Weigh In

How often do we usually do our weigh in for our page? I have heard that weighing everyday is not that good for you, but then again I have heard the opposite? I have been on this site before and LOVE IT.....but, I have decided to try it again and try to stick with it!
Thanks in advance!

Current Wt: 236
Goal Wt: 170


  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Weighing in is not "good" or "bad" for you. Stress, on the other hand, is a killer. If you can handle knowing and keeping track of your weight every day without obsessing over it, then go ahead and do it. Some people just can't handle seeing the up-and-down fluctuations that are completely normal, so they weigh in less frequently, giving them a bigger chance of seeing the number go down each time they step on the scale.
  • TheLotusBlossom
    I work at a dialysis clinic, so I weight pt's every day lol. It's habit to get on the scale at least once a day.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I weigh every morning and put it in a spreadsheet. As long as the overall trend is down, that's good for me.

    Since my weight does fluctuate daily, I'mm afraid that if I picked a particular day a week to weigh in, it would end up always being a "high" day and I wouldn't see progress. As it is, the trend is down, even when individual days may be stuck or even a little up.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Weighing yourself every day or every hour or every minute or every year is not inherently good or bad. Your ability to cope with the fluctuations should be the determining factor in how often you weigh yourself (as mentioned by a previous poster). There are also no "rules" on how frequently (or not) you update your weight on mfp. So you can weigh yourself 100 times a day but only update the mfp number once a year (or never). I weigh myself every day (I do not freak out at ups and downs and feel daily weighing gives me a better handle on my body's reaction to things), I record on mfp once a week (up/down or whatever). Others record only losses (whenever they occur), others don't even look at the scale. It's a matter of finding what works for you and gives you the progress indication that you need/want. Try stuff out-see how it works-change it up until you find what makes you happiest.
  • TheLotusBlossom
    I like that idea! So true about the "high" day....I was wondering/thinking about weighing daily here, since it tracks it for me. And I have the mobile app.

    Current Wt: 236
    Goal Wt: 170
  • danthomson56
    I like to weigh in every day to keep myself on track. I recognize there is the normal fluctuation up and down, but I use it as a motivator. Seems to be working.
  • Soozee123
    Soozee123 Posts: 13
    I was brought up to weigh myself every week, at the same time of the day, wearing nothing, and preferrably after having abluted! In theory it is the lightest you can be, and we all strive for that.

    I have flirted with daily weigh ins, it is exciting that you might witness a loss, however small, which will fuel you on to the next loss, but if it's a gain........well, why bother dieting at all?? You could have such a good day previously and it doesn't reflect in what the scales are projecting. That is so soul destroying.

    I think what is needed here is some restraint, some good old fashioned will power, something I for one sorely lack. However, I do try, so I like to think of the weigh in as a treat; a chance to see what you have achieved. The result, however small, will be worth the wait. And hopefully it will be more sustainable than a fleeting 2lb loss that you just happened to capture that morning. At the end of the week you have the average loss, that's how I look at it. I think I am more likely to believe the weight lost at the end of a week than a random 3lb loss here and then a 2lb gain there.

    At the end of the day though, it is an individuals choice - and of course it is whatever spurs you on the most!!

    Good luck