runners - water/fluid belt recommendations

jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
I've never needed to run with water/fluids until now. For those of you who run with water (esp a belt of some type), what do you use? Pros/cons? Anything I should stay away from?


  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I've tried a lot of different hydration packs/bottles/vests as I've progressed with my running. Here are the pros/cons for the ones I've tried:

    Nathan hydration belt (this is the one most similar to mine, but mine is an older model:

    - Can carry more water than I usually do in a single bottle (you can also add on flasks with additional clips for more water if you need it)
    - Has a pocket to stow essentials when I'm on the road (keys, ipod, etc)
    - Fairly comfortable to sit on the hips
    - Easy to open/close tops to bottles/flasks

    - For some reason, my little flasks never seemed to be sealed tight and would sometimes leak on me
    - Depending on what I wore, my belt would sometimes ride up on me or I'd need to cinch it really tight to get it to stay in place
    - Can be heavy to have on your waist if you have a bunch of bottles on there

    Nathan Handheld 22 oz bottle (

    - Carries a decent amount of water for a longer run
    - Has a small zipper pocket to hold keys, small items

    - I found the bottle was too heavy for my one arm and my shoulder would often be sore after a long run

    Nathan Minimist Hydration Vest (

    I'm just starting to use this one, so I don't have a review for it yet, but I tried on quite a few different vests and this more minimalist style suited my needs better than the bulkier ones when more pockets/junk all over the place. Also, I really liked that this one had a lot of little pockets on the front of the vest (rather than a bigger zipper pocket on the back like many Camelpaks) that allows for easy access to things like S-caps, gels, etc.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I have the Fuelbelt Revenge 2 bottle belt.

    The pouch isnt big enough for anything but a key and lipbalm. I bought a medium pouch and it fits my Iphone and ID just fine and even GUs.

    2 bottles is enough for me, I only run tops 1/2 marathons so far. I use it without the bottles when I do shorter runs.

    It sits really well and doesnt bounce regardless of how much water or stuff I have.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Are they fairly stable/comfortable? That's my main "concern" with them is that the bottles will be bouncing/sliding/moving around the whole time.

    I'll mainly be using it for racing, so all I need to carry is the water and a few gels... ability to hold a phone/wallet/ipod isn't necessary.
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    get a camelbak or something like that. fuel belts are a pain. running with weight on your hips is awkward. the small bottles don't hold enough liquid and if you're doing any sort of trail running you will be worrying your bottles are going to fly out of your belt. it's happened to me on more than one occasion. i'm buying a camelbak this week or next. i can't wait to get rid of this belt.
  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    I have an amphipod for longer kind of tends to slide up on me and bounce...but it works...
  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    I have a Bell hydration pack that I have always used for cycling. Haven't had the need to use it for running but I plan to when I reach that level of training. Interested in seeing what others have to say.

    Edit: It has a small phone/ipod pocket on the front of one of the straps that I don't use for anything but it could hold some gel packs or 2 -3 clif bar minis.
  • Rebekah2918
    Rebekah2918 Posts: 22 Member
    I was just thinking this same thing during my run this morning! I have gone past the milage where you can make due without water. I am hoping more people will check in and give opinions.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member

    This is the one I use, but the one I got had 4 "race caps" instead of 2 but it doesn't bother me. I only had them leak on me once because the tops didn't screw on right but otherwise I've had great luck. The little pouch fits my blackberry and a pack of gummies. It's very comfortable. You might want to go to a running store and try them on for the sizing. I was between a small and medium so I got the medium to wear low on my hips and it's not as snug as I would like but it doesn't bounce around. The bottles are very stable in the holders and don't move or bother me while I'm running and they are easy to grab without breaking stride (although I usually use my "water breaks" as a 30 second walking break every 10 minutes or so on long distance runs). I highly recommend it overall.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Are they fairly stable/comfortable? That's my main "concern" with them is that the bottles will be bouncing/sliding/moving around the whole time.

    I'll mainly be using it for racing, so all I need to carry is the water and a few gels... ability to hold a phone/wallet/ipod isn't necessary.

    I've never had a bottle pop out of place once I've secured it into the holster.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Thanks for these suggestions. I'm doing a trail 1/2 marathon the first week in July. I have put off purchasing a fuel belt b/c I hate running with one. But, now I'm at the point that I have to buy one and use it on my last couple of long runs. I'll check out a couple of these.
  • cjcolorado
    cjcolorado Posts: 49 Member
    I typically only carry water on runs an hour or longer and in warmer weather. My favorite is a Fuel Belt 10oz handheld--just the right amount for me and a small pocket for an emergency Gu. For longer runs and trail runs I have used both a Fuel Belt Helium (with four bottles and a small pocket) and a Nathan Speed 2R Autocant (with two bottles and a small pocket). Honestly, both of them drive me nuts. To keep them from riding up or slipping down, I have to have them cinched pretty tight around my hips and butt which feels really awkward and I worry that it changes my stride. I just picked up an Amphipod 20oz handheld to try for a trail half-marathon in a few weeks where they require you to carry 20ozs with you (and for refilling at water stops). I haven't had the chance to try it yet, but the shape and feel of it in my palm is pretty decent. I'd love to hear more from people who run with different vest systems as that seems like the next logical option.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I run with an Amphipod belt. I don't know the exact model, but the bottles attach modularly so you can put 2,4, maybe even 6 if you had enough circumference to you. There's a pouch in the front with also a zippered part to it for gels/keys etc. The bottles will attach vertically or horizontally. Once you have the belt adjusted properly, it doesn't bounce.