the point of these weeks, as I am really seeing a difference in how I should eat. It really is about nutrition - berries, fruit & veg - all of which I am not the best at eating - especially fruit. I'm experimenting with lots of different veggies - such as bok choy and rabe.

    Good luck to you all!

  • srmilton07
    srmilton07 Posts: 1 Member
    I just finished my first day! So far so good!
  • washcapfan
    washcapfan Posts: 21 Member
    My husband and I (I read the book) are trying to do this together. We just truly started the food portion last night. So we shall see where we end up. I was actually doing Jillian's body revlolution but found the menu to expensive. I think Bob's menu is much more "do able". Now I doing her workouts and his eating. Should be interesting. Please feel free to friend me if you are looking for someone else on this journey!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Meh to this book, you only need 1 rule to lose weight, maintain a consistent caloric deficit.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Just added this book to my amazon wishlist. Thanks for the heads up. It looks interesting.
  • jmedavis1
    jmedavis1 Posts: 13
    Loving this book and the escape from "clutter brain." Bob gets amazing results for the people on BL. Why wouldn't I listen to him?
  • sabilyeu
    sabilyeu Posts: 2 Member
    I am loving his bookI tried his turkey meatballs They were really good. Can't wait to try his green shake tomorrow.
  • ssamy14
    ssamy14 Posts: 7 Member
    Do you know the serving size for the meatballs? it has the calories but the book doesn't say how many meatballs in a serving.

    Thank you

  • ssamy14
    ssamy14 Posts: 7 Member
    I am loving his bookI tried his turkey meatballs They were really good. Can't wait to try his green shake tomorrow.

    Do you know the serving size for the meatballs?
  • acm0714
    acm0714 Posts: 1 Member
    Eating the Turkey Meatballs now.. and it is good!!
    The recipe calls for 1 lb of beef and makes 4 servings.. so however many meatballs you get out of 1 lb (depending on the size you make them), divide that by 4 and that's your serving size.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    What are the rules?

    What's the gist?

    Sounds Dr. Phil-ish to me.

    If you eat calories at a small deficit, you will lose weight. How are the rules different than that?
  • jezirus
    jezirus Posts: 33 Member
    I love Bob, so I'm alread a "kool-aid drinker," so to speak. Yes, many of his rules are sort of dieting common sense, but for visual people like me, I have his list of rules printed and hanging on my fridge and they are great reminders to me. Some of the ones off the top of my head are to eat protein at every meal, so drink a glass of water before every meal, and to go to bed hungry. There are 20 of them, I think. He gives simple, good (to me) reasons for each, and I like having it all laid out for me. I could maintain a caloric deficit, as someone suggested, by eating crappy foods, just not much... but it wouldn't be healthy. Bob's rules help me to know, as a recovering junk food addict, what kinds of things I should be eating to not only lose weight but to get healthier! I want both!
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    I'm reading it right now and love it! Looking forward to the 'detox'....NOT!
  • What are the rules?

    What's the gist?

    Sounds Dr. Phil-ish to me.

    If you eat calories at a small deficit, you will lose weight. How are the rules different than that?

    I Second the questions above.
  • rodes27
    rodes27 Posts: 15
    Meh to this book, you only need 1 rule to lose weight, maintain a consistent caloric deficit.

    I haven't read the book...and I'm not trying to demotivate or be negative about this diet..,,,because by all means, if it works for YOU.. and its not bad for you,....then I say go for it! But, I have to say I agree...there's always some new "diet"....they're all either low carbs, low fat, or high the end of the day they all result in lower calorie whatever road (diet) you take the end, its consistent calorie deficits that wins the race. But I will say I've found that these type books do have some value, because they teach us how certain foods impacts our health. And that's more important in the long run as we implement lifestyle changes to ensure we stay healthty and fit.
  • I am nearly finished with this book, and it's not a "diet". His goal is to teach you to change and rewire your eating habits, consuming healthy (mostly whole) foods in good quantities. High protein and fiber, low sugar. No gimmicks, no drugs, nothing crazy. It's pretty simple.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I'm reading through this book now.

    Like others, I don't do specific "diets". I agree - calories in, calories out.

    HOWEVER, what this book does that I enjoy is to tell you where to get those calories that would be more beneficial. Yes, I can have a 210 calorie candy bar and that is not much different than eating, oh say - 210 calories worth of veggies and proteins. However, I will feel more full eating the latter than the former. (Of course, I do keep my food budget to allow small sweet splurges but it means I have to be good for the rest of my meals).

    I enjoy reading the WHYs of how such foods are beneficial to your body. I've been exploring the healthy eating lifestyle for years and I thought I knew it all and appreciated that there was new information.

    In short - it's not a DIET. This book doesn't tell you to only eat certain items and to never eat certain items. It does retrain you to gain healthy habits (drinking water, getting enough fiber from the right sources, etc). It also serves as rules to live by as a LIFESTYLE change.