Curly/Wavy haired girls out there!



  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    Keeping mine longer (below my shoulders) is the only thing that keeps it from looking like I stuck my finger in a light socket. As I get older my hair is thinning from meds I'm on, which does not thrill me since you can see my scalp now. Ick. Mine also never looks the same two days in a row. Some days it's flat, other days tight curls. Who the heck knows! Luckily my hubby doesn't really care.

    Best advice I've been given:

    Use a wide-toothed comb in the shower to gently comb conditioner through it
    Do NOT use a blow dryer - let it air dry
    Do NOT touch it once you've scrunched it up and applied some anti-frizz stuff or leave in conditioner
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    I've given up on mine. When I do go out and want to look nice this is my routine:
    1) shower as normal
    2) use curl cream to try and tame the curls
    3) wear a low cut shirt to distract from said hair.

    I have to keep my hair below shoulder length because otherwise it poofs up like a mushroom. My hair looks like the girl from the new movie Brave except brown instead of red.

    hahaa omg, everyone says my hair is like the girl from Brave too xD I feel your pain
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    What is Macadamia nut cream? I've seen 2 of you say you use it. Is it expensive?

    I use the cheapest shampoo and conditioner i can find and when I get out I put in leave in conditioner. Then I braid it or I'll have a giant afro lol

    Macadamia stuff is usually a bit pricey...worth it In my mind, but if you have something that's working for you thats cheaper, then just use that.
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    Mine can be pretty horrible, too. Mine is more wavy which just makes it look like I don't ever brush it, but here's what I do
    I leave in conditioner until the end of the shower, washing it out last
    Put in some John Freida Frizz Ease stuff, which really doesn't do that much, but it makes it shiny
    Then I usually straighten it when it's dry. If I'm too lazy, I'll put it in a side braid.

    haha, side braids are my life!
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    I've almost given up on figuring out how to deal with my hair. It's wavy, with a little bit of frizz. Most of the time, I get out of the shower, brush it out, put some Moroccan oil on it, and put it in a braid until it dries. I hate curling it because, even though it's naturally kind of curly, one giant section in the front REFUSES to curl with a curling iron. Most of the time, it's in a braid or a bun. I am the master of giant buns.
    yesss braids are my life savers, Different sections of my hair are more curly than the others for me too. So annoying!
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    KERAMINERAL PRODUCTS!!!! My hair is the exact same way. I use the shampoo and deep conditioner, and it's makes my hair straight, soft, and super smooth! Also frizz free! You can get it at sallys beauty supply for a really cheap price!! :)

    Oooh, thanks for the suggestion, i shall check these products out!
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    Ever thought about Brazilian Blowout?

    I''ve considered it, but I've heard the chemicals are bad for you, and I can't imagine it'd be good for the hair. I figured it's not worth the risk since it only lasts a few months anyway.
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    I have to switch it up because I'm convinced curly hair lies awake at night plotting how to overthrow the technique you just perfected.

    I've had the best success with long layers and about bra strap length hair. But the layers have to be done right to avoid the dreaded pyramid head.

    My routine right now is just a hydrating shampoo and a tiny dab of Say Yes to Carrots leave in conditioner after I get out of the shower. I only shampoo 2x a week and am considering going the no-shampoo route with baking soda and apple cider vinegar once my current stash runs out.

    I use mousse right now (some cheap stuff...Tresemme I think) and when that runs out I'll go back to Nexxuss Exxtra gel. I have to alternate because, as I said, curly hair is evil and plots against me.

    hahaha that's so true about curly hair! I have been looking for good shampoos/conditioners for curly hair. I will check out the Carrot one!
  • Maryjaneshoes
    Maryjaneshoes Posts: 169 Member
    Mine is super wavy, I have an angled bob cut and LOVE it. Straighten it with a flat iron and use a serum for a sleek look, or leave it wet, spritz it, and scrunch it up to make it curly and fun. And it's just long enough to pull back on my workouts. :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I wash it like any one else would, comb it out, scrunch it, and leave it. Don't touch it until my next shower. I've found the longer it gets the harder to manage, so I keep mine shoulder length.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Mines weird. If I cut it, it goes really wavy. When I grow it out, it goes straighter and frizzy.
    I hate my hair.
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179

    Living in a hot climate
    Working out 4x a week
    Water therapy 3x a week

    I've given up
    Its the 4 horsemen of hair apocalyse :grumble:

    I use tresamme conditioner for curly hair.
    Slather it on, comb out.
    Coconut oil on ends to kill the frizz and a HEALTHY amount of leave in conditioner.

    Beyond that, alotta hair ties and headbands :grumble:

    Yesss, I used coconut oil on my "lazy days" where I don't want to do my entire routine. It works pretty well!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    :wink: I have wavy, curly, thick, coarse, bendy hair. All of the above. I tend to straighten it most days, but some I leave it curly. I have hated my hair my whole life, until I retired. It's not such a big deal anymore and that feels great! Plus the more weight I lose, the less I obsess about my hair/makeup/clothes. It's like, when you're overweight, you feel like everything else has to be perfect. I'd be willing to bet that if this were a forum about straight hair, there would be a lot of people wishing for curly hair. Raining today. Humidity galore. Not going to worry!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    3) wear a low cut shirt to distract from said hair.

    Bahahaha! So true. :laugh: I just stick that mess in a pony tail and wear a baseball cap to cover it up. I think I'd probably be really pretty if I could get my hair to behave. One time I had my hair blown straight at a salon - :love: - took a long time and it's too much trouble at home. I think I just need to find a good hair cut to try...
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    I have to switch it up because I'm convinced curly hair lies awake at night plotting how to overthrow the technique you just perfected.

    Ha! I thought my hair was the only hair that did this! Yes, I have to switch up my routine as well. I either pin curl it with serum (time consuming but looks great, and stays in for a whole day), or I blow dry it on low with mouse then tease the ends. Otherwise I straighten it to a wave. I can never get it quite right though. I do love argan oil as it makes it really shiny, but if I don't blow dry I hate the lack of volume :(
  • Assassins_Angel
    ive given up trying to get "curls" out of my hair its very thick atm and its just past my shoulders i used to straighen it with GHD's but my brother broke them and have been unable to replace them atm im using herbal essences tousle me softly which helps the frizz a little
  • happyclappy36
    My hair has always been hard to manage. It's fine but there's a lot of it and it gets quite wavy. I also have annoying baby curls that stick out above my ears. They have a tendency to spring up through the rest of my hair, which is very frustrating!

    I use damage repair shampoos and conditioners, then a leave in conditioner and straighten any unruly baby curls. That seems to do the trick. I've recently grown my hair long and my hair behaves so much better than it used to.

    Took me 20 years to get a handle on it!
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    Another vote for the curly girl method (altho my hair is curlier/frizzier than your wavy/curly ness) - I am no poo, no cone for over 3 tears now (use tresemme, naked, boots, whatever as long as the chemicals are right). My hair is a lot better than it was. I am not a good stylist tho - I blame total tomboy upbringing. If I wear it open: curl creme and low blowdry, it ooks amazing but tangles like mad and its windy here. Otherwise I tie it up and leave in oil, conditoner, pomade. looks good with a clip - kinda rubbish with a band. I co-wash it every morning which is a pain - I plait it to sleep but its all fuzzy in the morning. I think about exploring rollers, getting a blowdry occassionally to have more up and go hair for a few days but...
  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    I used to have LOTS of very wavy, very very fine hair. Impossible to do anything with. Because of the wave, shorter cuts looked better. I am extremely lazy, though, and could never make myself go to the salon often to maintain the cut. Now that prescription meds have considerably lessened my quantity of hair and color is also a necessity, I do go to the salon more often. I also use Bosley shampoos to grow more hair (it worked for everyone I know. I didn't tell my stylist, and she went bonkers over all of my new hair!) Last night I washed it with Redken curl shampoo, didn't comb it out and went to bed. A blast of Kendra Silkening Mist and I'm on my way.
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    Thanks for all the replies, I took notes on all your suggestions! You all should check out this tumblr:

    It's pretty funny, and makes me feel better about my hair